The League of Extraordinaire : Ueno Masayuki : Electromagnetism Manipulation

replace with fc




✩ Yuki - Just a shortening of his name, this is used by close friends
✩ Softboi™ - Nishiko calls him Softboi™ because, well, she just thinks her best friend is a Softboi™
✩ Metalhead - Another one from Nishiko, she just likes to about a lot, including his abilities


✩ Japanese - Fluent, it's his native language
✩ Korean - Conversational, he has only been in Korea for a short time but he's working hard to be able to learn the language. He's constantly asking others for help. Thankfully, Japanese and Korean are similar languages so he is learning it fairly well.


✩ There are many normal things about Masayuki's appearance. He has an oval shaped face, pale pink lips with corners that naturally curve upwards (As well as a prominent cupid's bow), teeth that are just slightly not right (x), a larger and slightly flat nose, monolids, large ears, a lithe and lean body, so on and so forth. His natural hair color is a moussy brown but he dyes it blond and sometimes even orange. He reaches 173 cm and weighs 60 kg. Masayuki has dual scars on his left calf from a snake bite when he was twelve. All in all, based on that description, he would considered cute, endearing with his teeth, cool because of the snake bite scar, or perhaps even described as looking younger than he is.

But that description does not cover all there is to know about Masayuki's physical appearance. Indeed, it was obvious from the time of his birth that Masayuki was an Extraordinaire, thanks to a few physical manifestations. Masayuki's skin color actually changes to a gradient. It may seem strange, so for a better explanation: Magnets move iron when hovering over a central locus. Wherever Masayuki is concentrating his magnetism (Be it his hands or elsewhere), the skin color is graduated from darker to lighter. Another physical marker that is consistantly visible is that from the day he was born, Masayuki's eyes were an inhumanly silver-like color. While is it possible for humans to be born with silver eyes, his just had an intensity that set them apart. If you compare, his eye color is similar to that of the most magnetic metals in the world- Iron, samarium, gadolinium, nickel, cobalt, and finally neodymium.

Many find his eyes to be offputting, and he has come into the habit of wearing dark brown colored contacts. Since there is some discrimination in the world against Extraordinaires, it was hard for Masayuki to find a job once he graduated high school due to his eyes. So, very few outside his close circle know of his true eye color.


✩ Fashion and Masayuki...It isn't really something he thinks much about, actually. He's the type to just wear any item he pulls from his closet and head out. That being said, his closet is full of neutral colors like white, beige, grey, black, and the like. He also has more subdued colors like pastels or darker, murky cool colors. Masayuki only has three pairs of shoes- One pair of tennis shoes, a pair of sandals, and a pair of dress shoes for important occasions. His clothing seems to be very relaxed and comfortable for the most part, with a lot of sweaters and oversized T-shirts. He's always wearing a lot of earrings.


Electromagnetism manipulation is a powerful ability. It allows Masayuki to manipulate various forms of magnetism and in his case (This differs on electromagnetism users), he can bend and control magnetic objects- Such as many metals. He can sense the presence of metals, and can create and use magnetic fields. As such, he can cause lights to turn off or blow out, create EMP pulses, and even redirect electrical currents. Perhaps the most concerning power is that Masayuki can move the iron in his blood when concentrating his magnetism.

BIRTHDATE: May 3rd, 1995
BIRTHPLACE: Osaka, Japan

FACE CLAIM: Takada Kenta (JBJ)
BACK UP: Nakamoto Yuta (NCT)
HEIGHT: 173 cm
WEIGHT: 60 kg

I am who i am

though it may be hard to understand


(+) Intelligent, idealistic, venturesome, resourceful, receptive, self-sufficient
(=) Expressive, snarky, neutral, generous, cheering
(-) Incurious, self-indulgent, disruptive, airy, inconsiderate, opinionated

It is by far easier to explain the negatives of Ueno Masayuki thank his positives, or even more neutral traits. He is an amalgam of personalities that do not seem cohesive- But then again, what human makes perfect sense in this world? As a preteen, Masayuki was bullied by a peer of his. This bullying last months, and even years later has left some serious effects on him. One of the biggest is his incuriosity. Whenever Masayuki asked a question about someone, his bully would make it a new reason to cause him harm. Any time he tried to get to know someone personally, this bully would shut him down- Just as often with his fists as with his words. Because of this, Masayuki cannot ask people about themselves. It causes him legitimate anxiety, and as such while he acts friendly towards others and is willing to ask other questions, he just can't ask a personal question. Simple things like, "What's your favorite food?" and "Do you have any siblings?" just don't come out of his mouth. At this point, he's taken to even trying to stop thinking the questions. It is noteworthy that some people notice this lack of asking personal questions, but take it as that he is shallow and does not want to really know people. This is a monumentous misunderstanding. Masayuki still is very opinionated and does not fail to be honest with those. He tells people straight-out what he thinks and often has opinions even in areas that do no concern him. He often makes this opinions known by disrupting things. Someone will be having a conversation and he'll just interrupt. He is self-indulgent and does not hold back on pampering himself. Masayuki is the type to say "Treat yourself," but takes it to a level that it is no longer considered treating yourself, and more like spoiling consistently. Some would describe him as "airy" because he seems to show no care to things that are serious problems. Many would go so far as to call him inconsiderate. Masayuki doesn't seem to show concern to others and can accidentally make them feel lesser, or like he is invalidating their feelings. The truth is, he doesn't mean to do these things, they just seem to happen. He would rather ponder these issues in his own time and tell people not to worry instead.

