I'm Done.


I burned those journals. 

The ones that caused me so much pain and anger.

And I realized something.

I'm done.

I'm done feeling alone. I'm done feeling like crap. I'm done changing myself for other people. I'm done fixing things that don't need to be fixed. I'm done asking people for help. I'm done being held up. 

I want to feel loved. I want to feel good. I want to be happy with myself. I want to polish what I already have. I want to help myself. I want to hold myself up.

I'm done freaking about my weight. I'm done drowning myself in the memories of things that happened. I'm done putting myself together and then falling apart again. I'm done hiding myself behind someone that I'm not. I'm done worrying about what other people think of me. I'm done being underweight and unhappy.

I want to be able to eat without guilt. I want to embrace my past. I want to keep myself together permanently. I want to be myself. I want to be able to act without being judged. I want to be healthy.

Things need to change for myself.

Things need to change for you.

You have to change things for yourself. Nobody can make you happy except for yourself.

The people who annoy me the most are the people who sit and expect things to change for themselves. Life doesn't work that way. If it did, nobody would have problems.

Things aren't just going to change.

This takes time. This takes effort. This takes mental and physical strength. But you need to start somewhere, don't you?

It doesn't matter how small the step. Forward is forward.

Sometimes you need to look at your problems and just step back and say you're done.

Let go of those toxic people. Let go of those toxic things in your life. Throw away your demons, trash your worries. Those things do not define you. Those people's words do not define you.

You. Define. Yourself.

Don't let them do something that is your job.

We're done letting other things bring us down.

Be done.

I'm done.

You're done.


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Well said :) Continue to be amazing
I'm so happy for you!
You go, girl :)
i'm so happy for you right now
you're so strong, gracie, i admire you so much
okay baby... I keep ing up....I'll be home in 30
I'm so happy that you listen to me and took my advice maybe I should take yours too