About Me

Race: Scientifically There's No Such Thing. But I'm like a medium brown..i guess.

Zodiac Sign: the fish thingy

Favorite animals: That little white ceaser dog. Quiet Chihuahuas, Koala bears, JongHyun's dog named Roo, and sloths.

저는 니지 임니다 ! I'm from Arkansas but I've always lived in metro areas, I hate the country parts it's just.... eww guhross also, for lack of better words, where the supremest and skin heads are usually located. I don't think they'd like my 'tan'. (if you get what I mean) Im practically in love with K-Pop, J-Rock, And any other music that sounds good, i dont care what Language its in. I don't really broadcast my love of Asian culture because most of the people in my school are pothead cyborgs that think the music on the radio is the only type of music there is. They would constantly be on my glutious maximis about it.

I first got into the Japanese culture when i was 6 or 7 when i watched my first Anime, Inu Yasha.  that was like a gateway Anime for me that lead me to get into (obsess over ) J-Pop and J-Rock up until 2009, which is when I discovered the wonderful world of K-Pop. My first K-Pop songs, if I remember correctly were Bi-Rain - Rainism, 2PM - Without U, BigBang & 2NE1 - Lollipop, 2PM - Heartbeat, TVXQ/DBSK - Mirotic, SNSD - Gee, 2NE1 - Fire, and  SHINee - Lucifer. When I saw Key in Lucifer I seriously thought he was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen and thats when I knew that I had found something great.

Key. Key is the reason I found out about the pairings when I was learning about SHINee. The first pairing I saw could'nt be more perfect. JongKey, they really are the perfect combination.

My biases first 5 in order by how my ovaries react: Myung Soo, Ki Seop,Key, Kevin,  Yu Ha Min, Sung Jong, Jong Hyun, JaeHyo, AJ, Lee Joon, Chun Ji, Dong Ho, Se Young, Chae Jin, T.O.P, Amber, Hee Chul, Jun Ho, LJoe, Woo Young, Zico, Eli, Sung Jong, B-Bomb, Taec Yeon, Tae Min, Onew, Niel, GD, Seung Ri, P.O., Ki Kwang, Mika, Si Won, Dong Hae, Seung Ho, G.O., Thunder, Kyu Hyun, Sung Min, Tablo(he's a musical magician) ,CL, REN( oh my lawd he's just to beautiful in the manliest way possible!!) , Zelo, there's more but I cant think of them right now.

My Favorite pairings(not in order,yet): MyungJong/LJong, SeJin, ChunJoe, JunSeung, KevSeop/VinSeop, ElVin, EunHae, SiChul(Siwon/HeeChul), JoonMir, KiHyo(Ki Seop/Jae Hyo), N.A.P., GTop, KyuMin, GRi, 2min, InQ, OnChicken, and probably the only het pairings I'll read are the BIG21 pairings. I'm open to new suggestions and pairings.