This is because he is cheering. While he is not cheerful, bright, or particularly enthusiastic, Masayuki will smile and laugh to bring others up. This is how he shows he cares. He likes to lighten the mood and bring joy and happiness to others. That's why it's rare to see him not smiling or attempting kindess. He is a people-pleaser in that sense. He is generous and always gives at least a couple hundred yen (Or won, now that he's in Korea) to anyone begging in the streets, or putting on street performances. He'll open his home to others if they had a fight with someone in their house or just need a place to get away. Even spending money on others is no problem for him. Masayuki is not the type to take sides in a fight between friends and instead tells them to work it out themselves. He doesn't like to fight with people and would rather step back. Otherwise, his body language and expressions give him away easily. He naturally is expressive through those means- His eyes can say a lot. Masayuki can often be heard making snarky, humorous remarks in the background. It's his sense of humor, but sometimes this is done at a bad time during a serious moment. This matches up with what people would call airy, inconsiderate, and disruptive. Still, others appreciate this humor.

Masayuki is very much idealistic. As repeatedly mentioned, he seems to shrug things off with little concern. This is not really true- He simply looks at the brighter side. He likes to keep things light, and strives for a sort of perfection. Still, Masayuki is very intelligent and can hold high-level conversations. He has a natural aptitude to learning new things and catches on quickly. This, paired with his resourcefulness, is formidable. He can adapt to new, less-than-optimal situations and analyze them with a keen eye. He has the ability think of creative uses for powers you could never even imagine ("An empathetic voice...So if we put you over a loudspeaker for the enemies to hear, you could make them feel crippling fear?" "Theoretically, it seems like our enemy can take on a gaseous form...Cryokinesis. You can freeze things with your breath, so could you make them solid even if it's not their human form?" "Art manipulation. Can you draw someone with specific powers to suit our purpose?"). He can thrive instead of just surviving on the bear minimum. Masayuki's venturesome and willing to take on risks and adventures that others will not. He does not do this foolishly, though, and thinks things through quite a bit. He won't fear embarking on an unusual or difficult path or course of action. If he cannot do it alone, however, Masayuki would say so. He is receptive to others' thoughts, opinions, and help. He knows better than to take a burden on all by himself if there are others willing to help, and he can and is willing to ask for assistance- Like with learning Korean. Masayuki is aware of his limits. This being said, he is self-sufficient and can completely care for himself. He has the ability and resources to supply for his own needs. If his uncle suddenly died and he was kicked out of the school (Effectively being left without monetary support and housing), he could pick himself up and easily live life. This is connected to resourcefulness.



(!!! A/N: Some potentially offensive and derogetory language used in the background and trivia sections. This obviously does not reflect my own speech or views.)

The conditions that lead up to Ueno Masayuki's birth are not exactly common or expected. It began like this: A Japanese couple in their thirties, ready to have a child. However, the woman was infertile due to a genetic condition and did not have the proper health to carry a child even if the child was conceived through an egg donor. Still, they wanted as biological of a child as possible. So, they began to look for not only an egg donor, but one that was willing to be a surrogate mother. This was not a well-discussed topic in Japan and there were no laws regulating it. However, they found a young woman in her mid-twenties who was willing. So, using the man's and the surrogate's egg, a single baby was created. However, seven months into the pregnancy, the intended parents stopped all contact with the surrogate. She was unwed and not financially stable, and began to panic. Even when the baby was born, they did not show. She was not in a place to have nor did she want to raise a child, much less one that was obviously an Extraordinaire. In the end, she found herself turning to her former brother-in-law, Park KunWoo. He had married her elder sister, but this elder sister died after giving birth to their son, Naoki. KunWoo was an Extraordinaire and lived in Osaka with his son. He had quite a bit of money despite being a single father and he had a pretty big heart. KunWoo agreed to raise Masayuki and his former sister-in-law moved to France to start a new life. They lost contact pretty much immediately.

Masayuki knew from the time he was young that he was being raised by his uncle and with his cousin. As a child he wondered where his parents were but he did not ever voice this. Instead, he focused on playing with his cousin, studying, and learning as much as he could from his uncle about Extraordinaires. He attended the Chinese school for about six months at age six, but just enough to learn how to control his abilities and not use them accidentally. KunWoo was a shapeshifter (Limited to shifting just to other humans) and Naoki had the ability of voice mimicry, so Masayuki's powers were very different and much more dangerous than their own. KunWoo explained that when he was older he could return to the school if he wished, but that he feared others would exploit the abilities for bad. Thankfully, they lived in a high-Extraordinaire populated area in Osaka so Masayuki was initially not discriminated against for his eye color, and many kids found his playing with metals and magnets cool, especially when his skin changed color. He made many friends and studied hard so he was always at the top of his class. In all the years he attended school, he never dropped below third place. Masayuki went to tons of fun places like the zoo and the aquarium growing up, and while KunWoo made sure he knew that they were not biologically related, he still loved him as his own and did not treat him differently from Naoki. Naoki liked living with his cousin and they often snuck into each other's rooms to sleep.

