Have You Ever Thought About...

Anneyong, yeorobun! Sorry, this blog might be a little depressing, yet again ._. I guess it's apparent through my blogs that I'm not the happiest individual in the world right now. Haven't been for a while, but whatevz, hopefully blogging will make me feel better like it usually does :)

So have you ever wanted to have someone walk a day in your shoes? I've been thinking about it a LOT lately. The past few weeks have been brutal on me. Between massive amounts of homework and school stress, hours a night of dance classes (including on weekends!), play practices, and trying to find time to live have had their shared tolls on both me physically and mentally. And my birthday wasn't really spectacular (aside from all your love, of course!)

So I've been down in the dumps lately. I've been prone to outbursts of anger because my stress factors are peaking at their alltime high and my stamina at its alltime low.

Today I was typing an English paper. I already can't focus because I'm hungry (and once I feel the hunger, there's no hiding it. I'm starving), plus, I'm not particularly interested in writing when I'm not feeling 100%. So my mother comes in and asks about what I feel like doing for dinner since I have class tonight. I tell her I have no clue.

She says something about me not giving ideas so I snap back "Well, what would you like?" She says something about going out somewhere if I weren't so busy so my response to that is if I can finish my assignment before my first class, I should be fine.

I guess I had some sort of attitude or something (shocker -_-;) so she says, "Why are you being so cranky?"

Now, I'm already feeling crappy today. I failed the physics quiz I took on my birthday because my teacher doesn't actually TEACH like his job requires. I can't teach myself something I already don't understand. And once I'm accused of not being nice, it only encourages me to be even less nice.

I answer her somehow and she just walks out frustrated and yells, "Just bleed already!"


ing thanks a lot. Like I'm not already an emotional wreck.

And that's another thing. I absolutely HATE when people make their problems out to be worse than your own. "I only have $2 for lunch, and a lunch costs $5-" "Really? I haven't had lunch money for a week." *Hypothetical situation, folks*

...Really? You have the nerve to pull that on me. I see your life, and from the looks of it, you're quite comfortable. Don't ever make a problematic situation I'm having about yourself. Unless, you happen to be my problem, got it?

What I've wanted to say is I would just LOVE to have people who think their life is hard and stressful and my parents who think I'm miserable to live just one day of my life and tell me how miserable I am. I would LOVE to see them wake up at 5:30 every morning after a night of tossing and turning from stress and sickness. I would LOVE to see them get on a bus that smells like cat urine and rotting eggs and old sneakers every morning to be late to school anyway. I would LOVE to see them take the most difficult classes the school can offer you. I would LOVE to see them stay after school for 3 hours worth of play and still get nothing done. I would LOVE to see them go straight from play practice to dance practice for hours on end, either teaching the technique to girls who don't listen anyway or actually dancing. I would LOVE to see them get home after all of these hours and know that you still have an entire book bag worth of homework to do. I would LOVE to see you cry because you don't know what to do anymore. I would LOVE to see you cry because your one, true desire in life is something you feel is out of your reach.

My mom always tells me to relax.

Yeah, well, can't you see it's a little hard to relax?

I get it, you work from 10-3. Ooh boy, big ing deal. You get to sleep in until 8 every morning. And you do get up earlier than I do, I get it. I get you're doing something you don't particularly like.

How do you think I feel?

My negative attitude isn't something spontaneous. It's reflective of all the negativity around me.

Honestly, I really would give anything to have people take a step into my life and see exactly how hard I work to have what I have. I admit, I'm given nice things, but I work my off to try and repay that. It's not fair to be spoon fed everything.

Likewise, it might be more humbling of me to take a step into other peoples' lives to see how they live. I'm well aware that there are so many people less fortunate than I am (so I must admit, I'm pretty fortunate).

I just don't see it fair to have my parents believe I'm this miserable, grumpy kid, just because I want to be. I don't want to be sad all the time. Believe me, I don't like being sad and crying all the time. But if you two weren't so damn negative all the time maybe it'd be possible to put a smile on my face every once in a while.


And have you ever thought about the meaning of trivial things? And I mean, really, truly trivial little things that might not make sense to anyone else?

Like dreams. I always rave about my friends having dreams about my future. It could always just be reflective of me always talking about myself and my interests.

Or words in a poem. You could see one line that relates to your life and suddenly it seems that particular poem was written solely for and about you.

I'm guilty of this. I take absolutely anything and EVERYTHING and relate it to my future with Zico. Like seriously, who the hell points out that in a music video, his team name was of both your favorite animal and color? Who takes what he says about his ideal girl and rationalizes that he's talking about herself? Who takes a freaking psychic's reading to heart and makes assumptions about her statements that they're of him?

I'm a freak, people ._.

There's all this uncertainty around me that I try to cloud with confidence that someday, I'll get to see him. And I feel horrible for totally putting him out there all the time.

So seriously...do you ever think about the little things? Because I'm a freak when it comes to them as I've already stated. But you know something?

I don't care.

I take these trivial things to heart, because I do believe that everything has a purpose and a reason. Now, whether it's true in all cases is something beyond my comprehension, but I do believe that there are certain aspects of life that relate to another.

