Have you ever felt like you're drifting?

Because I keep feeling like my best friend for the past five years and I have been drifting away slowly....And I can't take it. I cry often, worried about what will happen and I feel like I'm trying to hold out my hand to grasp at her, but due to life events that keep me busy, I just feel her drifting. Before we would talk forever, now it's a hit or miss....And the start of each conversation feels like pulling teeth and God I never complain or cry in front of others, but I feel like I won't be able to hold out any longer. 


I feel so pathetic, wanting to cry when I know this is my fault. I should grow up, but it hurts....


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Sometimes that just happens as we grow up. Life takes us into different directions and people unintentionally change and grow apart. But it's perfectly normal/okay to be upset about it. A lot of time and emotion goes into friendship, so sad if the friendship fizzles out. But I hope you're okay!
Nah, it's natural to feel sad about something like this! I'd say, if you've been best friends for this long though you should tell her how you feel. Just talk honestly and such about everything that's been on your mind.
I think it's a normal thing where everyone will somehow experience it during certain phrases of life . When you're in school / college you feel that the friendship is stronger because you get to meet with each other everyday even if it's just for a short time . However , once you leave school and etc , you no longer have the time to do things you usually do together. And some how that makes you feel like you're drifting away. It's actually a part of adulthood as well in a way. You'll feel the same thing too once you are in the marriage stage with kids and etc .. It's all part of life. So don't be too alarmed. Just accept it in a good way. Friendship come and go but only true one will stay. Basically as you grow, you'l realized that your friends are actually only a handful .
I've been in the same boat plenty of times and most of the time I know I'm the one at fault. I legit roll my eyes if my friends of nth year try to make conversation first. I just hate starters like 'how have you been?'. I mean once in a while I can't complain, but if we're drifting because of me or him/her and that's the text I get then it's like...meh, all good.

However, I do hope you and your friend will talk more since it seems like you don't want to lose her as a friend. I say confront and reach out to her first about how you're feeling :D let her know you don't want to lose your guys' friendship. I'm sure she senses you both drifting as well so if she won't reach out to you first, you have to do it~ You're not pathetic. Good luck and fighting!