In middle school, Masayuki went through a minor major crisis. While all of his classmates, friends, and cousin were talking about girls and how hot they were and everything, he didn't feel that at all. While walking by shops with his friends after school, he much rather looked at ads with the guys than the girls. Things his friends would do would make him blush and stutter- He was teased for being shy by his friends, and he just accepted that. Subtle asking around taught him the term "gay," and he realized, "I like boys. That makes me gay." He couldn't tell anyone, terrified of rejection. He effectively rejected himself, pretending it wasn't true. But somewhere along the line, a bully came along. Watanabe Hideo, a year up from him and quite vicious. He had noticed Masayuki's longing stares at some of the other boys, the way he just laughed awkwardly and said "I guess" when someone tried to point out a cute girl, and the way he was so touchy-feely. "God, just how gay can one get?" Masayuki was mortified, and denied it vehemently. At first his friends defended him but as just words turned into fists, many began to melt into shadows whenever Hideo appeared. Masayuki started to skip school when things got too bad, but finally once incident really caught the school's attention. Hideo had pushed him down the steps (Thankfully, there were only five steps so he was not seriously injured), hitting and beginning to shout terrible slurs at him ("," "daffy," "pillow biter," etc.). This was not particularly unusual, and in fact Masayuki had been hurt and called worse by Hideo, but he was exhausted. Tired of this treatment.

"Stop bullying me," He said and promptly pinned Hideo to the ground with the use of his abilities. Hideo had been wearing a belt with a metal buckle and a bracelet with metal, and it was enough for Masayuki to render him unable to get up. Of course students went running to tell the teachers this time, and they threatened to call the police if Masayuki did not let him go. Immediately, his closest friend who had still made an effort to be his friend despite the accusations and bullying (Fuuji Itsuki) interrupted. "Can't you see his face? His hands? His clothes? He's all beat up but Hideo looks fine, other than the fact that he pissed himself! Don't you care why that is? Isn't it obvious why Masayuki is doing this? Hideo needs to be in trouble! Why Masayuki?" Still, Masayuki let him up, and he, Hideo, and Itsuki were dragged away to the office. The nurse tended to his various wounds while they waited for their parents/guardians to arrive. The principal and staff got invidiual statements from Hideo (Who of course played the victim) and Itsuki (Who told them everything from when the bullying started), but Masayuki would not say a word. KunWoo arrived first, with Naoki in tow, and absolutely fussed over his nephew. He still did not speak, and so Naoki just rambled to hopefully distract him. Once the involved staff members, boys, and their guardians were in the room, the meeting began. Hideo told his side first, how Masayuki fell down the stairs when he accidentally ran into him and he tried to apologize but the other boy just snapped and held him down, and oh poor me! His father was furious but curiously enough his mother was silent and he looked at Masayuki with sad, apologetic eyes.

She knows, he realized, She knows just how her son is. That, paired with Itsuki's gentle, supportive smile convinced him to finally speak. His lip was swollen and he hurt all over but he confessed to all of the bullying that had taken place over the past few months, how he had become afraid to attend school some days and that Hideo was always bothering him. Itsuki added in how he and some of their other friends, like Maruyama Nishiko who was absent that way, had made multiple reports in the past about the bullying. Nothing hd ever come out of it. KunWoo was furious, demanding to know why the school had not contacted him about Masayuki's attendance as well as why they never addressed the previously-reported bullying incidents. They floundered to make excuses. Finally, they apologized and suspended Hideo for a week. However, they also attempted to suspend Masayuki for three days for "abusing his powers." KunWoo promptly informed them that his nephew would no longer be attending this school, and dragged his boys to the car. The ride home was tense and silent. Masayuki attempted to escape to his bedroom but KunWoo asked him to sit down in the living room while and and Naoki made tea. He was anxious and felt like puking, especially when his uncle sat across from him and his cousin in the chair by the fireplace. "Uncle KunWoo..."

KunWoo smiled sadly, "You know we just love you, right? No matter what." And finally Masayuki broke down. He had felt such hate for himself for so long, and to be told that he was accepted and loved made him so happy even though the day had been so terrible. Naoki called him stupid for thinking anything otherwise before asking if he wanted to watch a movie together. In the end, he missed school for the rest of the week and on the following Monday began to attend a different middle school in the area. He still met up with his closest friends regularly and he lived a much more positive life from that moment on. Thankfully, he was able to attend the same high school as Itsuki and Nishiko who fully embraced his uality. Masayuki definitely had a crush on Itsuki, which Nishiko for and Itsuki thanked him for, but he was really straight and so it never progressed beyond a simple crush. He still did very well in school and even got a boyfriend in his second year. Aomoto Susumu was a year above him and they dated until just a month after Masayuki graduated. They were a very good couple, with Susumu being an Extraordinaire with the power of foresight. They complimented each other well- Susumu being hard-working, physically affectionate just the way Masayuki liked, of similar intelligence, and overall just a really supportive boyfriend. However, due to Susumu pursuing a career in South Africa, they did break up which left Masayuki pretty upset.

Still, he moved onto trying to get a job and with a fund set up by his uncle, moved to Tokyo with Nishiko and Itsuki. It was very different from Osaka, and he saw discrimination a lot more often. He took to wearing dark colored contacts to finally get a job- A phlebotomist (Draws blood for blood testing), and started taking any classes at a community college that interested him. Masayuki had a few dates here and there but nothing serious and honestly, he wasn't finding his passion in any of the community college courses either. He kept in regular contact with his uncle and cousin who came to visit often, and finally Itsuki made a suggestion. "Why not try going to a Sanctuary school? You can learn more about your abilities and maybe you'll find you like using them. Or something." Masayuki still played around with his abilities when he was bored or wanted to show a party trick, but he never seriously learned the full extent of them. At first he laughed it off but actually started to think about it. He got in contact with some professors to talk about their programs, and was set to be admitted to the Chinese school again. However, that was when the attacks began. Days before he got on the plane, the Chinese school was abandoned and Masayuki was kind of screwed. Thankfully, a professor was able to contact him about the setting up of the Korean school, and Masayuki said a sad farewell to his family and friends (Who were now nervous about him attending) and went off to Incheon, South Korea.



