‹ 10 Million Won Protection › ‹ room #30 › ‹ Daehyun ›


 ‹ 10 Million Won Protection ›►
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jeon daehyun
//// Who are you? ////
full name / Jeon Daehyun
other names / 
► Jackson - jackson is his english name but only used when conning people so they don't know his real identity. 
birthdate / 4.16.1997
hometown / Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity / Korean
nationality / Korean
languages / 
► Korean - it's his native language
► Japanese - learnt it in highschool for his own sake, is fluent. 
//// oh how pretty ////
face claim / Koo Jun-Hoe
backup / Jung Jaehyun
appearance / 
► exactly like faceclaim. 
fashion sense / 
► Daehyun's fashion sense are somewhat casual, but also "lavish" at the same time, everytime he goes out he has to make sure he looks like a normal streetboy just passing by. 
[EXAMPLES] x x x x
//// such a dark soul ////
character traits / 
► quick-witted, smart, determined, ambition, cleverness
mysterious, mischievous, trickster, cunning, quiet
elaboration / 
 quick-witted - Daehyun learnt being quick-witted was important, as he was always quick doing his job aka conning people, it's very helpful to Daehyun as he would always know what to say in a sticky situation thanks to his quick thinking mind
smart - Although this is somewhat realted to daehyun being quick-witted, him being smart has a total different definiton, daehyun was always top of his classes everytime and probably has a iq of 140.
determined - daehyun is also determined, he is always trying to figure the job clean and smoothly as possible, whenever something goes wrong daehyun would make sure that it gets fixed up or it'll be in his head the whole day. 
ambition - this is also realted to daehyun being determined, same meaning and same determintion but its jsut daehyun trying to achieve something other than trying to finish the job. 
cleverness - adding onto daehyun's smart brain, he has another trait; cleverness. As a conman you need to be good at lying and daehyun has got that skill, he makes sure he doesn't give himself away with his real idenity. 
mysterious -  you know how every school probably has that one kid wearing a hoodie over his head everyday and hiding in the alley at night? well that's one way to describe daehyun's mysterious personality, whenever he does a deal with someone he always wears black like hes going to a funeral and don't forget his sunglasses + face mask, you can barely see his face after this. 
mischievous - although daehyun is a prett smart person, he can also be very mischievious at times, he loves to break rules, he's also like the bad boy in school and would never listen to anyone other than his boss. 
trickster - you could probably guess what it means after reading the trait, but a quick explaination; daehyun loves to trick people as a conman, you obviously have to be good at lying, and could basically keep a straight face even when lying or "tricking" people. 
cunning - this relates to daehyun's trickiness personality, basically the same thing.
quiet -  this also has to do with daehyun's mysterious personality he is usually quiet and will not associate with anyone at all.  
background /
► Jeon Daehyun was born on april 16 of 1997 in Seoul,South Korea. As a kid everyone knew daehyun as the happy and bubbly child with loads of friends and everyone adored him, well that all changed when daehyun was 13 and suddenly his father passed away due to his "heart problems". After his father's death daehyun started to distance himself from his family and friends and instantly became the popular guy in school to the unknown and scary guy who sits in the back of the class. Daehyun always wondered how can his father have heart problems and die of a sudden when he was just doing fine the last time daehyun saw him and that was definetely suspicious to daehyun. Fast forward to his highschool days, he was still trying to cope with his father's death but he was still the unknown and mysterious guy in school, until one day a letter arrived at the front of his doorsteps from a mysterious person that read; "Your father was killed by a hitman, don't believe everything you say, if you want to know more meet me at this address xxxxx." once he arrived at the address he was met upon by a mysterious middle-aged man, he would first tell daehyun all the little secrets his family has been hiding from him for 18 years if he became his secret little conman, he agreed since he was so hopeless and "helpless" as you could say, he honestly didn't want to live in his old home anymore since it just brought back memories of his father so accepted the invitation and the rest is history.
relationships / 
► basically a lone wolf. 
triva / 
► Black is his favorite color
► Loves to go to the han river at 4 am and just relax 
► Loves the 1975
► People often praise him for his "visuals"
► Has a black, blue eyed husky named Dean
► His english name is Jackson
► Hates the summer time
► Carries his earbuds everywhere he goes
► Loves being alone, but sometimes wishes he has friends
//// love hurts ////
love interest / etc
backup / etc
personality / etc
► etc
love story / etc
► etc
ending / etc
relationship status / etc
hidden scroll
//// any last words? ////
final words / hope you like him :)
scene reqs /
► tba sorry i'm bad with these uwu
password / robbers
cheat sheet


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