inhaleexhale. cam. 9. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
jung haneul
"it''s complicated."
FULL NAME — jung haneul
• mute + she hasn't spoken since the incident, and most people who know about her have already accepted that she wasn't going to talk anytime soon anyway, earning her the name. most people use it to talk about her behind her back, but what they don't know is that she can always hear them, and that makes her even more scared to talk in front of them.
• han + a general nickname that her sister and her friends call her by.
• skye + this was the name haneul went by when she was back in america. most people couldn't pronounce 'haneul' properly, so they took to calling her by its english translation 'sky'. later they started writing her name as 'skye', so it stuck.
DOB + AGE — 12 • 21 • 1998 (19)
BIRTHPLACE — la, california, usa
HOMETOWN — la, california, usa ( 16 years ) + seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY — korean
• english + she grew up in america, so it would make sense that she could speak the language very well.
• korean + despite not growing up in korea, she can still speak the language pretty well, considering how strict her parents were on her having to know the language since she's korean and all that.
• sign language + she started learning it in school back when she was in la as one of the girls in her class was deaf, so she's pretty confident in holding a conversation with sign language.
FACE CLAIM — noh hyojung + weki meki
BACKUP — kim doyeon + weki meki, choi moonhee + bonus baby
• she looks just like the face claim, but she still has visible scars all over her body from the incident that she really wishes would fade soon.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 167cm, 48kg
• maybe it's because of how she grew up in america, but her choice of clothing is quite different from what people in korea are used to seeing. it's trendy (what did you expect, her sister's a fashion designer), but with an edgy twist to it, often consisting of denim and black, which are pretty much her favorite colors, and her shoes are basically her favorite combat boots. personally, she doesn't really care what she wears though, it just looks bad for a fashion designer to have an unfashionable sister.
isfp, hufflepuff
[ pos ] sweet, playful, witty, observant, understanding
[ neu ] selfless, childlike, sarcastic, polite, cautious
[ neg ] cold, detached, introverted, gullible, private
honestly speaking, haneul is probably one of the most misunderstood people you'll ever meet. ever since she stopped talking, she'd been seen as cold and detached, never speaking a word and only showing emotions to select few people. what most people don't know is that she isn't actually hard to get close to, she's just more introverted, preferring to be talked to first rather than being the 'first talker', and she's being cautious, especially after what happened back in la. she's scared she'll trust the wrong people, she's scared she'll get hurt again and above all, she's scared that if she starts showing what she really feels, she'll end up spilling everything she'd tried so hard to pretend never happened.
but once you break past the exterior, she's actually a very sweet person. despite being one of the younger residents in the comple, she's always looking out for people, whether they know it or not, and she's always incredibly nice to whoever learns to accept her the way she is. the time she'd spent not talking allows her to pick up more things than most people usually do, and that's why she's very very observant, always able to pick up if something's wrong with someone, and always knowing exactly how to deal with it. she's also very understanding, never pushing anyone to tell her their problems, because she knows that sometimes you need time to know how to explain things, especially things that are hard for you to say, even if it's to one of your best friends. in fact, that's one of the reasons why the other residents of the hwang complex go to her whenever they need help (also because they know that she doesn't talk and that a mute will never go and tell their secrets, but she prefers to not focus on that). another reason why people tend to go to her for help (sometimes even to get her to do errands for them, but she'll also prefer not to think that they're just taking advantage of her) is that she's incredibly polite and selfless. she can't find it in her to tell other people 'no i won't do what you just asked me to do, that's ridiculus' even though that's what she's thinking, because that's the way she'd been brought up, and also because she's scared she'll hurt someone's feelings by doing that. so she does it all without complaining.
and then if you get close enough to haneul, you'll find out that she's not just nice, she's also kind of a child at times. she's very very playful, just like you'd expect people her age to be, always teasing her friends, always finding new ways to cheer people up (though it sometimes does lead to a few self depreciating jokes about herself, like 'hey, at least you can talk to your crush, i'm mute'). and though she'd gotten considerably less naive after the incident, she's still pretty gullible, never doubting people and trusting people way too easily for her own good (her friends would say that it's because she hardly ever comes across people who are nice to her, and she'll jump at any opportunity to make new friends). despite all that, though, haneul is quite smart for her age (well she had to study to make up for the times she didn't spend socializing), allowing her to come up with really witty responses sometimes, though they can sometimes be bordering on sarcasm, and they always lose their effect due to the fact that she can't really speak and her comebacks take too long to write down. but details.
and then there's the final side to haneul. most people already know to some extent that there's some part of her that she's keeping to herself, and they're right. she's very private, always keeping her own troubles to herself and acting like she's fine on the outside when really all she wants to do is lock herself in her room and break down. but because she doesn't want people to ask and she doesn't want to worry anyone, she bottles it all up and pretends nothing bothers her and that she's still as bright and cheerful as usual.