✩ Walking along the beach, it's soothing and a great date idea
✩ Sweet potato ice cream, he literally would go on hour-long rides just to get some from Kamakura once he moved to Tokyo
✩ Dogs, they're very precious
✩ Tempura vegetables, dipped in soy sauce. Masayuki's favorite way to eat them!
Hopefully Sky by Jung Eunji, it's his favorite song of all time


✩ Bullies, for obvious reasons
✩ Kale, Masayuki thinks it's disgusting
✩ Being misunderstood, which happens often so
✩ Ants, no
✩ Whales, they're slightly terrifying and he always avoided them when he went to aquariums


✩ Tends to mutter when bored- Hence a lot of his snarky remarks under his breath
✩ Applying chapstick any time his lips feel remotely chapped or dry
✩ Masayuki habitually slides the nail of his index finger against the side of the thumb next to it


✩ Reading detective novels, Masayuki loves them
✩ Origami, it soothes him quite a bit and is easy to do without too much focus since he's been doing it so long
✩ Braiding HeiRyung's fur, it's fun and makes for good pictures
✩ Future- Archery, he learns a special technique while at the school and soon archery becomes his favorite pastime


✩ The snake that bit him was venemous, and as such fairly dangerous, but thankfully he got immediate medical attention and healed fully after a few days in the hospital. Masayuki thinks it's a fun tale to tell.
✩ His favorite book is The Curious Casebook of Inspector Hanshichi: Detective Stories of Old Edo, which details the retelling of various crimes that the character Inspector Hanshichi looked into.
✩ When it comes to asking people personal questions- Masayuki literally does not even ask them their names. Whenever he would ask someone even a simple question like that, Hideo would spit out, "Trying to hit on him, ?" if it were a boy and "Really, it's pathetic that you're trying to hide your daffy by talking to girls." It has caused extreme psychological trauma that should really be looked into. People find this very strange but as previously mentioned, it is misunderstood.
✩ At age eleven, Masayuki used his abilities to pierce his own ears. Yeah, when Naoki found him bleeding while laying on his bedroom floor, he definitely tattled to his dad. Still, Masayuki made new piercings over the years. He has made quite a few.
✩ His groupchat with Nishi and Itsu is named "S'mores Buddies"
✩ He's had a total of five boyfriends, including Susumu though he was the only really serious one
✩ Masayuki enjoys seeing play and musical productions
✩ He is a pro checkers player since he played against his uncle and his cousin from the time he was young. You can't beat him, just try.
This is Masayuki's arrow quiver, though in better condition. It is made of leather and metal thread, so if it gets ripped off or he drops it, he can use his abilities to retrieve it. Bow and arrow is his prefered use of his abilities. His bow is also able to be retrieved though this method.
✩ He can often be found watching candle making tutorials and videos on Youtube, for no particular reason.
✩ Has a certain fondness for snails
✩ Admittedtly, he misses Osaka very much. He missed it a lot already when he was living in Tokyo, and now that he's in a foreign country for the first time, Masayuki really feels homesick. Osaka is his favorite place to be, and he often looks for Japanese-style foods while he's in Korea.
✩ Masayuki's favorite color is creamsicle orange.
✩ Actually, Masayuki did not openly question why he lived with his Uncle KunWoo and cousin Naoki-niisan until he was in high school and dating Susumu. Susumu asked tentively about it one night after a dinner date and Masayuki laughed while admitting he'd never actually asked about it before. So that weekend he finally asked Uncle KunWoo about it. When his uncle heavily explained the whole story, Masayuki strangely enough did not feel abandoned, angry, or hurt. He felt like he really understood and was thankful to have been raised by his uncle with his cousin by his side.
✩ He is very, very fond of the ocean
✩ Masayuki actually works on the Incheon campus for money. He works in the medical building, because he is still certified as a phlebotomist so when people need to have blood tested for this and that, he is often the one who draws it.
✩ He has a large stuffed sheep that he simply calls his "Sheep Friend." Masayuki has had this sheep since he was a child, and keeps it on his bed. (A/N: I have two of those in yellow. I love them.)
✩ Masayuki's bedding (x)
✩ In order to learn Korean better, he asks people for music recommendations. It's the easiest form for him to learn from. Because of this, he is currently listening to a lot of boy and girl groups, but he doesn't listen to groups like BTS, EXO, Twice, SNSD, etc. because he's afraid to like, offend someone if he doesn't like them.
✩ He really does love chocolate a lot. It's delicious.
✩ That being said, his favorite food is tonkatsu. He doesn't have a favorite Korean food yet, since he hasn't tried too much.
✩ Masayuki is not hiding his uality by any means in Korea, but he also hasn't really told anyone either. He knows the conservative views and is afraid of another Hideo-like incident. So while he was very much out in Japan, it's not quite the same in South Korea.
✩ Fond of coffee
✩ Honestly his face speaks so much about his emotions, it's crazy. Still, it's not always a full picture so while people may call him an open book, it isn't entirely true.
✩ Masayuki likes to play card games when there's a storm
✩ Really, truly loves to eat and gets very excited when he has a good meal. (x)(x)(x)


