I feel unwanted

I feel unwanted. I can't jump on the train all the time to chase my friends ask them how they are doing. Can't they pick up the phone,message,comment,or tweet asking how i'm doing for once? I have a voice but, it seems like they just want to ignore me and hurt me. Friendship is two way work stream not a one way stream. If I can tell my friends how I feel. I will tell them that im broken and you left me alone. Im a outcast.  Finding new friends for me is hard.


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Nisa90 #1
Hey....don't be sad. I'm here.......I'll be your sister or friend. Don't do anything rush....You see, your life is better then mine. I don't have any friends. I have a mental issue.....I just got divorce last year December.....and I beleive that my ex don't want me back.....I can't tell anyone except my family. I understand how you feel. Because that what I feel before.
5SooYoungiYoung #2
Loneliness isnt a matter of how many friends you have, or who is around you. Lonliness is a deep disconnect from the world around you. You need find yourself first before you can worry about others. And see, if they dont realy care for you, then why not return the favor? I made a mistake of loving and caring for someone for 12 years and she still abandoned me for her new friends. Its inevitable, and you cannot dwell on it. There must be dark days to nnow what brigher days are like you know? Dont feel beat down by a couple of friends that cant support you in the end youll only hurt yourself. Let lose, love yourself. I learned this finally, and i am happier now. Im a 4 time suicide survivor. Its never too late to reboot and try again. Though it may not seem like it, there are many people who care about you and want better for you. I was so stuck on looking for affection and care, maybe even sympathy from the same person that i never noticed the ones thag actually cared. Take a breath and a step back and enjoy yourself for now. Who knows, those friends may notice the change and come around as well!
If that's the case , maybe you should try to enjoy your own company. Being alone isn't that bad . As you grow, friends gradually grew apart. Everyone have different priorities . It's part of life . Only a handful of true / real ones will stay but that is rare and only if you're lucky enough. It's best to be independent and learn to have fun alone. It's important to have few good friends, but shouldn't put / depends too much on them as well.
I'm going through it right now, too. My friend promised to text me tonight..but she didn't.

None of my friends even really talked to me or communicated with me..and I can understand when you say finding friends is hard. Most of my experience with friends were either they moved away or I wasn't to their standard or wasn't cool enough. And didn't respect who I was, my dreams, my goals, or my opinions. Although, unlike you. I kind of...gave up on that relationship. So..

HWAITING! YOU CAN DO IT! If they really are good friends, I'm sure they'll include you more. And if they don't acknowledge, I'm sure you'll meet someone better/have someone you loves you.

*sending love and positive vibes*
Been through it all. It's hard to go through
PetiteTulip14 #6
I know how it feels. It seem like you always have to be the first one to initiate communication.