[ 1998 ]
"can i really?" haeun asks as she tugs on her mother's arm, practically bouncing with excitement at the idea of getting to hold her sister for the first time. her mother laughs softly, waiting for the girl to calm down a bit before handing her the small bundle resting in her arms. she knows haeun wasn't always the most gentle girl in the world, but somehow she trusted her with haneul.
haeun brought her sister closer to her, grinning. "she's so small," she whispers in awe, looking down at haneul, the fingers of her spare hand hovering above the baby's face. haeun glances back at her mother, smiling. "i love her already. i'm going to be the best sister she's ever had!"
her mother couldn't help but smile at her beautiful daughter. her two beautiful daughters.
[ 2005 ]
"how did your test go?" haeun asks as she meets her sister at the front gate of their school. haneul flashes a big smile, one that haeun always loved seeing on her little sister. "full marks as usual, i'm guessing?" haneul nods happily in reply.
she knew it. haeun never had to worry about her sister in school ever. she was smart enough for that. her face lit up knowing that her sister did well, and she laces her fingers with her sisters. "i'm glad you did good."
[ 2013 ]
her parents called her that day telling her haneul was gone. that she had been on her way back from school and that she'd never arrived home. she didn't even finish her shift that day, instead rushing home to search for her sister. but there was nothing. no clues, no call, nothing.
she spent weeks staying up for hours on end, trying to find out where haneul went. people don't just disappear like that, and she was sure that if she tried hard enough, either her or the police would be able to find out where she went.
and then one day, they found her, tied up and unconscious in the basement of an abandoned building, wounds and bruises littered all over her body. haeun couldn't even start to imagine what they'd done to haneul in there. but all she knew was that after the incident, haneul stopped talking.
they called it elective mutism. where she stopped talking of her own will. that whatever happened to her over the period of that month had left her mute.
her parents had wanted to admit her to a mental home right there and then, thinking there was something wrong with her, but haeun convinced them not to. if haneul was to recover, she had to take her own time. she knew what had happened to her was hurting her inside, and that she shouldn't push her for an explanation. after all, haneul wouldn't want to worry them.
[ 2014 ]
haeun was told that she'd be getting a job overseas, in korea, and immediately she knew that she was going to be bringing haneul with her. she didn't trust haneul to stay in la after what had happened, and she really wasn't sure whether her parents would just throw her into a mental home when haeun wasn't there.
and that's how the sisters ended up in seoul.
[ now ]
she wakes up at around five, because the nightmares that plague her mind at night won't let her sleep past that. she then gets ready for the day, showering and brushing her teeth before making breakfast for both her and her sister (if haeun's home), who'd probably stayed up until midnight trying to get her designs perfect and everything, since she's the one supporting the two of them. she doesn't forget to feed her cat before she leaves for her classes at 8:30. her classes start at 9 and end at about 4, at which she then heads back home, looking for part time jobs on the way back. of course, nobody wants to accept a mute, so when she gets home she never gets any new job offers. she then goes out to look for vernon (her cat really likes to go exploring whenever her and her sister aren't home) and once she finds him, she starts making dinner. she then video calls maxine to update her on things, and once that's done, she waits for her sister to get home to make sure she doesn't skip dinner (the times vary a lot, ranging from 8:00 to 1:00 am).
her weekends are pretty much the same as her weekdays, aside from the fact she doesn't have school. the time she's supposed to be at school she spends going to the library or going to new cafes, and of course, attending her dance classes (she majors in dance at university).
• sister - jung haeun (24) - fashion designer - fc: jeon somin - bright, protective, stubborn - she's very close to her sister, the only person in her family that still accepted her after she stopped talking, convincing her parents not to send her to that mental hospital they were planning to admit her to. she's incredibly grateful to her sister, and she wishes she could help her one day in return.
"i'm going out for a few months. are you going to be okay by yourself?" haeun asks, sitting down next to her sister, a small worried smile on her face. her suitcase lay unopened on the floor of the living room, the clothes she had previously been trying to stuff into her suitcase momentarily forgotten.
"i'm 19, i can take care of myself," haneul signs, an annoyed look on her face even though she wasn't really mad. she knew that her sister was just looking out for her but she needed to let go sometimes. "besides, i have vernon with me. i'll be fine."
her sister pulls her into a tight hug, her arms wrapping around haneul's neck. "be safe, okay?" she whispers into her hair. "i don't want anything bad to happen to you again, okay? never again."