✩ Uncle - Park KunWoo (44) / Childbirth educator & part-time artist / Warm, artistic, lonely, procrastinating / 9-10 (FC: Jaejin of Sechskies)
Powers: Humanoid shapeshifting. Park KunWoo is forty-four, but you would never guess it. That is because he constantly uses his powers to not look any older than when he was about thirty-nine. He has the power to shapeshift into any human of any appearance, male, female, nonbinary, none of it matters. He can do this at any time with no limitations. He attended the Chinese school as a young child. In his teenage years he moved to Japan where he met his wife- Ueno Akahana. Akahana passed away giving birth to their son Naoki, and he ended up raising both him and his nephew, Masayuki. KunWoo adores, loves, and has always raised Masayuki as his own. He believes him to be a very special and loveable child, and was glad to raise him alongside his own son. KunWoo also believes the circumstances around his family to very unfortunate, but he never let that change how he treated him. Masayuki does call him "Uncle KunWoo," even though many people would expect him to be called "Otou-san." This does not mean he isn't Masayuki's precious father figure. He would glady give his life for Uncle KunWoo, and is grateful that he raised him all these years. He is very aware that his middle school bully has left lasting psychological effects and tries to convince Masayuki to talk about them, or see a professional. He isn't receptive. While originally KunWoo wanted him to go to a sanctuary school, now that they are being attacked, he is quite nervous. Because of this, he video calls Masayuki with Naoki every night.

✩ Cousin - Ueno Naoki (25) / Owner of Sleepy Cone Ice Cream Shoppe / Intuitive, accepting, aggressive, willfull / 9-10 (FC: Takuya of Cross Gene)
Powers: Voice mimicry. Ueno Naoki has the power to mimic any and every voice of all pitches. Many would compare his vocal mimicry power to that of the mythical wendigo. When he uses the ability, his pupil shrinks dramatically. It is very impressive though Naoki does not use it often. It is influencing his decision to start training for law enforcement, though, as he believes it could be very useful into tricking criminals into a false sense of security. In any case, Naoki was happy the day his single father came back with a baby, especially one that was his cousin from his mother's side. He had never met her or anyone from that side, so the fact that his cousin was now living with them was awesome. He doted on the baby and as they grew older together, they truly were close friends. Masayuki looks up to his "Naoki-niisan" quite a bit and they grew up playing outside together, playing video games, watching movies, etc. Before Masayuki even noticed his attraction to males, Naoki knew. He just seemed to know, and he hoped that his baby cousin would be able to come to him about it. It hurt that he never did, even more so when he found out the kid was getting beaten and yelled at for it. These days, the two can share everything with each other and Naoki consistently reminds Masayuki of just that. When he first learned of the truth as to why Masayuki came to live with them (When he was thirteen and asked his dad), he was shocked and upset, but thankful. He feels life would have been boring, and a bit sad and lonely without him. He feels sort of guilty for suggesting that Masayuki goes to a school now that there are attacks. Naoki will be marrying his girlfriend of three years, Kitagawa Kokoa, in the summer. She co-owns the Sleepy Cone Ice Cream Shoppe in Osaka with him.

✩ Precious pup - HeiRyung (4) / Being a full-time queen / Gentle, sweet-tempered, sociable, quiet / 10-10
Powers: Mental human communication. Strangely enough, this Newfoundland dog is able to mentally communicate with humans of any ethnicity. It does not matter what language they speak or where they come from, or even who they are. Even an Extraordinaire's ability cancellation cannot stop her. HeiRyung was the dog of an Extraordinaire who died in a fire a few months ago. Since then, she staid at a no-kill shelter, and waited for the day a human would take her home- If it happened at all. She waited and waited, wanting to be picked as a normal dog, rather than one that could communicate with humans. Finally, the day arrived that a young Japanese boy, just hours off his plane, came to the shelter, looking for a companion. Almost like they had a connection, he made his way straight to her. After spending just a few moment petting her, he turned to the worker and said, "Her name is HeiRyung? It definitely fits, doesn't it, my graceful girl? Let me go home with her." It wasn't until he arrived in his motel room that she spoke to him. He was shocked but grinned. "It's a pleasure to meet you, HeiRyung. Imagine that, a dog that can speak to me? I knew I'd love you." So, yes, if you're wondering, this is indeed a bear. And a queen. She weighs 130 pounds and stands at 26 inches tall. She is obviously "lorge and in charge," says Masayuki's meme queen best friend, Nishiko. HeiRyung was Masayuki's first friend upon arriving in Korea and he values her more than his own life. She is truly a precious companion and he couldn't live without her these days. She requires long walks daily, as needs a lot of social interaction. She only speaks to those whom she wishes to, but makes them all promise never to reveal she can speak telepathically.

✩ Best friend - Fuuji Itsuki (23) / Model & psychology student / Athletic, confident, dreamy, disorganized / 10-10 (FC: Ryosuke Yamada)
Powers: None. Fuuji Itsuki is one of the two people that Ueno Masayuki is close with that is not an Extraordinaire. He is also Masayuki's first and still crush, though they know that they will never be anything beyond best friends as Itsuki is straight. Though many would assume that causes a strain in their relationship, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Itsuki, Nishiko, and Masayuki all sat in the back corner of the classroom in their last year of middle school and because of this, they all became the best of friends. The marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker of a s'mores, if you will. Itsuki was fascinated by Masayuki's beautiful eyes and immediately began talking to him. He really enjoyed the unique sense of generosity that Masayuki displayed and the snarky comments under his breath that had the corner by the window bursting into laughter and getting classroom cleanup duties way more often than the other students. Itsuki is the type to daydream all day long, and this is such an endearing quality to Masayuki. His best friend dreams big and his expression when he does is the most beautiful thing. When Itsuki smiles, Masayuki can hardly believe he gets to have such an amazing and gorgeous friend. While going to college for psychology, Itsuki is also modelling and is getting quite popular, so Masayuki gets quite excited and can point to his best friend on a phone screen and brag about how "That's my best friend!!" at the school. Of course, he pulls out the years of selcas he has to prove this. Itsuki does his best to help his dear friend work through his issues, and this is why he decided to study psychology. He wants to be able to help those who went through bullying, or abuse, or a traumatic event, or even are just having a hard time. Itsuki wanted to be a soccer player, but abanonded being pro for this. Masayuki means that much to him. These two are constantly texting in their group chat with Nishiko. The three used to live together, but now it's just him and Nishi. The two are always talking about their lovely Extraordinaire best friend, Masayuki, and it is common to see Itsuki at a rally to promote love instead of discrimination for Extraordinaires. A common nickname Nishiko and Masayuki use for Itsuki is simply "Itsu."

