Epik Academy :: Kim Donghan is joining Imrud


Kim donghan


BIRTHNAME : Kim Donghan

— Mr. Printer: He got this nickname from Chuu because he is able to draw almost anything in perfect detail.

— Boy with the glasses: Some of his classmates forget his name right after he introduced himself on the first day of school and they call him this due to him always wearing his round shaped glasses.

DATE OF BIRTH : April 10, 2000
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
COURSE : Donghan is concentrating on field of arts. He is in class 2C

— Korean-Fluent:Native language

— English-80%- Learned it from school. He can speak the language and understand it but he pauses between his words when he is uncertain of what word to use.


the student card

FACE CLAIM : Kim Donghan(JBJ)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 181cm and 67kg


— Nothing different from the picture above. He stands at 181cm tall, has a strong build, and always wears his round framed glasses. Usually keeps a poker face at all times.


— Donghan's style mostly consists of hoodies, black, gray, and white to be specific. He always wears his round framed glasses. He also has skinny jeans and black rubber shoes. Long sleeve shirts are also part of his closet as well as a variety of jackets.


digging deeper

Thoughtful, him being an introvert helped him develop this trait along with being a critical thinker. This also helped him think before he speaks meaning he avoids hurting peoples feelings with words. He becomes more mindful with his words making him appreciated as a polite and considerate person. Attentive, a benefit of being shy. It helped him develop his listening skills. Sure he may not involve himself in conversations but that doesn't mean he doesn't listen. His shyness allows him to open his ears and become attentive. People feel accepted when they talk to him cause they know he listened to every word they said. Insightful,  he see's through dishonesty and disingenuous motives. He isn't easily manipulated by others since he can spot when he is being manipulated. This allowed Donghan to understand people in a deeper way. He became a pro in observing people's behaviours, motivations, masks, and minds. Approachable, this gives Donghan an advantage in appearing non-threatening to others. His appearance helps reduce their chances of aggressive confrontation in many situations. Unlike loud mouths, shy people like Donghan are more likable. But this could also result in many more social interactions which Donghan is worried about due to his shyness. He thinks that people would think that they are talking to a doll since he doesn't frequently respond in conversation's and he doesn't want them to think that.

Sensitive, when someone challenges or criticizes Donghans' principles or values, he would give out an alarmingly strong response. He is very vulnerable to criticism and conflict. Perfectionist, Donghan wants everything to be perfect when he plans for something. In his drawings you can also see how much of a perfectionist he is, he hates commiting mistakes and would do it all over again if he has to.  Lack of social interaction, Donghan lacks this so much. The only people he interacts with on a daily basis is his parents and anyone who chooses to speak with him first. This makes him lack social experience. When people start talking to him, he has some difficulty in responding back. Private, he doesn't usually tell people about himself that much. He tells them the essential things like his name, age, his birthday, and if asked then also his ability. 

Quiet, the perks of being a shy person, they keep their mouth shut for majority of the time you spend with them. Donghan likes the quiet and is still trying to get used to the noisy environment. Shy, Donghan rarely initiates the conversation. He only talks when he needs to respond to a question, feels the need to talk to that person, bored and wants someone to talk to(a very rare occasion). Appealing, becuase of his quiet and usually guarded personality, his mysterious persona became attractive too some people. Some girls would approach him and say how handsome he is but he would only respond with a small smile or a barely audible 'thank you' before rushing of somewhere else as he really is clueless when it comes to love and recieving compliments. Caring, Donghan takes care of the people who are close to him. He comforts them when they are feeling lonely or sad making him a person to go to when you just need someone to comfort you.

Hopefully he will have some development as the story progress. He would slowly become more confident and talkative unlike his previous self.

Donghan was the typical introvert. It was mainly due to his social anxiety. No one knows where it came from not even his parents but they didn't think about it too much since there are a lot of kids who act like him. Donghan would be the kid just drawing on his sketchpad in the park while the other kids play on the playground. Sometimes other kids would invite him to play and he would politely decline and continue drawing. His mom noticed that he really enjoyed drawing, it was his only hobby and he was quite good at it. He drew everything he saw outside, things that popped into his mind, and other things. She would buy him sketchpads and pencils whenever he ran out. Donghan was thankful to have such a caring and thoughtful mother but hated the fact that she was married to a ruthless drunkard. Yes his father is a drunkard. He would go home late every night with the scent of beer all over his body and would just pass out on the floor. Donghan ignored this and continued on with his life.

The time his ability showed was when he was in the 5th grade. He was being bullied around by three other kids when school was over. They cornered him in an alley and started taking his stuff. Things got physical and the kids started kicking him as he was laying on the floor. His sketchbook suddenly opened and a large wolf came out of it. It growled catching the attention of the kids. They screamed at the sight of the huge beast and started running away. Once the kids were gone, it walked towards Donghan and hopped back into the sketchpad. He was left stunned by the event that took place. As a 5th grader, having powers meant the world to him. He tried doing it again but with smaller drawings but it didn't seem to work. He figured that this ability only worked when he actually needed it to. He never told his parent's about it and kept it to himself.

