Stress, stress, and more stress.

Judging from the title, you all will be able to guess how I feel.


Yes. I am, in fact, stressed. Because, I have to do a very stupid project for LA, which involves...


Yeah yeah... I am on a fanfic website where I write stories, but that doesn't mean I enjoy reading! I enjoy writing. Hence why I am an author on here and not a reader. At least, I don't read a lot. I usually get distracted in a few sentences because I can never focus. I'm off track- My point exactly

Anyway... The project is about sharks. There was the option to work with one partner, but I have basically zero friends, or at least, real friends. So, I am forced to work alone on this stupid project. Onto what we have to do. We have to pick a topic/question about sharks that we have to research and create an InFoGrApHiC about said topic/question.



For every article about the topic we read, we must fill out a long  google form answering questions to see whether or not the article is credible

K, who wants to be the one to kill me?

Almost forgot

I also have a Shark Perspective Poem that's due on Friday. I have to describe something in a shark's POV

I chose something depressing because every poem I write has to do with depression since I'm depressed.

Anyway, what I chose to write about is a shark that's trapped in a net and is dying. I know, ed up. Now, don't get me wrong... I love sharks

I find them so cute

I love them. BUT... Poems. So, I gotta make this shark die... I'm sorry!


Also, I forgot my password for two of my accounts so I will never be able to get into them again since the email connected to them was deleted since I'm under 18 years of age and bull crap like that-

But, who cares! 

Anyway, I only can access this account and one another.

I made those accounts because I was bored and never planned on publishing ish on them... But I ended up doing so anyway... Eh... They weren't the best stories, but I can recreate them on this account and use the other for those odd moments that I spend reading ish. Anyway, here are the names of those accounts so no one thinks I am plagarizing -



I need to have those accounts deleted now...

Alright, so... Does anyone know how to have an account deleted without having the password? Yeah... I guess I'll just die then... Anyway... Usernames...




yeah sorry for being stupid and not writing down all of the passwords ...

bye -


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