✩ Best friend - Maruyama Nishiko (22) / Arts college student (Animation) / Faithful, fiery, sassy, secretive / 10-10 (FC: Rina Ikoma)
Powers: None. Maruyama Nishiko is the second of the two people that Ueno Masayuki is close to that does not have any Extraordinaire abilities. While Masayuki sat at the very corner seat that first year, Itsuki sat nex to him and Nishiko sat in front of him. As soon as Itsuki introduced himself to Masayuki, she turned around and introduced herself confidently to the boys behind her. The whole year was spent covering her face with her books, trying not to cry of laughter at their antics. Soon enough, Itsuki became "Itsu, Masayuki became "Yuki," and Nishiko became "Nishi." While when they first met, Nishiko was confident, fiery, and playful, through the years she's taken on the title of "Meme Queen" and is well-versed in all dog memes. It's pretty hilarious, and she is always teasing her Softboi™. Honestly, she wasn't very cute when they first met, so Yuki and Ishi are always telling her they're "so proud you grew up so well, what a beauty, who would have ever guessed?" She is prone to hitting their arms for that one, or for Yuki's case these days, spamming him the three Japanese alphabets over text since, you know, he lives in South Korea now. Even though Nishi hasn't met HeiRyung, she has completely fallen for her best friend's dog and will often refer to her as their "Overlord-" Of course, she's completely joking, but you know. She still says it. Nishiko is studying at an arts school in Tokyo while living with Itsu, and she focuses on animation. She loves to create short films and is very passionate. She hopes that one day she can get to work with Disney, and her best friends support her dream one-hundred percent. While Yuki grew up with his uncle and Itsu grew up with his parents and siblings, Nishiko was raised only by her older sister who was hardly able to support them all of these years. When they were in high school, her older sister ended up comitting suicide by standing in front of a bus. Nishiko felt guilty towards her, because she always stressed and worked herself to the bone to take care of her. Only when Nishiko could take care of herself did she choose to leave. It was such a hard time but her dearest best friends stood by her, helped pay for the funeral, grieved and stayed with her. She values them so, so much and knows she can always rely on them. Once you earn Nishiko's love and care, you certainly have it for life.

✩ New close friend - Son Eunha (21) / Student and street dancer / Mannered, comfortable with her uality, calculating, shallow / 8-10 (FC: Euijin of Sonamoo)
Powers: Flower generation. Son Eunha has the power to create flowers seemingly out of thin air. If there is a seed, she can make is grow instantly. If flowers are dead, she can revive them. She can also make them grow unbelievably large. However, this only expands to flowers, making her believe it's a fairly useless ability. Still, Eunha wanted to attend the Korean school so here she is. Eunha met Masayuki within the first week of them being at the school, and she immediately decided to be his friend. She actually spent a few years of her younger life living in Japan and speaks Japanese fluently, so she took it upon herself to get to know him and help teach him Korean. She translates conversations going on around them and they often joke together in Japanese so that Masayuki isn't the only one feeling left out around others. She often shows him her new dance routines and in turn, he'll make her some sort of origami or braids her dyed blonde hair for her. Eunha enjoys his snarky sense of humor and his awesome intelligence, and while they aren't very similar people at all, they genuinely enjoy hanging out together. Eunha will often make flower crowns atop Masayuki's head when he is absorbed in a task and he isn't paying attention to her. He doesn't notice until he touches his head, looks in the mirror, or someone comments on it.

✩ New friend - Chae Sae Eun (22) / Student / Independant, strong-willed, guarded, distant / 4-10, to be 7-10
Powers: Cryokinesis. So perhaps Sae Eun and Masayuki are not very close right now. It's tough when she isn't really willing to open herself up. However, on Masayuki's first day, he met the ever-cool Chae Sae Eun. She was by herself and he was as well- His roommate had yet to arrive, so he was taking HeiRyung on a walk. HeiRyung made eye contact with him for a split second before he nodded in approval, and she bounded gracefully off to meet this new human girl. Masayuki was not far behind. Though he could not really say how Sae Eun felt about being bothered by them, he spoke to her a lot about himself in his broken Korean (Unable to bring himself to ask any personal questions, as always) and hoped that offering information was a helpful way to make her more comfortable. From then on, he always approached her whenever he saw her, and did most of the talking. He wants to be her friend, and the fact that HeiRyung can telepathically communicate with her helps. The truth is, Sae Eun finds him to be a little strange (A Japanese guy who can hardly speak Korean that a telepathic dog?) but she does truly appreciate that he does not try to ask her much about herself because she isn't comfortable sharing. Though it does bother her that he doesn't even ask her name...