7th grade came and so did a new student with a very bubbly personality. Even though he was the complete opposite of her, he managed to make friends with her and actually become close(entire story of how they became friends is in the love interest part :) ). Donghan felt comfortable when speaking with her and completely loses his social anxiety when they have a conversation. He was sad to see her go when they were just about to enter the 10th grade. She said was transferring to a 'different' school due to some reasons.  He returned to his normal introverted self, alone and no one to talk to, well except for some of his classmates who intiate conversations with him from time to time. 

One night, he woke up to the sound of yelling. He could hear his parent's arguing downstairs and it sounded like things were getting heated up. He went down just in time to see his father hurting his mom. He ran towards him and threw him off his mom. Out of nowhere, the wolf from his sketchpad came down and bite his father's left arm until it bled. Donghan yelled for the wolf to stop and it did. His father ran out of the house with his bleeding arm while Donghan was treating his mother's injuries. The wolf was silently laying by their side while Donghan was explaining to his mom where the wolf came from.

"I know about mutants. I just didn't expect you to be one." Donghan's mother said.

"Come, I know a friend of mine who runs a school which helps mutants control their abilities. I'll take you there." She added.

"But what about you? What if he comes back?" Donghan said as he looked at the door still hanging open.

"Don't worry son. I'll be staying at your grandparent's house from now on." She reassured him.

The drive was long since the school was deep in the forest. It was early in the morning when they arrived and most of the staff were still asleep. They met Kim Jungsik and talked about their situation and got Donghan enrolled in the school. After saying his goodbyes to his mom, he was shown all the places and the place where he would be staying. Donghan thanked Jungsik for showing him the school and got into his room. He was now more anxious than ever. This was not only a new school but it also had mutants with different powers. He just hoped that he wouldn't die on the first day of class.

He was walking down the halls and saw someone handing out some flyers saying something about a club. One part of his brain was telling him to just walk the other way but the other part was telling him that if he wanted to change for the better then maybe joining a club would be a good start, and so he approached the girl who introduced herself as Solar. She had a bright and friendly aura which Donghan immediately noticed. She told him about what they do in the club and how they treat their members. It was enough for Donghan to join the Imrud once he discovered how the other clubs worked. He was now officially part of the Imrud club. There were many other members who had unique powers and he enjoyed seeing them use it. He also met up with his old highschool friend while he was about to go inside the club room. He is started enjoying being part of the Imrud club. They were really nice people and some of them had a sense of humor which always kept the club members laughing.


-Quiet places
-People who are fun to be with
-The color blue
-Being complimented
-Sci-fi movies
-Drawing extraordinary creatures that pop into his mom
-Korean Pop(K-pop)
-Favorite band is EXO
-Kimchi Tuna Fried Rice
-Organized things
-Favorite animal is a dog
-Winter and Snow
-Watching people with unique powers
-Good coffee on a rainy day

-Amusement park rides
-Pessimistic People
-Bullies and haters
-Messy workspace
-Peanuts(not allergic but just doesn't like it)
-Sudden loud noises
-Low battery phone
-Ruining his drawing
-Burnt popcorn
-Dramatic/overy emotional people
-Getting Lost
-Enclosed spaces

-Fixes stray hairs
-Fidgets with his hands when he is nervous
-Taking walks at night
-Stretching for 5 minutes every morning
-Taking the stairs instead of the elevator if he isn't in a rush
-Drinks 2 liters of water a day
-Drinks tea before sleeping
-Organizing his things almost every hour

— Hobbies (min 2)

-He draws his mom on his sketchpad the day before her birthday and gives the drawing to her as a present. 
-He secretly dances and sings to EXO songs when no one is around
-He has around 13 sketchpads which he kept throughout his childhood.
-He brought them all with him when he moved into the dorms.
-Early bird


want to be friends?


— Friend : Solar /Leader of the Imrud Club / Caring, Friendly, Outstanding / 8/10
She was the one who introduced Donghan to the Imrud club. She has a very strong prescence in the club and treats the members well. Donghan is thankful that he ended up in a club with a very respectable and kind leader. Solar saw that Donghan was the introvert type of person but saw how he was enjoying himself while watching the others show off their powers and crack jokes.

— Friend : Yves / Secretary of the LOONA club / Smart, Responsible, Kind / 5/10
Chuu introduced him to Yves when they were walking down the hall and bumped into her. They don't have much interaction but Yves was very friendly and talked a lot about the school and the student's in it while all three of them were together.


the mutation

POWER : Art Manipulation

CLUB : Imrud Club


— Donghan can bring out any drawing of his and project them into reality to fight by his side.


— He can only project few drawing's at a time and the duration of the drawing depends on his energy.
— Donghan needs to have a source of art to project things into reality. Otherwise, he has to draw on any surface first before he can project it to reality.


— His mutation protects him from any kind of toxic and poisonous materials.


