계절 : SEO YOONJAE is ready to go on a roadtrip。

seasons by spotified.

7-10 rate

password: roadtrip song

SEO yoonjae
inhale courage and exhale fear...
the basics


name: seo yoonjae
     — kitty ; given by the girls of the groups because of his cat like visuals
     — mom ; given by group because of how nagging and anxious he is always

birthdate: may 5
birthplace: seoul, kr
hometown: seoul, kr

     — korean ; fluent in native tongue

faceclaim: jeon wonwoo
back-up faceclaim: park bogum

appearance: yoonjae is a tall slender man standing at 183cm and weighing 63kg ( i just took wonwoo's height and weight ) He currently has short black hair kept in a clean cut due to his current police academy rules. He also does not have any peircing or tattoo because of the same reason. Yoonjae is nearsighted so he often wear contacts during the day and at night he wears glasses unless he is super lazy and doesnt feel the contact he just ends uo wearing his glasses..

style: He has never been into the whole fashion thing. He dress for casual comfort but he of course still tries to look presentable and decent. Yoonjae usually sports t-shirt, long sleeve shirts, jeans, flannels, with sneakers. He is very basic.

one | two | three | four | five


get to know SEO YOONJAE

personality traits: ISFJ-A
+ responsible, observant, considerate, reserve,
- uptight, hard to read, dull, self critical,

personality: yoonjae had always been the quiet one in the group of friends. He wasn't shy he just rather not speak up when he didn't have to or have no input to the conversation. he finds it hard to start conversations and can't keep a conversation going, yea he ends up in a lot of awkward silences. yoonjae is always laughing or smiling along side his friends. he loves joking around with friends too and is quite savage you just have to get to know him first. because of his quiet nature he is hard to read and people tend to just not like it how stoic and secrective he comes off. so his friends that did stick long enough to know him he is really close with them and truly cares for them cause he knows they stuck through. There is no particular reason he is close off, Yoonjae hates to burden others and just doesn't know how to share his personal thoughts and feelings. Yoonjae always puts other before him it's always been second nature to him to help others first, put other's feelings before his, and take care of others. He always feels the need to help others as best he can and if he can't he beats himself up for it. he overthinks and overloads responsiblities on himself.

he is always worrisome friend, he is always nagging people to not do that or do this. yoonjae always got the worst case scenarios playing in his head. because he is observant. he catches the vibes of situations before people. he likes to be in control of things thats happening around him or at least have an idea to it. enjoying himself is easy when he is with close friends but if there are a lot of people he starts worrying. those "friends" who don't stick around long enough always says he is dull and yoonjae agrees. he isn't a cheerful and outgoing person. he doesn't have cool stories to tell, and he isn't interest in trying new things. yoonjae is the homebody type.

overall he seems and may appear like a detached and boring person but he is caring, sympathetic, and probably the most logically and responsible one out of the group. yoonjae is the one laughing at all the jokes no matter how horrible and embarassing it is. he has his dorky moments stating facts and his lame dad jokes. sometimes he acts like he doesn't care but he always watching your back and making sure no one is hurt or left behind. he can also act like a fluffy fur ball who just wants to curl up in the back seat to sleep or suddenly be the responsible one who is willing to drive late into the a.m. letting other sleeps.

background: born to a military family, his father was always really strict on his schooling and raising. his military style upbringing was what made him quite socially awkward and never knowing how to share his feelings because he was always just told to swallow his feelings. he saw how his mother struggling living in that kind of lifestyle as well so he always tried his best to stay out of trouble to keep both his parents happy. his parents were an arrange marriage and their marriage was toxic but on the outside they seemed like a perfect family. he took care of himself and his mother a lot while growing up, his father was never really in the picture. he was always too busy attending military events and parties involving high status people.

it was during his second year of high school that he met Joon, he had tutor him for math and the person had happen to the the most hearty person out there. eventually he convince yoongjae to attend a hang out. yoonjae felt out of place rigth away and just wanted to go home but all the friends were so chill and nice that for once he felt comfortable. it was once a week after school and soon enough just hanging out all the time during and after school.

current lifestyle: after graduating high school he enter the military right away. when he finish his two year he enter Korean National Police University. it was pretty much just campus life for him and he lost contact with most of his high school friends probably just texting and meeting up with one or two in a while. he hardly went home because one he knew his father was dissappointed in his career choice and two if he saw his mom he wouldn't be able to go back to school. he chose becoming a police because he alway loved helping people but also because he was sick of his father's putting his mother and him down. he wanted to finish something quick earn money and move out in hope to take his mother with him. It was the summer break after his first year of police academy when he recieve a call from Joon. Yoonjae decline at first because he wanted to take summer classes too to finish early but he was really stress and finally gave in.


     — likes: horror/thriller films, documentarys, nonfiction books, art museums, food(he isn't picky), alternative & soft rock music, cooking, reading, saduko,

     — dislikes: spicy food(only thing he can't eat), crowded places, clubs, partying, hot weather, getting sick, rude people,

     — habits: always has a book with him to read, scratching the back of his neck when hesitates, carries nivea lip balm and uses it all the time, when he doesn't know what to say he touches his wrist watch, he sleeps hugging a pillow,

     — trivia:
        - if he wasn't going to be a police officer he wanted to be a cook
       - he knows like the most random facts because he watches so much documentaries
        - has a weak immune system
        - doesn't like skinship & finds it hard to show affection
        - never dated so in love and relationship he is inexperience
        - can play guitar
        - has RBF syndrome (resting face)
        - is a neat person
        - he runs on coffee erday! americano ~


the people in my life

 * please keep it 75 x 75 
"keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you"
seo sangjoong : father : 2-10
— yoonjae only remembers recieving affection from his father up until he turn 6 years old because that was when his father started to discipline him. he was consider a man at the age of 6 and expected to act like one. yoonjae was alway intiminated and fearful of his father so he obey every order. they never had a fatherly and son relationship. sangjoon was upset that after  yoonjae's military service he didn't go to school to be a doctor, becoming a police officer was consider a low career choice. between the two they they speak more then a few words to each other.

