lee guntae is wishing upon a star.

replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

 birthname  lee guntae

— taedy bear + girlfriend + a petname she given him because he is cuddly and cute
— bangbang + coworkers + for his work ethic and how every article he writes causes a big explosive 'bang bang'

 birthdate  jan. 12, 1986
 birthplce  seoul, kr
 ethnicity  korean

— korean + fluent + native
— english + conversational + studied

faceclaim. yoo ah in
backup fc. kim soohyun

— guntae is 171cm tall and weighs roughtly 68kg. he has quite some meat on him and works out around 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hours a day. guntae can look a little intiminating at first and because of how straight forward he is he tends to have a authorative and scary vibe even with his harry potter glasses. when guntae smiles though he can end up looking like a youthful carefree boy too. guntae is much to scared of pain and needles to ever get peircing or tattoos.


— because of his work he is pretty much dress nicely in button up shirts and pants pair up with derby shoes. it's nice, clean, presentable but still casual and comfortable, nothing like tight suits. and then his home or plain going out clothes are just simple tshirts, sweat shirts, with pants or jeans. he doesn't take fashion that seriously.

one | two } three | four | five


+ intelligent, loyal, independent, assertive
- cynical, domineering, inconsiderate, stubborn

Guntae is honestly the protagonist with an antagonist personality. He can be sweet and charming but also cynical and domineering, it all naturally depends on how you treat him and how he is feeling the day. He is a very professional sense of a person. Guntae has a very strong personality that is intimindating to a lot of people.  He doesn't hold back his opinions or thoughts. He tends to keep an arm length away from people simply because he doesn't care if they don't benefit him. He is not going to go out of his way to talk to someone who he will never talk to again or someome he would not gain anything from. He has a lot of pride in his work space and with his line of work he has to be more domineering to people. Guntae works hard and is a very stubborn person, he doesn't stop until he gets what he wants.

He does well on his own, from working to just being a homebody. Being a professional he knows when to be respectful and obident to those of higher power but if they are real asses, he does't stop himself from being a smart mouth. however if you've gotten on his good side this man is fairly loyal. He will stand up for his team and take the fault if someone did something wrong. He is really hard on himself when those around him fails because he would feel it is his fault for not guiding them right as well.

because his work life consumes basically 80% of his life he tends to appear more aggressive. towards his family and closer friends he is also pretty close off just more reserve, still a little intiminating, still stubborn, but more soft spoken, and cheery yes he even genuinely smile unlike his smug smirks he does at work.


bckground. Guntae is the youngest and second son to his parents. His household was pretty above average but they weren't rich folks. His father is a business professor, his mother a nurse, and his older brother of ten years is a chemist. You can say his childhood and upbringing shaped him into the person he is today. His parents were in their late thirties when they had him both super busy with their own careers and no 15 year old wants to play and hang around with a 5 year old. Guntae was mostly left in mostly his brother care who he typically just gave a book or toy to and went inside his own bedroom. Just being alone all the time made him realize he honestly didn't need to make friends to get by in life thus throughout his school life he hadly made friends, he just studied or read books on his own only making 1 or 2 really good friends who enjoy the same thing as he did.

In college he originally studied towards medicine just to show off a little to gain some attention from his parents but soon he was over the idea and enter into journalism to piss off his parents but he also took a interet in since he was young reading newspaper on his own.

Currently he is living with his fiance in a apartment down in Gangnam-gu district. He is a senior reporter now for The Korea Times.

fun facts.

