Guys, I'm Moving

Alright Y'all

Let's gotta get get it

So y'all have seen my little profile thingy by now, I assume. I live in the dark depths of Redneck Land. Aka PA- Or Pennsylvania as the people that don't know that that's the abbreviation say.

Well, my parents told my siblings and I that we are gonna move closer to the city like a while ago. We had planned on going into NYC (New York City for non-Americans-) and, since I've been to NY (New York) before, and I love the city, I didn't think much of it aside from 'Sweet!".

Now, along with this moving situation, I had started preparing to try to audition for a Special Arts school. I have two songs picked out and a dance routine but, today my parents updated the moving news.

Apparently, my father got an offer from his job, where they would pay for us to move with him to said location. (He's gotten one of these before but turned it down because they weren't paying, so we said no since we're broke mate.)

And, apparently, said location would be Germany.

So, the two auditions are off and I'm getting my passport tomorrow, Y'all.

Well. It's news. I did cry about not being able to audition for this school since I really liked the teachers and the school in general, but this experience is too good to pass up.

Now, the struggle of learning German.

You see, in school, we get two years of Spanish and German, although it's technically one year each since each semester (there are two in my school, so half of the year is learning Spanish and the other half is German)

BUT, I  at German. I mean, I got 100% because I studied and always did my homework, but like, this is moving to the country. Imma need one of those tiny translator dictionaries! On the bright side, I get to get out of some school assignments lmao.

All in all, I'm really overwhelmed with the news I got. Hell, my best friend has to take in my cat since we can't ship him abroad! But, on the bright side, I get to visit a new country and experience a new culture!

Although I'm deathly terrified for this, I'm also really excited! We still might be getting an apartment there, but nonetheless, Germany is beautiful. I'll try to take pictures or even vlogs- If anyone will watch them lol- for you guys!

If anyone here has been to Germany, do you have any tips for me? I don't know what to expect! I've been to other states in America, but never a new country.

Thanks, everyone! I hope you all have/had a great week!

Love y'all!


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