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"sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best"
jeon misun : mother : 6-10
— yoonjae's mother was always affectionate and shower him with love but she also fell into fear when yoonjae's father forbid her to baby yoonjae. they had already have a rocky relationship so she listen. the whole change made yoonjae very confuse but as he got older he understood and felt sorry for his mother. when he was 10 years old he realized how hard of a life his mother had. she was really quiet and whiles she struggle to keep up with her husband parties and gatherings yoonjae took care of himself well... when they were alone she still try to shower him with affection but it hard already became awrward for yoonjae.


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"if anything food is a must first"
kang kiyong : roommate/friend : 7-10
— these two met in military training and also became roommates when they both enter the police acadmey. he was 5 years older but was more immature and act more childish then anyone. he is loud, obnoxious and funny the total oposite of yoonjae. the two went through the struggling military training and school that they got fairly close. yoonjae even admits he misses kiyong's loud voice and laughter from time to time. He led yoonjae to do things yoonjae never does like going out to the club and meeting girls. Yoonjae doesn't like it but he apperciate kiyong's efforts.

* please keep it 75 x 75 * please keep it 75 x 75 * please keep it 75 x 75
"how dare you read me?!"
nam joon : friend : 7-10
— yoonjae was closet to joon because he was the one to approach yoonjae and introduce him to the group. yoonjae honestly idolized joon so much because of how out going, determine, and cool joon was. joon had a wow factor that yoonjae would never have. when joon left yoonjae some what felt lonely and it turn him kind of sour like joon betrayed him. yoonjae knows it makes no sense but he has this small angry in him because his friend left so happily. it's childish and he tries not to let it bother him when joon suddenly called him during the summer. its a little awkward between the two purely because of yoonjae non existence angry at joon.


a love story


love interest's name: lee soojin

faceclaim: chae soobin
back-up faceclaim: min dohee

personality: A sweet country bumpkin girl who is always delightful and jolly. soojin is a morning person and I mean she when she open her eyes expect a loud "GOOD MORNING!" with a bright smile even if her hair is a mess. soojin is very much like a mother who takes care of people like they are her kids. She checks if you've eaten, if you're under the weather, if you're feeling down, or if anything happens she just has that motherly feel where she goes "don't worry my beef soup will cure you." she doesn't crack under pressure and always has a cool composure. She is very helpful that it becomes burdensome. she makes friends easily and is just really outgoing.

She tends say the wrong thing at the wrong time, she might talk back to people and escalate a situation, and she speak of the elephant in the room by mistake. soojin doesn't hide her emotions, she's an open book, there is nothing she has to hide. She can also be very bossy since she speaks her mind well she'll tell you to do this or that right away. she isnt much of a gossip girl but she has lots of curiosity and isnt afriad to ask away about anything. soojin is blunt and straightfoward.

likes: fishing, cooking, cleaning, singing, boat rides, acoustic music, swimming, kids, icecream, animals

dislikes: horror movies, sudden loud noises, fastfood, smokers, ghost stories.

the beginning: she is the daughter of one of the inns(share house) owner that the teens spent at once. she was older by 2 years and wasn't home during the first time they visit the inn. this time she was there when the grou decided to stay at their inn again  since they were so close to the seaside and had a restuarent included. it was a good deal. soojin was fascinated by the group of friends and their story with Nini. she gave them all these hidden waterfalls, hiking trails, and secrect bays no one really knew of because she was just so excitd for them. since it was such a small island they continue to bump into her as she goes fishing or shopping for their family's restaurant. soojin thought yoonjae was strange at first, like what was his problem?...was he mean and rude thats why he never reacts to anything? or was he mute? certainly that assumption didnt last long cause she heard him talking to his friends. did he hate her? did he dislike the country side? was he one of those seoul boys who look down on country people? questions ran in her head like crazy it kept her up at night. until she honestly just went straight up to him and ask "Hey why do you hate the country?"

interactions: yoonjae hardly interact with her at first. she was so talkative and got along well with everyone else. she would always ask him questions like "are you tired? do you not like this or that?" when he wasn't talking much or had his RBF. "Did i do something wrong?" she would ask one time when she couldn't tell if he liked her or not. He feel extremely bad because she was a sweet girl but he was just awkward. after he clarified that he was just the quiet type and didn't know how to start a conversation she told him to take it slow and that he didn't need to say much just show her a smile and it would be enough.

for him he always felt like he needed so much reaction from a person to understand them but all she needed was the small details and it was enough for her. yoonjae just love how lively and kind soojin was. he was envious of her just like how he was envious of most his friends.

soojin felt an attractive towards yoonjae because simply he was so much more quiet and seem even more naive then her. she felt a sense of protective and curiousty towards him. she always been so use to being loud and outgoing and dealing with out going people that meeting a quiet yoonjae just struck her.


ending:after the trip going back to their normal life was much harder for yoonjae then soojin. he gotten so use to hearing her laughing out loud and talkings that it was just too uncomfortable not hearing her.he like always would push it away and continue his study. she would try to keep in contact through text and chats and eventually he find himself smiling to his phone at her messages.they keep each other updated with each other lives and soojin made him promise to take her around once she visit seoul.

a trip to remember

any last words: hi oh gosh i dunno if this was a mess or not i had a couple ideas and i think i kind of threw them all together...hu hu hu


scene suggestions:
     — night camping at the beach
     — car breaking down in the middle of nowhere

password: roadtrip song


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