Translation Rules

I allow translations from anyone as long as they agree to the following. This means that I allow several people to translate in the same language, therefore if you are uncomfortable with that, it is best you choose not to translate.

I do not restrict anyone by discriminating on their race, language, skill on language, or anything else. As long as you abide by these rules, I will very gratefully allow you to translate.

As a translator of any of blehmeh's fics, you agree to:

  1. translate, to your language, as accurately as you possibly can
  2. credit blehmeh, the author, in a way that everyone will know that your work is a translation and not the original
  3. paste a link of the original fic, in a way that everyone will know where to refer to when they are curious to look at the original
  4. work professionally as a translator of blehmeh's fics, even if you are not a professional translator yourself. This includes writing translator notes where necessary, fix up any confusion created in the change of language. This means not to do anything such as: writing personal notes irrelevant to your place as a translator, doing anything on your translating website/page that moves away from your role as a translator.
  5. translate for everyone to view equally, even if they send malicious comments towards the story or the characters ... UNLESS they attack you personally as a person, then you are allowed to block them at your discretion. Either you choose to private your translation, stop your translation, or go on a hiatus is up to you, but blehmeh does not allow unfair blocking due to unfavourable comments
  6. not misuse blehmeh's fics to threaten readers or any such like
  7. not to write personal notes that disturbs the flow of the story and contradicts your role as a translator
  8. not do anything that is not a translator's job
  9. respect blehmeh's wishes on her fics, including old and new wishes that may come along after your permission had been granted


Your role as a translator is to:

  • move the fics into another language, if best - without a presence that disturbs the transition of language of the fics
  • translate the fics to share more fanfiction to fans who do not know English
  • write translator notes relevant to the fics and your role as a translator, which may include when the fic is to be updated by you, when you decide to go on a hiatus, etc.

Your role as a translator is not to:

  • decide, on your own accord or anyone else's accord that is not blehmeh's, to compile your translations into a PDF to share, or publish your translations for anyone to view or distribute, including yourself
  • do anything else other than translate


If you agree to all the following, you can message blehmeh to translate any of her fics. Let her know which fic, what language, and say that 'I agree to the Translation Rules on your blog'.

Furthermore, provide the link of the translation, and your social media account (twitter, wattpad username if you decide to translate there, etc).


This will be updated regularly if need be, and the update dates will be written below so translators do not get confused. Social media accounts are needed in case I need to notify anyone of any new updates.

This applies to old translators and would help if you can also message me upon reading this new update!


If you have any questions, contact me:

@blehmeh, AFF

@blehmeh2014, twitter

@blehmeh2014, wattpad



Written: 180120

Published: 180124


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Thank you for publishing this! 😊