The League of Extraordinaire : Geum MiYeun : Acid Manipulation

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✩ Jagiya - This was the common nickname that her husband called her by. Jeongmin always would call her either Jagiya or by her first name.
✩ Ahjumma - Woosik calls her this playfully, even if it does not quite seem like it.
✩ Darling - Her father has called her "Darling" since she was a little girl
✩ Cherry Bomb - Ever since MiYeun started dyeing her hair red last year, Yumi has taken up calling her "Cherry Bomb" because her hair is red and she looks bomb.
✩ Director-Nim - MiYeun has written and directed her own musicals, so some of her old staff still call her "Director-Nim" to this day


✩ Korean - Fluent, MiYeun's native language
✩ Japanese - Semi-fluent, she took a few courses during college because it interested her


✩ MiYeun has an oblong-shaped face and a long, thin nose. Her brows are straight, and her lips a pale pink. However, they are very average in shape and there is nothing otherwise particularly noteworthy. Her forehead is prominent and MiYeun's eyes are set deeper back into her head. Her arms are thin, and her hands pale, small, and soft due to her skincare routine. She has C-cup s, a slim waist, shapely hips, and even has very light abs as MiYeun works out. Her legs are long, making her taller than the average Korean girl.


✩ MiYeun really likes to dress y. She's proud of her body because she eats well and works out to get it so nice. She loves to wear all colors, because what matters is how form-fitting or the length of the item. From sweater dresses to a form-fitting black top with a peephole-like neckline. A little black dress to skinny jeans and a stiff long-sleeved cream top, a black and white striped top tucked into a tan colored skirt, MiYeun has a lot of ways to be purposefully and seemingly-effortlessly y. For formal occasions, she normally wears long dresses (Though she does have a few short dresses, another fancy little black dress or two), with some sort of surprise- A slit for a leg, shear middle, hugging her in all the right places, you know how it goes. Half of her pajamas are like tame lingerie, the others normal, cute, and feminine pajamas, pinks and purples. (here)

Acid manipulation is a variation of elemental generation. This ability is also known as acid generation. As such, MiYeun's blood is not only acidic, but she holds the power to create acids and acidic vapors. The degree of acidity is dependent on her control and intentions. She can remove acidity by absorbing it, but this does not extend to her own blood as it is absorbed straight into her blood. She is immune to acids.

BIRTHDATE: April 19th, 1990
BIRTHPLACE: Daegu, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Minyoung of Brave Girls
BACK UP: Yura of Girls Day
HEIGHT: 170 cm
WEIGHT: 59 kg

I am who i am

and I am who I want to be

ENFJ-A; Slytherpuff
(+) Determined, family-oriented, warm, reliable, charismatic, organized
(=) Cautious, sociable, genuine, creative, generally confident
(-) Harsh, idealistic, sensitive, struggle making tough decisions, jealous, distractable


Geum MiYeun has always been a very family-oriented woman. Family is very important to her thanks to growing up closely to her parents, and it is the main focus of her life. This is why she always valued her life as a married woman for so long. She takes commitment seriously, and values spending time and emotionally supporting her family and friends. MiYeun understands that love will never be perfect, and that if it is going to last that an imperfect love is okay. She always wanted to have a large family and because of this, she treats those near her like her precious family members. She is warm and naturally makes you feel welcomed, an aura about her. When you are near MiYeun, she just makes you feel comfortable and loved if you know her. She feels a lot like a mug of hot chocolate on a blustry, snowy day. MiYeun is reliable even in the most stressful of times- Steadfast and always there to help guide you along the best she can. It's a goal of hers in life to assist people where she can and is always open if you need to ask advice. Her charisma makes her likeable and easy to approach, and she is quite sociable. Easy to like and talk to, MiYeun's gifted at making friends. She is organized in all aspects of her life, preferring to sit down and write a detailed plan out rather than go straight ahead and make split-second decisions. She also accepts that things will not go according to her exact plans, but is determined to make them go as smoothly as possible. Once she sets her mind on a goal, MiYeun is going to do all that she can to make it happen.