— straight up black coffee
— classical music
— food ( he is not a picky eater )
— economics & history
— thriller, documentaries and action films

— loud music
— romantic comedies
— people who are late or careless of time
— strong fragrance
— when he doesn't get his morning coffee

— going to art museums ( it's a relaxing place to him )
— reading ( non fictions, bios, history, and news papers )
— working out ( mostly running and cardio work out at the gym )
— cooking ( being alone he had a lot of time and he learn to cook on his own but he hardly does now since he started working )
— he is a homebody so he doesn't have a lot of hobbies, he very much pefers to just stay home and watch netflix

— uses a peach scent lip balm his fiances gave him all the time because he has a habit of his lips causing it to be dry
— clicking his tongue when he is about to do something amazing, or has a good idea, or someone finally understand him
— when he gets frustrated he gets angry at everyone and can be easily trigger

— major in journalism and minor in psychology
— has a soft spot for dogs
— he smokes and is tryign to quit so he always carries a pack of gum with him but he slips throughout the week and smoke to distress
— can hold his alcohol well
— is allergic to nuts
— scared of heights


— father : lee hongtae / 68 / professor / authorative, stern, intelligent, reserve

his father was a very typical cons\ervative asian father who left taking care of the kids to the mother. the two never had a close bond and there had always been this hierarchy lifestyle between them. guntae unlike his older brother who was the obident golden son, he talked back more and often got into arguements with his father when he was in highschool and college. they stopped talking with eachother now for almost 6 years now.

— mother : kim minhee / 66 / retire nurse / soft spoken, respectable, kind, friendly

although she had always been busy with work and the two are also not that close they at least still speak to one another and care for one another. she knows her fault and tries to make up for it now that she is retire. she visit him about once a week bringing him food and just checking up. there is plently of awkward silences between the two but when parting they always hug and kiss on the cheek.

— older brother : lee youngtae / 41 / chemist / outgoing, charming, caring, outspoken

everysince guntae was young he began being more hostile towards his brother due to jealousy. he was always praised and boast about. his is always a smart mouth towards youngtae while youngtae always tried to befriend him and guide him now that he is older. he also knows his fault of pushing guntae aside when they were younger. the brother always ends up argueing because of guntae's smart mouth since youngtae doesn't like taking that crap from him.


— best friend : kang kiyoung / 34 / reporter(coworker) / loud, friendly, silly, sincere

the only real close friend guntae could rely on. they met in high school and guntae was actually annoyed with this kid at first but he was persistent and they soon because friends whiles bonding over trivial facts and history. kiyoung can tell whats going on in guntae's head with just one look. they two bicker a lot over petty things but has a strong bromance going on as well.



— fiance : kwon bora / 31 / freelance photographer /
+ tough, creative, easy going, warm hearted
+/- ambitious, frugal, emotional, predictable
- transparent, paranoid, indecisive, stubborn

they two meet in college whiles taking creative writing class. there were friends for two years before they started dating. they were both home bodies and just really enjoy each other company's whether itsj ust reading quietly, watching a movie, visitng art museums, chilling at  coffee shops, the two just enjoy it together. she was actually the one who changed him into a softer man. you think he is bad now you should had seen him before he met her, he was way more cynical and cold. she just had such a joyful and warmhearted vibe to her that melt his cold heart. she was wise but understanding which was something he loved about her. what she loved about hin was that although he put a cold front and gives tough love he really loyal and takes care of those around him secrectly. after a stressful day work he would often come home and just snuggle in her arms to relax thats why she calls him teady bear. they both enjoy being with each other but also respect and acknowledges that ones needs space and alone time as well. bora has a very motherly vibe towards guntae and takes care of him well emotionally and mentally whiles he takes care of her pyshically like cooking, cleaning, watching her clumsy self so she doesn't get hurt. after dating or 7 years guntae propose  to her. at the age of 28 they were engage even though they been living with one another since 25. it's been three year since the engagement and since guntae has become so busy with work they been holding off the wedding. and guntae started neglecting his fiance.


"I WISH i could get inside her head and see what and how she's feeling!"

guntae's wish was out of impulse because he was frustrated and angry


— wishes to guntae are pointless. he is practical and an action taker therefor he believes wishes are just for lazy people who uses it as an excuse not to get things done.

comments. i don't know if this was what you're looking for but i hope it was an easy read. your storyline seems pretty open so i came up with this.


— none at the moment



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