Untitled 2 (Because it's a continuation of my first post, and I'm not good at making titles)

   And so we passed our paperwork. After that, our professor gave us a surprise test, (some comprehension and vocab test) but we haven't secured a copy of the questionnaire; which is supposed to be from a book she gave as reference, but seeing as it's not that major of a subject, some of us did not even bother to have it photocopied.

   D doesn't have a copy of the questionnaire; both of us don't. So D asked Emma if she had one, she doesn't have it either. But she said that she's got the answers to the test from her friend; which is also a student of our prof in a previous class, and she said she'll pass the answers on to us. (Since we sat at the back of the room, it's not that noticeable, especially if your prof is older than the old oak tree...just kidding) 

   I know that cheating is bad, especially if the questions are too easy, even a middle-schooler can answer it, but without the questions, how are we supposed to write something on our paper? ("How about you grab a questionnaire and just photocopy it?" Is what you may ask; but it's late, and the photocopier inside the school is already closed. The nearest one would be a block away from the school, because the one in front is closed too. Plus our building is far from the entrance and our room's on the 5th floor, in case you're wondering why we chose not to go out.) So we resorted in doing the crime that most of the students are committing but are not willing to admit: we cheat.

   Yes, we cheated. We could've just shared the questionnaire from our classmates who had it, but no, we chose not to. Because one, the seats next to them are occupied, and two, we took the easy way out (we're running out of time. The test had time limit, so we had to. I'm not trying to make excuses here, even though it looks like one.) I feel bad for doing it, but I also feel glad doing it, too. You see, the one who got the answers (Emma) is sitting in front of me, and she asked me to move forward, closer to her, making me sit next to D. And since D could not see E's answers properly, she scooted closer to me to copy the answers I copied from E.

   I could just hand her my paper then, but when she moved closer, too close, (I could feel her breath on my cheek) that if I look to my left, I might kiss her somewhere on the face. (I know it sounded like something you only read in books or fanfics, but I tell you, it could happen in real life too.) I don't know what I would do then, my heart was racing, but I just stared at my paper, frozen, while she's copying my answers.

   We passed the papers in front and she thanked me for the answers (it's not mine to begin with so she doesn't have to thank me for it.) We talked a bit after that regarding the subject, I joked about what the professor had said and she laughed. She even told her seatmate what I just said, still laughing, so I guess I have some humor in me. The next meeting, she greeted me and asked if she and her friend could occupy the seats next to me (her usual seat is on the other side of the room) and I said "okay". 

   I mentioned before that she's chatty, right? Well, she really is. She talked and talked and I just listened to her, laughing at certain parts that I find funny, then her friend interjected that D might pass her craziness on me. She smacked her friend on the arm and turned to me, saying "I feel happy talking to him."


I smiled at the statement.


I'm glad that even in that short span of time, I was able to get closer to her, and now that the semester is ending, I'll miss her presence in the campus. 


P.S. She added me on facebook. :))


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