Due to her abilities, MiYeun has grown up to be cautious. She is not prone to making dangerous decisions or big risks. She is the kind to hang around in the back and proceed with caution, because if she was to be injured, this could create a large problem. She's not going to dive headfirst into a problem due to the possible repercussions. MiYeun's social attitude is sometimes considered to be fake, some thinking her charisma to be manipulative, but truly she is genuine with every action and step she takes. MiYeun puts her heart into her words and actions, and earnestly wants to help others. She has never done or said something without meaning it, and if she did, it was out of a place of anger or upset, which she would go back and apologize for later. Some use this genuine trait against her, taking advantage of her. It's something she needs to be on the lookout for, because while it is good to put yourself out there for others, people will use you. Still, MiYeun is also genuine in her creative pursuits. She lives and breathes creativity, and finds beauty everywhere. Inspiration is all around her, and MiYeun draws confidence from this. While she sometimes can lose confidence due to harsh criticism, normally she knows just who she is what she can and cannot do. She is confident in her endeavors to complete her promise to her husband.

The truth is, MiYeun is painfully idealistic and this can get the best of her. She does understand that things will not always go to plan, sure. But when people go against her well-intentioned principles and defy her, she is caught off-guard. Instead of feeling anger towards an opposing party, she is more likely to feel pity that they don't see things the same way as her. People are apt to mistake this for naivete, but it truly is just too large a sense of idealism. MiYeun is firm in her beliefs and ways, and when people fail she accidentally becomes too harsh on them. As she pours her heart and soul into helping others the best she can, she can adopt the well-known "the failure of a student is the failure of a teacher" mindset, and blames herself when those she tried to guide do not do well. She will then try to enforce her beliefs even more strongly, which causes people to become frustrated and can have the opposite intended effect. MiYeun struggles making tough decisions more than most. This is based out imagining all of the possible consequences. If caught between a rock and a hard place, it's actually quite likely that MiYeun will completely freeze up and be unable to make a choice. While most can just struggle internally or even externally before making the decision, she can become completely incapable. MiYeun is known to ask for criticism, as she believes it will help her better herself and is a useful tool. However, she can take this too close to her heart. It is likely you will find her trying to fix something she cannot fix, and blaming herself for it. This stems from her sensitivity. She is easily distractable when nothing important seems to be going on. As a creative mind, she sees beauty in everything and oftentimes becomes lost in it. It's not uncommon for you to lose her in a crowd simply because she found something that inspired her or made her think, and she stopped to stare or take notes. Another negative point is that MiYeun becomes jealous. She is jealous, most often, of those who have children. She knows she shouldn't be, but when she sees a mother and a baby, her heart aches and she feels that deadly emotion rise within her. MiYeun tries to control it, but it really is something she struggles to deal with.


the birth Born as Lee MiYeun, she was the daughter of two Extraordinaires- Lee Sanghyun and Lee Hyunmi. Sanghyun had plant manipulation and Hyunmi had the ability to create invisible barriers. They were not particularly powerful, but met at the Chinese sanctuary school back as teenagers. They always kept in contact with the professors there but moved onto ordinary lives in Daegu. Their daughter MiYeun was born when they were in their early twenties, and was their only child- They failed to conceive for years after, and the one time they did, the pregnancy did not last. Because of this, they treasured their daughter very much and MiYeun was always their top priority. They completely forgot all about the fact that them having abilities greatly influenced the chance that their baby would as well, and basked in the joy of being a family of three.

simple living As her parents were so young, MiYeun did not grow up with a lot of money and she lived a fairly simple life. Her father ran a food stall in the local market (With plenty of delicious fruits and vegetables in them thanks to his powers) and her mother was a librarian at an elemantary school. So while she was showered with affection, she was never given much in the way of material things. However, she discovered at an early age that she had a love for musicals, and it became her dream to write them. So, as a surprise for her eighth birthday, her parents signed her up for music lessons and she was ecstatic. MiYeun was only average at all instruments, but she didn't care. She learned how to write music and lyrics, and it was her true passion. In school she was always average as well, but she made a few close friends and her teachers liked her well enough. On the weekends she spent the mornings helping out at her dad's market stall, and she really enjoyed life.