Like thinking about stuff. Zico's ideal girl kind of changed from before I totally began biasing him. Now it's someone SIMILAR (not exact!) to who I am, both physically, and emotionally. +1 for me.

The psychic only gave me name suggestions for my future love as being a 4 letter name that contained the letters J, H, and O. She said he'd be about 2 years older. Now, psychics aren't really future tellers (it all depends on your beliefs), but when she was told nothing about my life or interests, she was pretty damn accurate. +2 more.

Not only have I had dreams about us in the future, I've had at least 5 reportings from other people about it as well. +5.

I've had my most reliable doctor say with certainty that my husband is going to be around 6' tall, and I'll most likely need to see him for family planning. By seeing him for it, I'll most likely have multiples, relating back to a dream I've had. +3 for the triplets apparently I'm supposed to have ._.

My favorite group's comeback was on my birthday. Their album was released on my brother's. They're my brother's favorite kpop group, as well. On top of that, Zico's the only member he can always recognize. My mother believed that my last name would be Woo before she knew about Zico. My dad thinks that Woo is the only tolerable Asian last name I could have. +asdfouqpwermaspodfiaeprqmdoicausdfoiaseur >///<

So I could just be looking for what I want to see. But then again, maybe things are all happening for a reason. I really would just like to know for sure what my future will be. But that, too, will remain a secret.


Thanks for listening everyone. I appreciate you all actually reading my rants ._. They all repeat themselves lmfao. Off to dance class ._.


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We have almost exactly the same situation - so much so that i'm not sure whether to laugh or to cry T^T I mean in this blog, what's going on with you is what I blogged and complained about a while ago >.< only I didn't mention all this. My school day (lessons) lasts from 8 to 5 almost all the time (leave home at 6.30 and wake at 6.10 to get there on time >.<) and on tuesdays I have until 7 (debates) plus homework after. Monday I have until 4 but then tuition and homework after. Wednesday until 6.30 and then get home at like 8 and then homework after. And then thursday I have it off but we're perpetually flooded with homework on thursday. Friday I have debates competition so like today, i come home at 9. Then homework. Then weekened filled with homework and other commitments. No time for any me-time... except today for some reason I'm having a better day.
I guess i'm in no position to complain but I feel your pain unnie <3 LOVE YOU LOTS AND I HOPE YOU GET THE STRENGTH TO KEEP GOING <3
You know that its from the hardest of circumstances that the most successful people shine. That's something I just thought of and the idea that diamonds are made from coal but it takes heat and pressure to make them shine.

Don't worry, in time things will get better again. Life wasn't meant to be easy and God is watching over you no matter what.

Smile :)
AbriMathos #3

Know that we all, though just through the internet, love and support you. We gotcho back~ I think the best thing for you is to go to a library or a cafe (preferably one with a mellow or maybe upbeat) if you have one nearby and just do your work there. It'd be easier on you and you won't have to worry about the negativity surrounding you. I've been reading this book on success and it teaches a lot about how to achieve it by starting within. One of the things that's very true and something I learned first-hand is that if the negativity begins inwardly, then negativity will come outwardly, like you will attract it. It is so true it is not even funny -___- It's happened to me at work, which is why I try to make the best of every situation (though it is terribly hard) At one point, I began to LOVE my job and it helped me get my work done faster. It takes time and steps.
:/ we should talk. Meaning you should vent. And I will comfort. <3
I know I'm a bad unni, I dont understand any of the classes you take so I can't help you and I can't dance so I don't understand your dance classes and I can't act so I don't understand your play practices. I don't have a job so I can't do nice things for you and I'm terrified of driving still so I can't take you away whenever you want. I'm sorry:/
but I want to believe i can better myself to be able to make you happy. It's a goal. I will make you happier. I promise. I want you to be happy dongsaengi. For now all I can offer is comfort but I'm not good for much else yet.
But please talk to me? I want to help in whatever way I can.
HellsRainbow #5
I'm sorry dear...I know your pain, somewhat.
I don't have an overstuffed schedule, but I know the emotional and mental pains.
AND DAMN GIRL! I can't find me no in psychic around here XD
But yeah...T-T
You still have us ok? :D
We can chase a near impossible dream together ^^
Toni ... If I could ever meet you I would envelop you in a bear hug and you can tell me everything you want to get off your chest. I really would.

And try to smile, it may be hard but think of all of your friends who are there for you and all of us AFFies that read all these rants of yours, we wish we could be there for you but we'll support you from here instead. Don't worry, it'll get better. Just think about it, when you finish the play it will all pay off. You accomplished yet another thing! The dance practice, don't worry, those girls will probably regret not listening to you when you make it big. The stress, well I don't know about that but just think of the bright side. There'll be something good that'll come out of all your efforts. Jiho is waiting for you, even if he doesn't know it.

So stay smiling dear. You can get through this, you're strong and probably one of the most genuine people I feel is on AFF. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm right here.

- A Big Fan of Yours <3
Iheartlife #7
All things do happen for a reason. I wish it weren't true. For me, I wish the bad luck was random and I always wish that someone else could like my life for one day because people don't know squat what it's like....
I understand what you're feeling. Keep on believing <3