I'm sorry

I don't know how to cope with the pain except hurting myself


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No please don't hurt or harm yourself in anyway. You are precious so as your life . No matter what happen , do know that you're not alone. Everything can be solved. Take some time to calm down . Breath in and out till the count of ten. Go and wash your face to freshen up. In life , everyone have their own struggles . Everyone will face many test and obstacles. They are not meant to break you or anything but to build you . Try distract your mind . Think of the happy and good thoughts. You can always seek help from social support group , family , friends , therapist , counselor and etc . Try to share your burden with them . Life is beautiful , it's worth the fight . Please do not give up easily. What you need right now is some moral support , space and self care . You need to learn to love yourself even more . Everything will be okay eventually. Give it some time. Stay strong . I will cheer on your recovery