discovery It was at age ten that her powers were discovered. Since MiYeun was a child who preferred to play indoors and not run around, instead choosing to play with her music writing, she was not prone to getting hurt beyond bruises from knocking her arms and legs on furniture. Even as a baby, she was doted on and her nails kept short and round so she would not scratch herself. She could not recall bleeding before. It happened at school- She was running down the stairs for lunch. Simple as that, she tripped and hit her face right on a step. Her nose began to bleed, and the step under her began to steam and corrode. She was shocked, as were her fellow students and the staff. She cupped her hands under her nose, crying, and ran to the bathroom. MiYeun tried to let the blood drip into the sink, but the same thing happened. She simply stood there, hands covered in her own blood until the bleeding stopped. Her parents arrived and with towels, they tried to clean the blood up. Her clothes were ruined, and the towels dissolved. Immediately she was taken home, and her parents were calling up one of their old professors who was vacationing in Korea. It was suggested that she be put in a sanctuary school immediately, as the professor suspected her acidic blood also meant she could create acid (As this was the case for a student of his elsewhere). MiYeun refused, begging to just change to a different school, but she didn't want to leave home. Her parents never could refuse their precious only child. The family moved to Seoul and MiYeun transferred to a new school, and was very careful from then on. She refused to play any rough games and made her best effort to stay out of harm's way.

brewing of true love In high school, MiYeun met the most amazing boy. He was in the same grade as her, and there were plenty of rumors surrounding him- That he was an Extraordinaire, who had gone through the Canadian school and recently returned to Korea where he had been born. She was fascinated, and immediately tried to befriend this boy, Geum Jeongmin. At first, he was resistant to her advances, stating he already had all the friends he needed, but she was not to be deterred. Finally, he accepted her friendship and they became good friends. They graduated, Jeongmin at the top of their class, and during the graduation ceremony, he whispered to her, "Will you go on a date with me?" Flustered but pleased, she agreed, and soon they were a well-established couple. After one night of love-making, Jeongmin admitted to being an Extraordinaire, and expressed his solid belief that MiYeun, too, was one. "How did you know?" "I can astral project, and when I do that, I see the auras around people. The auras around Extraordinaires is unique." He was shocked that she never went to a school, and suggested she try, but she refused. Jeongmin respected this and promised to help her however he could. They moved in together despite the social norms in Korea by the time they were nineteen, and married later the same year. MiYeun took his surname. They both were attending college- MiYeun for music theory, having never given up her dream of writing musicals, and Jeongmin for finances. Their friends complained and their families bragged that they were the perfect couple. Still, they had arguments and difficulties like anyone. But they always made up in the end. Soon enough, MiYeun was a small time playwright for community theatres and living her dream of writing musicals. Jeongmin was working in finances and they were ready to expand their family.

crushing realization Unfortunately, they ran into trouble. Never before had MiYeun thought of this as a possible repercussion of her abilities. No matter how much they tried to get pregnant, MiYeun simply did not get any positive tests. Concerned, they both got checked out at a fertility clinic. The truth came out- While Jeongmin was completely fine, MiYeun's body was completely unfit to ever support any life. Her acidic blood made her womb uninhabitable, and she was completely infertile. MiYeun was devastated. She had always dreamed of having a fairly large family with Jeongmin- Their future always included children, when they spoke about it. Jeongmin was also hurt by this news, but he supported his wife without a second thought. It was hard breaking the news to their parents, who had always expected grandchildren from them. For a short period of time, MiYeun fell into depression, but out of this depression came a great musical, one that made her a well-known name in the industry- Long Sleepless Nights. It centered around a single teenage father who, despite the lack of support from all those around him, dreamt of beating the odds and graduating both high school and college. MiYeun was even nominated for an award for this musical. Jeongmin convinced MiYeun to seek out therapy and she did, and soon enough she began to realize this was not the end of the world. The couple began to look into domestic adoption options, and they finally were lined up to adopt a baby boy once he was born.