✩ Ex-boyfriend - Aomoto Susumu (23) / English teaching aide / Empathetic, hard-working, discontented, domineering / 5-10 (FC: Sota Fukushi)
Powers: Foresight. Aomoto Susumu's power of foresight isn't quite as exciting as you might expect. He cannot see one hundred years into the future or anything of that sort. He can, however, get glimpses of the recent past and the near future if he focuses on a specific person or location. These glimpses are often a little distorted but he's come to know how to read them perfectly. Susumu was Masayuki's first and most serious boyfriend, and actually most people expected them to stay together for pretty much forever. They got along very well any any fights they had were able to be worked through with just a little effort on both parts. Susumu made Masayuki completely comfortable with himself, and for that he's forever grateful. Unfortunately, Susumu had a passion for teaching and his want to assist those less fortunate than himself pulled them apart. While he went to South Africa, Masayuki knew he could not keep up such a long-distance relationship. It just wasn't who he was. They broke up very amicably, though, and to this day they still contact each other. Susumu often sends him pictures with his students or a place that he thinks Masayuki would find beautiful, and Masayuki keeps him updated on how things are going with him and what the situation with Extraordinaires are these days. Still, they'll never be as close as they once were and are simple friends.

✩ Future friend - Yun Junhee (19) / Student & single mother / Studious, mature, quiet, stubborn / To be 8-10 (FC: Kim Lip of LOONA)
Powers: Empathetic voice & music casting. Yun Junhee is a student at the Incheon school, training to control her powers of an empathetic voice and music casting. If Junhee puts a thickness into her words, whatever emotion her voice conveys will immediately because the dominant emotion that those who can hear it feel. When she plays the flute without a music sheet, reality becomes distorted but this has no lasting effect other than mild to major motion sickness. Junhee and Masayuki have not met yet, but when they do, they'll get along surprisingly well. He admires her strength, maturity, dedication, and well, he's never really been around children before but her son Foster sure is adorable. Junhee has a hard time expressing herself and he finds that to be very interesting and relatable, in the way of his inability to ask people about themselves. He thinks she's a lovely young woman who deserves to have many friends. Junhee thinks that Masayuki and his dog HeiRyung are quite strange but she appreciates the close bond they have. HeiRyung is also shockingly gentle with her son, and Foster really seems to love the fluffy monster, so she finds herself visiting them fairly often.

Electromagnetism Manipulation

Enhanced eyesight & metal manipulation

What is your power? Are there any limitations?:

✩ "The truth is that I'm not well-versed in my powers. From what I know I can do, I can turn off or blow out lights, control magnetism, but I'm not sure where the scope of that lies just yet, and I believe I can redirect electrical currents. I'm sure there are many limitations that I have yet to discover since I don't really do much beyond playing with coins. I wouldn't consider it a limitation but there is a visible physical effect on my skin color when I control the magnetism of an object."

Upon training, we find that Masayuki can control the electromagnetic fields of just about anything within a mile-wide radius- But nothing beyond. He can sense the size, shape, and types of metals that he cannot even see that are nearby (The larger it is, the easier), bend and move items that have magnetic metals in them (Those listed in the appearance section), and create EMP pulses that knock out electronics. It is also possible for him to interfere with radio waves and cellphone signals within a hundred-foot radius. He can create a small frontal barrier (Only just taller than him and wraps around his sides, leaving his back totally exposed) made of electromagnetic energy (Green). This is with very intense training and is exhausting.

When Masayuki is using the magnetism-based abilities (All excluding the redirecting electrical currents and messing with lights), he is focusing the iron in his body- This is not possible with the iron in other's bodies. Because of this, he will come to suffer anemia and must take many supplements. The more Masayuki uses his abilities, the more exhausted he gets and if he pushes himself too far, he will get a nosebleed and faint. It's completely possible for his abilities to put his life in danger.

A technique that Masayuki discovers and becomes quite fond of is using his power over magnetism to direct arrows. He has special arrows that mix iron into stronger metals for the arrowheads. Once Masayuki fires the arrow, he can direct it towards wherever he wishes within the mile-wide radius. It is much easier, though, to direct where he can see. Once the arrow is out of his line of sight, or is headed to a place he has never laid eyes on, the accuracy falls as he only can sense vague shapes from the magnetic fields from the surroundings of the arrow.

When did you find out about them? What happened?: 

✩ "My powers as an Extraordinaire were discovered upon my birth, so I always knew about them! When you grow up with them, it's not very hard to deal with, haha. I guess the first time I remember using them was when I was three and accidentally pinned Naoki-niisan's arm to the wall by his watch. He got a liiiitle mad."

How did people react when you find out, like your family or friends?:

✩ "I don't really know~ I was a newborn so obviously I can't remember. My friends knew from the moment we met because back then I didn't cover up my eyes. And all my new friends here clearly know because we go to school here together."

How are you handling it? : 

✩ "It? That's not quite descriptive. My powers? I just want to learn more about them and see if I could find an interesting job with them. Or perhaps the attacks? Those made my family and friends nervous for me to come here, but I'm sure I can protect myself."

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

Jeon Chanwoo (FC: Yunhyeong, IKON)

male applicant


✩ Jeon Chanwoo is sarcastic, abrasive, and doesn't care if you hate him for it. He acts confident and sometimes even arrogant, but in reality, this stems deep from a place of feeling inadequate in his family. Chanwoo's powers pale in comparison to all of his siblings, parents, and anyone else in his family. They call him weak and he feels like he might be. So out comes sarcasm even when he tries to be sincere, abrasive whenever he or his decisions/actions are questioned, and Chanwoo is aware that not that many people like him for this type of behavior. Still, there are positive points to him. He is very curious of the world around him and he likes to ask questions. In return, he offers up tidbits about himself. He is fond of nature and respects it like very few do this days. Chanwoo is surprisingly insightful and introspective, and he can offer really good advice to those who ask for it. He is great with children and enjoys playing with them. He's always on time- Never late- And is actually fairly respectable. Chanwoo genuinely cares about his health and his well-being and he takes care of his body and his mind the best he can. He always puts effort into his appearance so he is presentable to others.

