Ok who's heard about the ex-girlfriend, who is threatening her idol ex-boyfriend?? Well it seems that Park YooChun (Micky) has been accused of being the idol.....

But the main point of this blog is about what she said....

She says she wants like some billion bucks or she'll release pics of the idols................... Upper body, I was reading and I was like O.o hehe pics of a pretty idol boy (I know this is bad but come on pic of one of the idol boys *Wiggles eyebrows*) but then I read.... Upper body. I was like wtaf(What the actual ) you can find shirtless pics of almost all idol boys on google already *For free*  I mean come on what kind of blackmail is that *Raises eyebrow*

I mean come on I have pics of a bunch of idol boys saved, could I blackmail them too??? Lol ...

But on a serious note do people need money this bad that they have to stoop so low *and stupidly* to try and get it???

Tell me what you think about this in the comments..

Please and Thank you,

Much Love,






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Niji-Neon #1
When did he date this crazy chick ?