REESE + teresa doesn't particularly like her birth name, and so this is the name most people know her by (if you're not sure why she went by 'reese' instead of terry, it's because she used to go to school with someone called terry and she sure as hell didn't want to be known as 'terry 2' or 'female terry')
NOT MOTHER TERESA  + this name was a result of her coworkers' very astonishing (and by that she means very  very bad, just in case you don't recognise sarcasm as well as other people do) sense of humor and creativity when they realised she was nowhere near the icon of peace and charitability she shares her name with.
PHONE GIRL + if you've ever ordered pizza at the pizza place where noel and reese work at, you'll probably be familiar with her voice. she's the girl in charge of answering the phone when people call to order, and she doesn't normally do much aside from that unless she has to step in for another delivery person.
DOB 2712 & 18
HOMETOWN boxburgh,  ia
ETHNICITY caucasian
FACES bridget satterlee + cara delevingne
standing at 175cm tall, reese has no problem whatsoever standing out from the crowds. not that without her height, she'd have much of a problem standing out, with her big brown eyes, delicate nose, perfectly arched brows and charming smile, but it does make a significant difference with the added height. her hair is currently a dirty blonde, cascading down to her upper back. she has three cartilage piercings on her left ear and none on her right.
her dress style is a bit different to the rest. instead of bright colors and denim, she chose instead to stick to styles largely focused on black and leather, inspired by the rock and punk bands at the time. what she wears changes often, but it's never really a 'reese' outfit without her trademark studded leather jacket and combat boots (and fishnets if she's wearing a skirt). she doesn't wear a lot of jewelry, but she likes to wear mismatched earrings or chokers. reese really doesn't care for makeup either, so she tends to just use lipstick and eyeliner (both dark) and that's it.
her style doesn't change in the winter as she's not really that affected by the weather, but she wears skirts less during the winter (she still does when she's feeling rebellious because who are you to tell her she's not allowed to wear skirts in the winter?).
SUMMARY reese is...well, she's a combination of what parents hate the most in having teenage children, to be honest. she's smart and resourceful when she needs to be, however instead of using her brains on studying and getting a good job, most people see her as wasting her talents on completely useless things when she could be doing so much more with the level of intelligence she has. it's not to say that she doesn't like learning, though, it's just that the things she tends to learn stray quite far from the studious bookworm things most people expect someone as smart as her would be interested in learning. not only is it bad enough that she wastes her brains on useless things, she's also a rebel, and she likes to play by her own rules, not letting anyone else tell her what she can and can't do. she hates being restrained by things that don't even make sense, and if she doesn't think the rules in place are very important, you can be sure that she'll break them every opportunity she gets. she doesn't do it just to spite people (though it is a benefit that comes from breaking the rules), she just likes her freedom, and if breaking the rules gets her that freedom, she'll gladly do that. her sarcastic attitude doesn't help either, and though she really doesn't mean any harm with any of her comments, she still ends up accidentally offending someone sometimes with her sharp, witty sense of humor. naturally, all adults hate the hell out of her, and all those of the younger generation who are on her good side love her.
inspiration. mainly based on until dawn's emily davis and life is strange's chloe price
extra. cigarettes, multicolored graffiti, raspberry lollipops, breaking rules, dark lips, midnight trips to the rooftop, profanity written in the night sky with sparklers, breaking into restricted zones, bright smiles, hair flying in the wind
BACKGROUND growing up in possibly the worst part of boxburgh, ia, it's not a surprise she became the way she is now. she was born to a lower class family, where both her parents worked multiple jobs just to get them enough food to eat for the year. needless to say, when they discovered how much of a genius their youngest daughter was, they were set on making her their way out of poverty. 
her life had been micromanaged to the second in order to guarantee her a successful future, but after years of not being able to do things the way she wanted, but the way her parents wanted, she decided it wasn't worth it. she wasn't going to go through all that trouble.
she currently lives away from her parents, in a tiny apartment she'd managed to save up to rent, and she works at the local pizza place.
THOUGHTS she knows literally nothing about the camp other than the fact that it had been closed down before, and had just opened recently, so she really had no opinion about the trip when the person who had been supposed to go with noel that day called in sick and their manager assigned reese to be their replacement. but you know, there's probably a reason it closed down, and she's kind of interested to find out why.