POWERS: Literary manipulation. This is fairly broad, but in general means he can create, shape, and manipulate forms of physical literary objects- However, he is limited to just written word and it's physical form. He cannot bring illustrations to life, but life forms that are written in a book, scroll, notepad, etc. can be animated. Chanwoo can do the following: Transform writen word into the actual object (A technique called "lexiconicy"), papyrokinesis (Controls paper- Can use as a weapon as well), projected thermography (Write without scribing tools), and sonography (Read printed words by feeling ink impressions on a paper).

A BRIEF HISTORY: Jeon Chanwoo was born into a large, important Extraordinaire family. Their powers have always been very high-level, from subatomic manipulation to instant aptitude, absolute growth inducement to blood absorption, and even way back in the past, absolute restoration. Historically, not one child was known to be born without abilities, and they were always even more extraordinary than most. However, Jeon Chanwoo is considered the black sheep of his family. While his older brother can manipulate chaos, his younger sister able to take on the form of a Jorogumo (And in doing so, can breathe underwater, absorb life from others, has intense inherent stealth abilities, and obviously can morph into another form), and his younger brother with the dual ability of dream manipulation (Can create dreams/nightmares, control them, walk through them, invade other's dreams, and even affect the physical body of someone through their dreams) and chronoskimming (Able to use his power over dreams to send one's consciousness past versions of themselves), Chanwoo simply has powers related to the written word. Yes, he can control paper, read by touching ink, write without any writing tool, and even bring some things written about into the real world for a short amount of time, but it is painfully unimpressive and plain weak from a member of his family. He grew up knowing his powers were nothing, and his family really treated him as an outcast. He always wondered how much worse they would treat him if they knew he was gay. He never bothered to ask. While his two brothers went to the Atmosphere, and his younger sister to the Indian school (She graduated before the attacks), he went to the Canadian school. He was effectively useless when the attack came and his roommate died in the attack. He went home for a short while where he was ridiculed for his weakness before being sent to the newly opened Korean school.


✩ Masayuki arrived a day before Chanwoo did, and was quite interested to meet his new roommate. Unfortunately, he missed his arrival while on a walk with HeiRyung, and when he returned he found Jeon Chanwoo, laying on his side, staring at a well. He attempted to introduce himself, but Chanwoo was still scarred over the loss of his last roommate, who has been his best friend-He promptly told Masayuki that he didn't care who he was, he didn't want to know, and to keep that bear of a dog on his side of the room. Masayuki was offput, but not undeterred. He simply said, "Okay," and went about his business until the next day, where he introduced himself again. This went on for about a week before Chanwoo finally came to him, sheepish and distressed.

"I'm sorry about how I treated you. It's just, I'm from the Canadian school and my last roommate...Yeah. I'm Jeon Chanwoo, twenty-two and twenty-three in April. You're Ueno Masayuki, right? I know a bit of Japanese, so if that helps..." It was still rocky for the first few months, to be honest. Chanwoo was abrasive and bit out venemous things left and right, but thanks to HeiRyung who could hear a lot of Chanwoo's thoughts, he knew that he simply didn't have the loving and supportive family that Masayuki was accustomed to. However, as time passed they naturally became closer and were good friends when Masayuki casually mentioned he was talking to his ex-boyfriend. "Wait, you're gay? Or bi, or something?" "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm gay. Did I never mention that?" "No. Funny, me too." Well, . Masayuki had a massive crush on Chanwoo and didn't expect him to be gay, too. Still, he knew that didn't automatically mean they were going to get together.

✩ He carefully became more touchy-feely with Chanwoo, and more open about complimenting him. Masayuki was never really the flirty type, so he really had no idea what to do. However, Chanwoo was now curious about how he felt, having noticed that Masayuki seemed at least slightly interested. So, Chanwoo started to make bolder moves, like giving him back hugs, whispering in his ear, caressing his cheek, basically anything that would have Masayuki show his shyer, sweeter side that would blush and quietly lean into the contact. Finally, one day, after strong urging from Itsuki, Masayuki finally asked Chanwoo on a date with him. Chanwoo said there was no one he'd rather go out with.

STATUS: Roommates
ENDING: Dating


Layni17 ✩ Tsuki

LAST COMMENT: Okay I swear I'll stop making apps now-- XD If Masayuki becomes too much of a pain to type, calling him by his nickname Yuki is fine too. Did you know humans can actually be born with silver eyes?? My substitute had them. It was awesome. Like, not blue, not grey, not "if the light hits them just right," like actually silver.


So like that book I mentioned in the second trivia, I totally recommend. I got it as a birthday present when my grandmother took me to a museum and wow, I love it even years later. Long and sometimes hard to read, but so good.

Is a telepathic dog too much?? I love HeiRyung. What a large doggo.

I mean, I love my son but I guess if he HAD to die, I could handle it...Probably...


✩ The contacts Masayuki wears last six months before they expire. His current pair have been around for three months. So, in three months, he makes the decision to not buy his contacts again and instead embraces his natural eye color. Everyone is surprised to see their natural color. "Dude, are you wearing silver colored contacts??" "No, this is my natural color, I was wearing brown contacts before. And this isn't silver, it's the color of iron."

✩ Romance between Masayuki and Chanwoo, my girls are romance-deficient and I just love my boys here

✩ Maybe Itsuki, Nishiko, and Naoki visit? "Dad would have, too, but he had work and couldn't get out of it."

✩ Masayuki tests combining his powers with Yeo Woosik. If Woosik can create a lightning storm, and Masayuki can direct those electrical currents, it could be extremely useful.





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