jinxed it

So, good one in the morning to ya'll. I'm really just bored so decided for a mini rant. As some might now I'm going to Poland  (again) tomorrow for two or more weeks - and I'll be teaching English to teens there. So obviously I'll be busy. I decided to go on a break from my regular daily grind of writing alllll the time  (I'm a writer / translator) but can't put myself on vacation yet as I leave tomorrow. I've been really good, wrote a lot, only have a few more things to complete that I can more or less do tomorrow but JUST as I was about to -yaknow- go to sleep tonight...

It happened


Well of course they don't mean actual orders but you have to reply to them quick or your ratings take a hit. The projects DO sound fun so I would be happy to work on them but I'm slightly too tired for these things.


On another note I started the process of finding a family and school in China so if things end up happening in a quick and scary manner I might be there before the Chinese New Year. It's possible but of course I might have to wait more. 

I sometimes read my posts or look at my Facebook and see all those travelling pictures.. I sure look like someone who's daddy is paying for all of it  XD Its hilarious because we hear this all the time from family (I'm 22 so I'm youngish really and my sister is in acting school so she has a lot of cool high tech pics as wel) but it couldn't be further from the truth. Despite how we might fight a lot we both work for everything that we earn - I travel with my own money and my sister works the summer so she can slave in theatres in the winter. 

And yet the weird cousins we have seem to think we are rich as heck. (and no he isnt teasing..)

These things always make me feel strange because I should be upset but I think it's sort of funny XD 

sigh the problems of a traveller XD my goal is that by the time I finish school I'll be a fully digital monad writing blogs books and articles. So yeah.

yay really 



anyway I'll end this post now I'm too tired :D night yall


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