• neighbour - min yoobi (20) - student - intelligent, quiet, private - she doesn't really interact much with her neighbour aside from the (multiple) times she ends up at yoobi's door to ask whether she's seen vernon, or whether she has cat food she can spare, but she does wish that one day she'll get to know yoobi better. she knows yoobi probably has a reason why she's like this, though, so she tries not to disturb her as much as possible.
haneul somehow finds herself in front of yoobi's door again, smiling sheepishly at the elder as she holds up another note, something the girl is probably used to seeing by now. "i'm really sorry for disturbing you again but i seem to have lost my cat again. have you seen him anywhere by any chance?"
yoobi shakes her head gently after reading through the note, and haneul shoots her a small smile. she doesn't know if the other picked up the almost indiscernible look of disappointment and worry in her eyes, but she bows, letting her hair fall in front of her face just in case. she scribbles a small 'thank you' on her notepad and tears the page off, handing it to the girl before heading to the next door.
• best friend - maxine fernandez (19) - student - fc: maggie lindemann- cheerful, energetic, understanding - maxine and haneul had basically grown up together, and even after haneul moved from la, they still remained the best of friends, often video calling each other or planning meet ups whenever they had holidays. maxine was very understanding when haneul stopped talking, and always tries her hardest to make haneul feel normal, not like some sort of alien species like most people see her.
"how's everything?" maxine asks, her smile growing wider as the camera came into focus.
"everything's good," haneul signs, though really it wasn't. she'd heard them talking about her again. always the same ones. the girls. but she couldn't let maxine know. not when maxine's trying her hardest to make haneul feel normal. no, she couldn't let her know. and so she plasters a fake grin onto her face, hoping maxine wouldn't notice "everyone's really nice here."
"that's great to hear."
"it is."
• going on trips ; it's always been something she found fascinating, because she hasn't really traveled much in her life
• sneakers ; they're comfortable, what else can she say?
• food ; she really likes food, whether that be eating food or cooking
• winter ; because if it's cold you can always put on more but you have a limit to how much you can take off when you're hot
• texts or video calls ; honestly, she just doesn't like voice calls because, well, she's mute
• skinship ; they touched her when they took her, and so she hates any type of skinship unless she's really close to someone
• strangers ; she doesn't like having to get close to strangers again, because of the accident
• warehouses ; she just doesn't feel safe there
• when people judge her just because she can't speak ; she's mute, so what? mind your own business
• her sister overworking herself ; she feels really bad for her sister having to work so hard to support the two of them, and she hates how she can't lessen her sister's workload
• dance ; aside from being with vernon, her other escape is dance. she'd also been dancing since she was small
• listening to music ; it always cheers her up on those days where she's sad
• she always tugs at her sleeves whenever she's nervous
• she her lips a lot when it's awkward for her
• blinks a lot when she can't understand something
• she doesn't talk because it hurts too much to hear her own voice, when she hears her voice, she hears the screams, the cries and the times she'd been forced to speak against her own will.
• she was also diagnosed with ptsd, and she always wakes up in the middle of the night because of nightmares related to the incident
• she doesn't have any form of sns
• she's gone through at least 12 notebooks in a year because she uses them too much for communication
• she only ever breaks down when she's alone because she hates worrying others
• she's very very close to her sister
WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO HWANG COMPLEX? — she starts to  sign her answer, but cuts herself off when she registers the look of pure confusion on minhyun's face. "oh, sorry." she pulls out a small notepad, quickly scrawling down her answer to the question. "it was the most convenient place my sister could find for the two of us, that's why we came here."
DO YOU LIVE ALONE? — she shakes her head before writing down her answer again, tearing the note off and handing it to minhyun. "i live with my sister, although she goes overseas quite a lot so it's kind of like not living with her at the same time. other than that, there's my cat, but you probably know that by now since i'm always looking for him."
WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT OCCUPATION? OR ARE YOU IN SOME SORT OF SCHOOL? — "i'm currently studying dance at korea national university of arts." she sees the surprise in minhyun's eyes when he reads this, and she smiles. she expected that. "i'm sorry, it's just a bit surprising to know you attend a normal school when you're..." his voice trails off, and she knows he probably thought he'd offended her or something. "it's fine. i understand. i get that a lot. it's just that you don't need to talk in dance, so it's fine."
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER PETS? — haneul shakes her head. "just vernon. we might get more pets soon if we feel like it, but i'm scared it'll bother the neighbors. we already annoy them too much when we go around looking for vernon."
PET NAME — vernon
REASON FOR ADOPTING — she wanted to talk again, and she decided to start with an animal. after all, animals won't know what she's talking about anyway, right?