the attacks Then the attacks happened. The initial attack on the European schools had Jeongmin on guard, and he immediately warned MiYeun- "If I feel like the Canadian sanctuary is being threated, Jagiya, I have to go to them." He was already raring to go- Only the return of an old friend of his, Yeo Woosik, kept him from going. This was someone that MiYeun had heard about for years- His younger friend whose parents sent him to the Atmosphere, no matter how Jeongmin protested and even begged. Woosik was not close with his family and instead began to visit their two-bedroom home in Seoul every day. MiYeun genuinely enjoyed his company and the light that he brought into Jeongmin's eyes. However, once the Mexican sanctuary school was completely destroyed, MiYeun could not hold Jeongmin back any longer. He always felt a sense of responsibility and duty, and as an alumni Extraodinaire, he had to go in case the school was attacked. "I promise to return home, Jagiya. Just wait for me, alright MiYeun?" "So long as you come home safe." Off he teleported to the Canadian school, but MiYeun trusted him completely to take care of himself. As his wife, she could not hold him back from what he felt was right. She waited at home for two days, still allowing Woosik to visit. Then the attack on the Canadian school happened, and her heart dropped. Over half of the students and staff- Dead. She sat on the couch with Yumi and Soot, staring at her phone. Waiting. Woosik arrived and waited as well. When the call that Jeongmin had passed away in the attack, all she could do was close her eyes and lay back, trying to block out the world for a few moments. It was a crushing piece of news to hear, and she cried. Soot curled by her side the whole day. The funeral was held just three days later, Jeongmin's closest family and friends in attendance. Painfully, MiYeun had to give up the adopting process- The birth mother's condition was that the baby boy had to go to a stable couple once he was born. MiYeun was half of a stable couple no longer, and the baby boy nursery she and Jeongmin had prepared had become useless. No child would be living there.

moving forward MiYeun was disgusted and terrified by the attacks that were happening on the sanctuary schools. Who would do such a thing, and who even had the power to? She could not stand idly by, and instead decided to do the one thing she never had. She wanted to learn to really use her powers. Through the years, Jeongmin had tried to convince her to attend a sanctuary school, but to no avail. She did not feel the need when her powers rarely caused her troubles. But her husband was a duty-bound person. He always did what he considered right, and died protecting his fellow Extraordinaires. He was with her no longer, but she had a legacy to carry on. She needed to learn how to protect others, and to do that she needed to have education on her abilities. Carrying on Jeongmin's legacy also extended to looking after Woosik, who had been surprisingly dear to him. The moment she heard that a Korean school was opening, and that Woosik was being forced to attend, MiYeun knew exactly what she had to do. "I promise, Yeobo. I will learn how to control my powers, and I'll learn how to protect people. I promise to protect Woosik-ah, too. I swear to you. Rest well in the afterlife, don't worry about us any longer, Jeongmin..."


✩ Massages, they're very soothing and lovely
✩ Kisses on the forehead, how romantic and sweet
✩ Smiling at people she makes eye contact with, it creates a friendly work environment or just brightens someone's day
✩ Tomato soup, it's her favorite food
✩ Flying kites, MiYeun did it all the time as a child and even flew one at her wedding


✩ Phonecalls at two a.m. when she is asleep, but MiYeun'll answer anyway
✩ Running out of hot water when you're will washing your hair, because you can't just stop, you have to finish
✩ Marshmallow scented body products and candles, they always give her headaches
✩ Peas and corn, they're sickly sweet to her
✩ Living alone, MiYeun is glad that she was always with someone- Her parents, then Jeongmin, and Soot


✩ Slipping into a Daegu dialect when flustered, angry, or excited
✩ Quoting her husband often- "If you take responsibility, things should turn out." "If you know you locked the windows, then there is nothing to worry about." (A metaphor to not overthink things) "Smile, laugh, and then you're good, right?" These days after MiYeun quotes him, she'll get a sad smile on her face, play with her ring, and quietly say, "Jeongmin, my husband, always said that."
✩ Waking up early, she especially likes to be awake to watch the sunrise


✩ Snowboarding, MiYeun went on a school trip once and had a lot of fun. Since then, she had tried to make a yearly trip to go to the mountains and snowboard.
✩ Cooking, she was pretty terrible at it at the start of her marriage, but she took cooking classes and really enjoyed it. Since Jeongmin had a fulltime job while hers was subjective based on when she was inspired until she had to start directing, she was often the one who cooked breakfast and dinner.
✩ Songwriting, of course that is part of her job.


