Hello There

Hello There,

How are you? 

Are you doing fine?

Hello There,

Are you smiling a lot?

Are you laughing often?


Are you crying instead?

Hello There,

Is everything going well for you?

Did you find new 'ocean' already?

Did you feel the same comfort?

Did you feel the same sparks inside your softest part often?

Hello There,

I want to tell you a story, a lame yet pathetic story

Do you want to hear it?

If yes I will proceed

But If no I still will proceed

Here's the story

There is a naive young girl, she just broke up with the lover. This young girl is typically hard to fall yet hard to move forward. This young girl loves the lover that deep and that sincere.


The lover loved this young girl, 

Do you see that 'loves' has been changed into 'loved' ?

This naive young girl is so pathetic.

Her surroundings already told her to forget and move forward. This naive young girl responded them with a simple 'yes' and plastered a simple fake smile without they noticed.

Hello There,

Do you know what happen behind the fake smile?

That naive young girl denied. That naive young girl wanted to stay on the same spot. That naive young girl tried the best to remember. And the worst, that naive young girl didn't want to move on.

Hello There,

Do you agree that the naive young girl is stupid?

Do you agree that the naive young girl is lame?

Do you agree that the naive young girl is pathetic?

Hello There,

But that's love.

Love is like drugs.

Love is like MSG.

Love is like coffee.

It's addicting yet harming.

It's addicting yet threatening your life.

It's addicting yet killing you slowly.

Hello There,

I wanna ask you some questions,

What will you do if you are on the naive young girl's shoes?

Will you stay on the same spot?

Will you silently hope that her 'boat' will be back?

Will you patiently standing on the same place even your surroundings are shouting at you like they are shouting to the fool?

Or will you do the opposite?

Hello There,

What will you do?

Will you move forward?

Will you erase the hope?

Will you run away and find new 'ocean' ?

At the end, Will you forget and let your softest part feel numb?

Let the naivity lost to the bitter reality.

Will you not trust love anymore?

Will you build a high and solid barrier to protect your softest yet the most fragile part?

Will you feel numb and being a love- skepticist?

And will you let the naive young girl turn into heartless and cold one like russian novels?

Hello There, 

Thankyou for reading this.

Thankyou for listening to the pathetic yet stupid story about naive young girl.

Thankyou for answering those question.

And Thankyou for being here for a while.

I know this is so random.

I know this is so exaggerating.

I know this is so stupid and lame.

But what can you expect from a girl who tried her best to move forward but hopelessly failed huh?

Hello There,

I guess that's all.

I wish you have  happy days.

Smile a lot.

Laugh often.

Don't cry anymore.

Don't get stressed.

Go to the ocean if you did.

You will find a naive young girl who greet you with a wide smile and happy coloress tears.

Hola, Mi Casa.

With random thoughts,



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