LOVE INTEREST — choi hansol + seventeen
BACKUP — kim donghan + jbj, bang chan + stray kids
• like haneul, he's someone that changes when he's comfortable being around you. at first he seems pretty chill and quiet, which he is, but when you get closer to him you learn that there's also a side to him that isn't shown that much. he's warm-hearted, always wanting to help others and always wanting to do his best, and he's also a bit of a dork once you really get to know him. he has the tendency to shape shift back into human much more than the other pets because he just can't stay as a pet for too long (which is where he goes when haneul thinks she's lost him. he's just out doing normal human stuff).
• haneul actually first met vernon when she was moving into the hwang complex with her sister. haeun had been unpacking the last of their boxes, and she'd let haneul wander out for a while while she unpacked. and that's where she first saw vernon. he was sitting alone in the middle of the corridor, looking incredibly lost when she saw him, so naturally she thought he'd gotten separated from his owner. she went around knocking on every door to try to find his owner, but when nobody in the entire complex seemed to have lost a cat, she'd decided to put up posters to see if anyone would respond to them and come claim their cat.
nobody answered. during the time she'd been looking for his owner, she'd grown quite close to the cat, and she'd asked her sister if it was possible for them to adopt the poor thing, as she didn't want him to be left homeless. haeun agreed almost immediately, and they adopted him straight away. little did they know, the cat they'd adopted wasn't always a cat.
• they've gotten really close in the last few years, and it's gotten to the point that she can't imagine what life would be like without vernon because he's pretty much now her best friend. well, if animals could be best friend, but details. he's the only one that's always just there for haneul when she needs someone (well, aside from her sister but then again she travels a lot now, so maybe not anymore), always the first to come in and check up on her when she wakes up crying from a nightmare, always there to cheer her up whenever she overhears someone talking about her when they think she's not listening and always there to listen to her talk about her insecurities.
yep, you heard that right. talk. 
she didn't notice she'd been talking to vernon, but her sister did, her tears sliding down her face in silence as she listened to her sister's beautiful voice for the first time in a couple of years. she caught haeun crying on the way out of her room, and she immediately asked if something was wrong (in sign language, of course. she still didn't know she had the ability to be able to speak just yet), sending her sister into another round of tears because she knew that haneul would only ever speak to vernon like that. and she slowly accepted that, allowing haneul to spend more time with vernon, knowing that he'd be the only one that could possibly coach her sister back into speaking again.
• haneul had actually met vernon as hansol once, when, ironically, she'd been out looking him in his cat form. she'd come home early that day, and upon seeing that her cat was nowhere to be found, she immediately ran out to look for him. she found herself at one of the cafes near the complex when she finally came to terms that she'd officially lost her cat, and that's when she bumped into him as he was heading out of the cafe. she almost fell over at the impact, but he'd caught her then, and once he'd made sure she was stable on her feet, he took off, an embarrassed look on his face. she didn't even have the chance to thank him. of course, by the time she'd gotten home, vernon was sitting in the middle of the room again, right where she'd last left him. she wondered if she'd just been overreacting.
so she'd been extremely shocked to see hansol (fully clothed, thankfully. he always had clothes hidden around the complex for when he wanted to go out in his human form) attempting to pick the lock of the house. he'd forgotten that the cat flap had gotten stuck a while back, and pretty much, he had no way to get in aside from pick the lock. he hadn't expected haneul to come home so early, so he thought he'd be fine. apparently not.
she froze, trembling as she watched him, because it reminded her too much of the incident all those years ago, and it took everything in her not to pass out right there and then. he noticed immediately, rushing to her side to catch her if she'd actually passed out, a stream of apologies coming out of his mouth. later she learned that hansol was actually her best friend, her cat vernon, who she'd been raising all these years.
and she turned and ran, far far away from the hwang complex. far away from him.
of course, their relationship took a turn for the worse after everything had been revealed. she avoided him for a few weeks, scared of him because if he was a human all along, what else was he not telling her? was he trying to take advantage of the fact that she was mute? and it hurt him. a lot more than he'd thought it would be. he was so used to haneul being there that it hurt knowing that she'd stopped talking to him, that she was treating him like a complete stranger. he just wanted them to be friends, or at least just not be strangers again.
• surprise me?
all dialogue in bold is written on notes, just in case that confused you!!! i hope you like haneul!!!!
• when haneul first finds out hansol is vernon
• interactions between the pets! (finding out that they're all shapeshifters if they didn't already know that, guy talk between the pets but like, in their guy forms, of course)
• let haneul have a friend out of the girls at the hwang complex?
russian blue
replace with animal ver of l/ireplace with human ver of l/ireplace with animal ver of l/i


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