The League of Extraordinaire : Sim Jin Sin : Photokinesis

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Jin Sin


✩ Korean - Mother language


✩ Jinsin has very soft features and eyes. Her long brown hair falls just past her chest and has a slight wave to it. She has very soft and light skin too


✩ Jinsin is still working on the whole fashion thing. She likes blues though


the psychic ability to control light which is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye and is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons

BIRTHDATE: October 31, 2003
BIRTHPLACE: Gimhae, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Kim Sung Kyung
BACK UP: here
HEIGHT: 144 cm
WEIGHT: 36 kg

I am who i am


PERSONALITY TRAITS: Kind, quiet, friendly, naive

Jinsin speaks softly and acts softly. She isnt harsh in any way nor does she have any mean bones in her. She likes being arond people and being included. She will go out of her way to make sure that everyone is included and ok. She hates seeing people being bullied or pushed around, buts he doesnt have the curage to stand up to them
Jinsin acts really shy around new people. Its hard for her to get to know new people because she keeps herself at a distance. She finds it hard to trust people until she has known them for a while. However she still belives that people are inheritatnly good. She hasnt been exposed to the bad in people. 


Jinsin's parents werent married when they had her. They didnt get married until a few years after they had her. She could even see at her young age the troubles between them but she thought it was normal. 
Growin up Jinsin was just a normal child. She didnt have any sort of powers, she was in the middle of her class, she wasnt popular but nor was she un popular. Very average. 
Jinsin's father was a part of a political organization called the BHA or the Betterment of Human Activities. They were an anti Extroridianire group who were pushing for them to beconme registered and for them to imprison or exicute those they deemed dangerous. Jinsin didnt realise how bad they were, she grew up with them. 
When she was seven a girl showed up at her home. She didnt know who the girl was but she didnt stay long. Her dad was freaking out after that. He made them move and never speak of it again but Jinsin did. It took a while to get it out of her dad but she found out the girl was from her dad's first marrage. It was too complicated for the young girl to understand but she knew she had an older sister. 
Jinsin started telling people that she had an older sister but her father came right behind her saying her sister was just an imaginary friend and not real. That was the only thing the two of them ever saw differently. 
Jinsin's powers first manifested when she was twelve. It was New Years Even and fireworkds were being shot off. She lifted her hands and her own firework shot from her hand. She quickly pulled it down and looked around to see if her dad saw it, but he didnt. No one did. 
She was scared that her father would send her away so she did everything to hide what was happening. Randomly her hands would light up or she would start glowing slightly. She started bringing gloves and a long sleeve with her everywhere to hide it. 
One day her mom caught her. Jinsin thought she was home alone so she tried to get her hands to start glowing. They did but her mom walked into her room at the same time. She screamed before leaving. Jinsin followed her sobbing and begging her not to tell her dad, he coudlnt find out. 
For the next year they were able to keep things a secret. With the help from her mother Jinsin was able to hide it but her mother pushed her to not try to use it, to try to stop having powers. 
Once the sanctuary schools started getting attacked Jinsin's dad seemed to be in a good mood all the time. She thought he was just in a good mood so she decided she was going to talk to him. 
Wow big mistake. He tried to send her away to New York but they told him they couldnt take her, that there was a school in South Korea. He didnt want her that close but there was no other option. He couldnt have her at home so he sent her to the school in Incheon


✩ Likes
Banana milk
Dressing up
✩ Dislikes
Open Water
✩ Hobbies
✩ Habbits
When she gets ired she will curl up in random places and fall asleep
✩ Trivia
She has very neat penmanship
She is an excilent speller
She has arachnophobia
She has never been in a plane
She has never left the country
She had a dream that she was trapped in a sinking ship and after that she never wanted to go into the ocean past her chest


✩ Mom - Sim Haewon (40) / Teacher / Submissive, helpful, timid / 8/10
Jinsin and her mom were really close until they found out Jinsin was an Extrordinare. Since then she kept Jinsin's secret but they werent close

✩ Dad - Sim Takman (44) / Member of the BHA / Smart, coward / 6/10
Jinsin thought her dad was the best person ever but when he sent her away she started seeing that he was wrong

✩ Half sister - Sim Jongjin (18) / Extrordinare / Flower child / 8/10
When Jinsin found out she was an Extrordinare she reached out to her half sister. She wanted to get to know Jongjinmore. 

✩ Best Friend - Ryu Onjo (14) / Student / Snotty, funny / 0/10
Onjo and Jinsin were like sisters but when Onjo found out Jinsin was at the sanctuary school she told Jinsin she didnt care if they put her in a cage or what because she was dead to Onjo



What is your power? Are there any limitations?:

✩ So far I've been able to make fireworks and get myself to glow. Thats it though. 

When did you find out about them? What happened?: 

✩ New Years I made fireworks. I was so scared someone would see and get me in trouble though. After that I tried to do more stuff

How did people react when you find out, like your family or friends?:

✩ My mom was scared of me and once my dad found out he sent me away. He really doesnt like people like me. Its not my fault though. *starts crying* My mom probably doesnt even want to see me either.

How are you handling it? : 

✩ I think its cool, but I miss my family. 

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hyunglovesoppa ✩ amanda



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