✩ MiYeun loves cold green tea
✩ While MiYeun did make their breakfast and dinner when she was in the writing stage of her musicals, once she was directing them and going in to help record soundtracks and the like, Jeongmin would take over that duty.
✩ This (x) is her wedding ring. She still wears it on her ring finger, and now wears her engagement ring (x) as a necklace. They were able to recover Jeongmin's body, so she wears his wedding ring (x) on the necklace as well.
✩ She had a strange fascination with turtles growing up. Yumi often teases her about it, since even her room was turtle-themed.
✩ While MiYeun has written countless musicals, she has only produced four on stage- Three at locals theatres, and one that made it big. As already discussed, this was Long Sleepless Nights and it was nominated for an award.
✩ Is a fan of balloons and always wants them on her birthday
✩ MiYeun has many blankets, and oftentimes you can find Soot curled up in all of the white ones just because he's that kind of .
✩ Speaking of Soot, once MiYeun and Jeongmin threw a Christmas party. There was a lot of golden glitter and, ah, Soot happened to roll all in it. They were washing glitter off of him for weeks.
✩ Prefers grape jelly to strawberry jelly, unlike most people
✩ Her first date with Jeongmin was to a market. They had a lot of fun and bought way too much food.
✩ MiYeun still has her wedding dress (x). Many considered her to be a minimalist bride, and she would agree. Her wedding anniversary is November 16th, 2009. She and Jeongmin were married for eight years before his death, and this year is their ninth anniversary.
✩ She often spends her freetimes cuddled up with Soot as she writes her musicals. MiYeun may be attending the sanctuary school, but she still is caught up in her hobby which is also her job.
✩ Calls her parents three times a week
✩ Always wished she could have a sibling, but Yumi is just as good as a sister to her anyway
✩ Is a large fan of the Twitter page, #WeRateDogs. Who isn't?
✩ MiYeun's taste in music is quite varied, which shows in the songs she writes.
✩ Likes to read a lot of books focused on the past- So realistic historical fiction.
✩ MiYeun is not a dog or a cat person. She likes both quite a bit, and if Soot was not so opposed, she would get a dog.
✩ Eats a lot of tradition food alongside foreign foods. So, it's not uncommon to see her eating french fries and kimbap rolls.
✩ Usually writes her songs on the keyboard.


✩ Parents - Lee Sanghyun & Lee Hyunmi (50 & 48) / Retired / Varies / 10-10 (FC: Choi Minsoo & Go Hyunjung)
Sanghyun and Hyunmi, despite their ages, have already retired from their hard work and live by a lake. Both of their parents had been quite wealthy and left them their fortunes, but in line with what their wills stated, neither would be entitled to the money until they were forty-five (Their parents became close friends after they married). This was to ensure that their children would not just blow all their money and instead learn to work hard. They truly did, and now they live peacefully and hopefully in comfort for the rest of their lives. MiYeun is very, very close with her parents who never did anything but love and support her. There were times growing up where attitudes and hormones would get in the way, but she always made up with her precious parents. They may have doted on her a little too much, but truly MiYeun is Sanghyun's and Hyunmi's treasure. She is their pride and joy, and she knows this. She would hate to ever disappoint her parents and swears that she will always be the best daughter she can. Should they be called on, both Sanghyun and Hyunmi are willing to leave their retirement to help protect the sanctuary schools. They hope that it will not come to this, however. They grieve heavily for the loss of their son-in-law, who was truly like a son to them.

✩ Husband - Geum Jeongmin (27 at death) / Financial solutions advisor / Intelligent, understanding, duty-bound, stubborn / 10-10 (FC: Hong Jonghyun)
Jeongmin was a very powerful Extraodinaire. He held the powers of teleportation, mind exchange, and astral projection. So, he could teleport, exchange minds with others (In other words, putting his mind in their body and their mind in his), and project his soul, his spirit, into the world. He was taught at the Canadian school. Jeongmin and MiYeun truly would be considered soulmates. They simply knew each other better than themselves. Jeongmin was he kind of guy that would put his wife before him, and was really honorable. That's what MiYeun would call him. Honorable, loving, kind, a genius. Many would consider him the kind of guy you want to bring home to your parents, and MiYeun will forever count herself lucky that she did get to. Jeongmin truly loved her for who she was, and she knows that her love for him will transcend time. Death is just another step on the road leading somewhere potentially greater, he always said. She always took him for his word- "You are the spiritual projection guy, after all." Their relationship was pure and strong, with no room for petty jealousy or a lack of trust. Jeongmin admired MiYeun's talent in song-and-lyric writing, and found her musicals to be fascinating and unique. She always felt loved by him, and is still mourning his passing- After all, it was not too long ago. It is him who has inspired her to finally pursue education at a sanctuary school. It was Jeongmin's firm conviction that he had to assist in any way he could as an Extraordinaire, and MiYeun wants to carry on his legacy. If she could not give him a child of their own, like he had always wanted, the least she could do was do what he always wanted for her- To train, to be educated and have control over her abilities, and to protect people. The same way he always did. This is her promise to him.

