Uncanny but VERY happy.

So, yesterday, a customer came into the store and was looking for a washer to buy. I work at a Sears Outlet here in Illinois and I'm not an actual sales associate. I work in pricing, but I helped this customer out by looking for a good washer. When he looked at our website he thought we had a LOT more appliances in our store than we normally had. Only for him to find out that it's ALL around the country. Even though it says that we have 114 washers, that's not just in the Illinois place, but in all the other states as well. He didn't realize that. When he was ready to buy his washer, he commented that the reason he wanted ME to help him is because I smiled and asked if he needed some help. He said that he didn't get that from any of the other associates. I think I blushed 5 different shades of blush. I'm not used to getting compliments. He kept saying that I need to become a sales associate and that I'm a valuable asset to the company. He also said that he was going to write to our customer service and let them know what an awesome job I did for him. 

And here's the other kicker, this customer looked and talked like my Uncle Spencer. It wasn't my Uncle Spencer because he passed away two years ago in Texas. So, it wasn't my Uncle Spencer. But, this customer was the same height, looked, and sounded just like him. It was so uncanny. My mom said, that my Uncle was probably watching over me. Well, I remember that we all have a twin that looks just like us somewhere in the world, but we should never meet or it would be bad luck. I'm not sure if that is true, but anyway, I couldn't stop looking at him. 

He's going to come in either today or tomorrow to pick up the washer, and I'll be working today and tomorrow, so I'll probably see him when he comes in.

I'll tell you what happens if/when he comes in today or tomorrow.




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Oh, wow! You really made an impression on him! That's so great. Maybe he's right, maybe you'd fit well as an sales associate