- she's incredibly smart, so much so that advanced calculus stopped being a problem for her at the age of 14 (which is precisely why most people think she's wasting her talents working at a pizza place)
- knows how to swear in multiple languages, but doesn't bother to learn any other part of the language aside from the swear words
- she absolutely hates being treated like a child (she's the youngest worker at the pizza place, and a lot of people treat her like a kid)
- she acts all cool and rebellious but the second you step into her apartment, you'll realize she's a complete geek because of all the video games and comic books she has just lying around
- loves rock or punk rock. you'll probably see her at every concert there is, and chances are, she just sweet-talked the guards into letting her in
- she's actually very well educated when it comes to survival techniques because she'd read a book about it years ago and has since then decided that she was going to learn all the survival skills she could just in case she was stranded on a deserted island or something like that
- is blessed with the body type where it's hard for her to get fat, therefore she has an excuse to eat as much junk food as she wants to
- her best friend is her skateboard. no kidding, she brings it literally everywhere
- despite her reputation, she's not hard to get close to. if you're willing to sit down and talk to her about the legend of zelda for hours on end, she will love you
- people think she's a bad person when in reality, she just wants to be able to have fun like any other person her age. honestly, she probably can't even find it in herself to hurt a fly
(hover for explanation)
teresa prefers...
a lack of shelter or a lack of supplies? lack of shelter. she could build a good shelter with the right supplies, but if she's out of supplies, she may as well be dead within the next few days.
talking your way or punching your way out of every situation? talking her way out of things, because as much as she'd like to punch the hell out of people, she won't ever stoop that low just to get her way. besides, it's a lot more respectful to get the things you want through talking than beating people up.
ruling the world or living in a world with no problems? living in a world with no problems. ruling the world would be too much responsibility, and she isn't going to sacrifice her time and effort for that.
knowing how you'll die or when you'll die? she prefers knowing how she die, so she can just try to get herself killed every other way aside from the way she'll actually as a major f.u. to fate, because hey, she won't die anyway, right? the worst that could happen is she'll get stuck in hospital for the rest of her life.
sleeping late or sleeping early? sleeping late. she can basically survive on 3 hours of sleep a day anyway, and she can get more stuff done if she sleeps late.
giving up your walkman or your atari 2600? how about she trade you three free boxes of pizza and keep both?
what kind of pizza do you like? it's a trick question. she likes all kinds of pizza, she wouldn't be working at a pizza place if she didn't.
(hopefully you can tell by the q&a that she doesn't really like playing by the rules sometimes)
#nowplaying : where's the party
COMMENTS oh my gosh she's such a mess (and i think she'll be the first to die tbh because "hey look that sign over there says we shouldn't go into that abandoned building who's coming with me") but i hope you like her!!!!
(( so basically she does a lot of the things she does as like a huge middle finger to her parents because they've taken away so much of her life as a child to force her to constantly study things she didn't want to, and now she wants her own life back. so now she's like, 'oh you want me to be a doctor? well screw that i'm going to work at a pizza parlor because you.' she was into geek culture as a child, but her parents took a lot of that away from her once they realized her potential, so i guess she's just catching up with all the stuff she'd missed? she still keeps in contact with some of her closer friends in high school, because she knows that they'll be supportive of the desicion she'd made and honestly the lectures aren't a huge problem for her because the only people that come in to the pizza place are the younger generation, so the most they would say would be like 'you could be doing so much more with your life' and she'll be like 'yeah i know, but at least i'm happy here'. as for the calculus thing, her parents realized she was much smarter than the average person earlier than that, and had pushed her to learn to test their theories. ))
- i guess i want to see reese's more vulnerable side? like she seems so brave and daring but if something happens and she actually gets scared for once it would be nice?
- if they watch a horror movie please make reese go around scaring the crap out of everyone (she'll probably recruit someone to help her as well haha)
- the characters finding a shelter but it's like, locked and reese just pulls out a bobby pin and starts just picking the lock.
PASSWORD poltergeist
cam / inhaleexhale / 90%


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