✩ Best friend - Min Yumi (28) / Zoologist's assistant / Persuasive, honest, vulnerable, opportunistic / 10-10 (FC: Sunmi)
Yumi and MiYeun have been close friends since childhood. Yumi's mother is MiYeun's mother's best friend from when she was in the Chinese sanctuary school, and as such the two grew up together. There isn't a time where MiYeun can remember Yumi not being there. Yumi, too, is an Extraordinaire, and her power is animal telepathy. She can communicate, solely with animals, telepathically and as such is often requested by her friends to help figure out their pets. She loves animals of all kinds and that's why she works as a zoologist's assistant- Yumi ensures the animals are well taken care of and feel happy. She trained at the sanctuary school in India when she was in her middle school years as her parents could afford it, but has not returned in years. To hear of it being completely destroyed came as a shock to her, and she mourned her professors. Still, she mourned the death of one of her closest friends, Jeongmin, even more. They met through MiYeun and she was like a best friend to both of them. She cannot believe the attacks that are taking place, and is constantly asking the migrating birds for any information they can offer. Yumi has been checking in on MiYeun constantly since Jeongmin's death and is always an open ear. She loves her best friend quite a lot and can't imagine a life without her. They are known for their girls nights out and go to see many plays and musicals together. Yumi is willing to work at the Incheon school as a professor if need be, and keeps in contact with the administrations to pass along any information she receives from communicating with the animals.

✩ Darling friend - Soot (4) / None / Patient, cunning, protective, aloof / 10-10
Soot is a black cat with pale green eyes and a small, thready patch of white fur on his chest. He is patient and very non-violent, tolerant of humans who nonstop bother him and small children who do not know how to be gentle. Soot is four years old in June and is very dear to MiYeun, as he was a birthday present from Jeongmin. He was much like their child even before she found out she would never bear any children. As many cats are, he is cunning and seemingly aloof, but the truth is he loves MiYeun very much and sees her as a good friend- Yumi communicates these feelings between the two. Soot is absolutely accompanying MiYeun to the Incheon school- Neither would have it any other way. He is dedicated to the human who seemingly cannot protect herself. After all, his other human Jeongmin failed to return him. It is now Soot's job to protect his remaining human. As such, when new people get too close to MiYeun, he now gets in the way and tries to direct her attention towards him instead. Thanks to Yumi, MiYeun understands this new habit and tries to comfort and reassure Soot however she can.

✩ Husband's friend, acquaintance - Yeo Woosik (19) / Student / Dependable, reasonable, introverted, complex / 6-10 (FC: Kino of Pentagon)
Woosik was brought into MiYeun's life through her husband. Jeongmin had befriended this kid a long time ago and kept in contact with him. Through the years, MiYeun heard many stories about Yeo Woosik who was sent to the Atmosphere despite her husband's many arguments. She always knew that he had a soft spot for the boy, and once she met him she started to understand why. MiYeun never minded the teenager who would come to her place pretty much daily and play with Soot. She enjoyed cooking him meals and watching him play around with Jeongmin- MiYeun imagined it was somewhat like having an older son was like, though she wouldn't really call him her son-figure. It is Woosik who has given her a second reason to attend the Incheon sanctuary school. Jeongmin was always looking after him the best he could, and it would do him a disservice to start ignoring someone who he took under his wing just because he passed away. Though she didn't tell him as much, MiYeun intends to look after Woosik at the school. She hopes that he'll continue to visit Soot so she can talk to him more often, and perhaps become closer. Soot cautiously refers to him as "the third human," which is a pretty big honor considering. The people around them who don't know their history find their relationship to be strange, and sometimes rumors float about.

✩ Close friend - Son Chanwoo (30) / Sales manager / Appreciative, precise, controlling, abrasive / 7-10 (FC: Kyungil of History)
Chanwoo was Jeongmin's best friend since their middle school years, and as such he got to know MiYeun very well through the years. He was the best man at their wedding, and he truly thought they would be together forever. Despite the fact that he is not an Extraordinaire, he always fit right in with their little band of friends and as such, naturally became a close friend of MiYeun's, whose powers always seemed to be unseen. He is in a terrible state of grief over losing his best friend, and MiYeun has not seen him since the funeral, no matter how much she tries to meet him. He occasionally answers her texts and phonecalls, but he has taken an extended leave from work so she can't even catch him there. Chanwoo is constantly on her mind these days, and even Yumi is sending little mice to his house every once in a while to see if he is there. However, it seems like he hasn't been home in a while. MiYeun wants to sit down and talk with him, give him some old things that she thinks Jeongmin would have wanted him to have that weren't specified in his will, comfort him, and reminisce, but it's almost like he doesn't even really exist anymore- Like he's just a ghost of memories. It makes her heart squeeze in worry. MiYeun is determined to find him soon.