LOVE INTEREST : Kim Jiwoo/Chuu


— Chuu is full of high spirits! She has a very bubbly personality meaning she has a lot of energy, loves to laugh, can be annoying sometimes, enthusiastic, happy, and perky. She could also be clumsy sometimes.


— It started when they were in the 7th grade. Chuu was a new student at the school where Donghan was in. She walked in the classroom as instructed by the professor facing his class. She gave out her best smile to make a good impression on her first day. She introduced herself and the teacher pointed to where she was going to sit. Donghan was completely lovestruck the moment he saw her smile. It was the very first time he had experienced the feeling of falling head over heels for someone and he had no idea what he had to do. He would get really nervous whenever she was close by, his heart would beat rapidly and his mind was going into a state of panic. He can't stop thinking about her but can't seem to think properly when she is around. It didn't help that she was quite the extrovert, constantly approaching every single student being all friendly and all that. He caught himself staring at her during the teachers lecture and when he was called to answer a question, he wasn't able to give the right answer because he was too busy focusing on her. It was embarrasing to fail in front of her but something about her laugh made it seem ok to fail.

Some of the girls in the class, specifically 3 of them, were getting really annoyed with Chuu. They say that she is an attention and that she is just putting up a front. They confronted her about this during break time. Chuu was getting her books for the next subject when all of a sudden, the three girls slammed her locker shut. They told her all about how they were disgusted by her attempts in making a front and pretending to be all nice. Chuu said that she didn't understand what they were saying which angered one of the girls leading her to push Chuu causing her to fall on the floor. Donghan saw this as he was leaving the classroom to get his books as well. He grabbed his sketchbook and with all his might, willed out the bats he drew in the past. The drawings came to life and started flying towards the girls scaring them away. Donghan approached Chuu when the other girls were gone.

"Are the bats gone?" Chuu asked while her eyes were still closed.

"Yes." Donghan said as he held out his arm.

Chuu opened her eyes and saw Donghan in front of her lending a helping hand which she happily took. Once their hands made contact, Donghan felt as if he was holding hands with a famous celebrity but he did his best to contain this excitement. She thanked him for his help and picked up her books and went back to the classroom. Ever since that day, Chuu started approaching him more and more with each time Donghan felt more comfortable with her around. He never thought that they would actually become good friends, of course his feelings were still there, his heart would still beat as if he just ran a marathon everytime she was close to him.

Chuu had to transfer to EPIK due to her parent's wanting her to control and develop her powers. She told Donghan that she would be transferring to another school due to reasons, she didn't tell him that she herself was a mutant because she knew mutants were looked down in society and she didn't want her relationship with Donghan to be broken in an instant. Donghan constantly thought about her even when she was gone. He wished he could have done more when she was still with him, how he could've told her what he was feelings regardless of what she may think.

Donghan was now part of the Imrud Club and was about to enter the room when he heard a way too familiar voice that always made his heart skip a beat. He turned to see Chuu on the other side of the hall with the same big smile on her face as the first time he saw her.  She ran towards him and Donghan couldn't help but smile and see how she hasn't changed at all. It was a little too late when he noticed her trip and crash into him. With their faces dangerously close to each other, Donghan felt it once again, his heart was beating as if he just ran a marathon. Chuu quickly got off him and helped him up. She started talking about how surprised she was to see him in a school like this while Donghan was just happy to see her again when he thought she would be gone forever.


— I hope they end up together!


— She would sometimes speak in third person. "Chuu is going to eat now."
—Very clumsy
—Prefers dresses over pants
—Favorite fruit is Strawberry
—Caused a lot of awkward moments with her and Donghan due to her clumsiness
—Sweets are her life!
—Best friends with Yves


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring here?: 

— "It's very new and kinda scary since I have never been to school like this before."

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

— "I can bring any drawing, painting, basically any form of art into reality."
Donghan demonstrates by drawing a small dog on his sketchpad and bringing it to reality.

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

— "If a fight is needed then I'll conjure up the beasts I've stored in these sketchpads. Things that you've never seen before."

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

— "I really enjoy my club, I'm part of the Imrud club. I think clubs are a great way of finding out where you fit in."

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

— "Well, like I said I'm part of the Imrud club and I really enjoy it their because they feel like a family to me, we all share a lot of laughs and show our powers. I don't really like the Vasilias club, they've pulled a lot of pranks and some didn't really end well. I just hope they know when they've gone too far with their pranks."


KezMER : JEAN  :  turn in

COMMENTS : Oh boy I am finally done! I hope it wasn't too disappointing since I used a free plot and not one of the main plotlines XD. I hope you liked it!


— Big army fights!!! WOOOOH
— The clubs banding together since they need to face an enemy none of them can face alone.
— Revealing secrets that will shake the entire plot!
—Fights between clubs
—Fluff scenes between Donghan and Chuu that will make us go uwu XD

PASSWORD : Imrud (it just rolls of the tounge XD)



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There is a problem though, since I had to fit everyone in 6 years of age, some of the students have different ages than normal, and Chuu is a 2000 liner in this story
I'm uwu'ing already