A pinch of hope and a awkward girl

Just like my last post this one is also about love. But instead of mopping around there might be some hope for me. So there is this guy at my school, let’s just call him A. So he is a senior and I am a jr and we only have one class period together and that’s PE. I don’t talk to people as I am new to the school and only have a small group of friends. And one of them goes to class with me and Mr. volleyball (we call him that bc his spikes are like bullet shoots). She, let’s call her Cat, and my other friend ships us like crazy to the point to where they say he’s my boyfriend. As of right now it nothing more than physical attraction as he is physically everything I want in a guy no joke. So according to cat when I’m not looking at him he would look at me. And according to our other friend, cat told her that when I wasn’t at school this one time he asked for me and about me. It’s not like how friends worry about each other and say that as I do not talk to him as I’m new to the school as I came to that school two months ago and new once spoken to him. I mean I do I want to talk to him it’s just that it will be awkward as I am a awkward person who only talks to people I like or comfortable with. So talking to him is hard. I don’t know anymore weather he likes me or not or if I should talk to him. Please someone help me come up with an excuse to talk to him. 


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Hmm.. You can borrow something from him as an excuse.... a piece of gum lol idk.... If you two never had a real conversation before.... just a simple "hello" and a smile can break the ice! Sometimes life has many surprises and you never know when you'll have an oportunity to chat! good luck :D