✩ Old staff - Kim Ahseong, Lee Ilsung, Cho Rosaline, Kim Jaejin (26, 25, 29, 25) / Varies / Varies / 6 to 8-10 (FC: Taeha of Berry Good, Chen of EXO, Euaerin of 9Muses, and Jae of Day6)
These are the people who still call her "Director-Nim" even after their productions are complete. Ahseong, Ilsung, Rosaline, and Jaejin all have worked on two or more of her musicals with MiYeun, and all of them worked on Long Sleepless Nights together. Some worked in sound and tech, others on makeup, and even occasionally as actors on stage. These are her most trusted colleagues who she will call on whenever she makes another musical. They are all aware that she is an Extraordinaire, though none are themselves. They do not discriminate and in the case of Ilsung, think that it's just about the coolest thing ever. They were also all well-acquainted with Jeongmin who often visited his wife at work, and were all present at the funeral. Each individual holds their own level of sadness over his passing, but they can all agree that their worry for MiYeun's wellbeing surpasses their mourning. They meet up weekly over lunch despite working individual jobs with other playwrights and the like, and make sure to keep in contact with MiYeun.


Vibration Emission

What is your power? Are there any limitations?:

✩ "My power is acid manipulation- So I pretty much have total control over acids. Um, well, my blood is acidic...So I can absorb the acidic properties from things and elements, into my own bloodstream. This also makes me immune to acids. And since my body is so acidic, I can create my own acids and acidic vapors- If it is a vapor, it balls up in my hand until I release it. If I'm creating a liquid acid, it will drip from my fingertips generally. Right now I don't exactly know how to do these things, though, just that it's totally possible for me to. I'm sure with training, I can learn to control the potency and types of acid. I do know I won't be able to make too much at once, though..."

When did you find out about them? What happened?: 

✩ "Haha, it's kind of a funny story, actually! See, I was running down the stairs at school and I tripped. I completely smashed my nose up and it started to bleed. When the blood hit the steps they started to dissolve. My clothes were totally ruined!"

How did people react when you find out, like your family or friends?:

✩ "My classmates and teachers...They didn't handle it very well. But, my parents are also Extraordinaires, so my own abilities were bound to show up sometime. They didn't mind at all. Since I moved right after, I lost most of my friends, but of course Yumi stayed as my very best friend."

How are you handling it? : 

✩ "I never really have used my powers before, but I'm not scared of them. I just never thought it was necessary until now to learn how to use them. I understand now what Jeongmin always told me, why he always tried to convince me to go to a sanctuary school. I need to learn how to use these powers to help people, right? These attacks on the schools are terrifying, and wrong, and I need to be able to step up and do my part to protect my fellow Extraordinaire. When it comes to dealing with Jeongmin's death...I'm grieving and mourning at my own pace..."

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

love interest

back up


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. 


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.

STATUS: here
ENDING: here

MiYeun has just lost her husband, her true love. She will not be in a relationship anytime soon, however I would be open to her starting to feel something towards a male applicant around her age nearing the end of the story.


Layni17 ✩ Tsuki

LAST COMMENT: Color palette credit to damonbaroken on colourpod (#D3D0A4 #AAA67C #747556 #4D574B #738378, + #222222).

This time my character lived a very ordinary life! You know, until the attacks, but even then, losing a husband to death is unfortunately not uncommon. I had a lot of fun with this one as well, I hope you enjoyed and please tell me about any errors!

I do want to note that since MiYeun just lost her husband, she will be significantly less sociable and more withdrawn in the beginning. With some time and effort she will be similar to how she always was, though.

Nah I'd rather this poor girl live.


✩ Maybe Junhee and MiYeun meet and MiYeun feels really jealous of the fact that Junhee, at age nineteen, has a baby but she can't have one??

✩ Flashbacks to her times with Jeongmin (And Woosik as well, perhaps?)




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