New updates! Yay!

March is turning out to be a good month cuz "dun dun dun" we have another update! This time it's Love Bites! I know a lot of you guys were excited about my vampire concept, but you were also prewarned this was an inbetween fic! But fear not, your loyal author has updated and you can tell me what you guys think of the newest chapter and read it here:

Also I am still doing consistent editing on Keys to Happiness, the first 14 chapters are completely edited now so you can check that out. 

Fate Maybe is up for updates next so those reading, look forward to that as well! 

Finally, some of you may not have known, but I am on WattPad along with my main stories so you can check that out @AndreaWatts or here:

As always much love <3


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