〈 KNG 〉 Tae〈 The beautiful〉

the beautiful king
any width, but must be 100 height.
youngandmenace : tae
the things on the surface

faceclaim: God itthipat thanit 
Backupin2it's Isaac
Tae has a healthy tanned complexion, strong white teeth and dark brown eyes. he looks almost too korean to be the son of 2 thais but too thai to be actually korean. Tae is an extremely tall man (190 cm) and a pretty muscular one as well. Though his beauty isn't all natural. He has got his nose done after it got broken during a basketball competition at school. Furthermore he doesn't really has visible imperfections, nor birthmarks or whatsoever. The only kind of body modification he has, are some earrings.
Tae is a walking disaster when it comes to picking his clothes himself. it goes from colorblocking to combining way too many prints. Luckily for him, there are stylists for him, or even groupmates that help him out a little. they usually dress him up pretty simple yet stylish. 
look a little beneath
birthname: Preecha Kasidej
date of birth: april 10 1995 (22) 
western zodiac sign: aries
birthplace:  phuket, Thailand 
hometown: seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Thai
nationality: korean
+ thai + native +both his parents are thai, he lived until he was 4 in thailand. He still speaks it with his parents
+ korean + advanced + lived almost his whole life in korea, almost speaks it better than the average korean
+ english + conversational + studied it in school and got pretty decent grades for it
other names:
+ Tae + informal name and nickname, most peole call him like that 
+ preacher + his first name makes people think of a preacher, most of his memes have to do with religious things because of this
+ prince + called like this because of his prince-like visuals
+ Actor Tae + Being one of the better actors in kng, he got this nickname
+ Tree / Tower / giant + being one of the tallest idols in the industry, it's quite normal people give him nicknames like that
dig deeper
Personality traits:
+ passionate, outspoken, charming, realistic, critical
- unworldly, stubborn, sly, impatient, arrogant

passionate & charming
often refered to as the flame of kng and not only because he's quite hot. Tae is passionate about the things he does and that's pretty clear. He is in his element when he is on stage, surrounded by fans. His interactions with the fans are pretty good as well. People often get swooned by Tae's gentleman-like behaviour and charming smile.

outspoken & stubborn
Tae is a person that speaks pretty well, with everyone. Unless he doesn't want to. He isn't afraid to share his opinion and usually strongly believes what he thinks, is right. He is inmensely stubborn though, if he doesn't want to do something, he won't do it, no matter how much others try. it can cause some problems sometimes, but he just wants to be in control of his own life.

Unworldly & arrogant
Tae Doesn't know anything about the real world. He has no feeling with the current problems in his country, so let's not even talk about the rest of the world. He has also a bit of an air. Tae is such a proud person that it might even turn into a bad thing. He tends to put himself above others a lot.

realistic & Critical
Some people see being critical as something negative, in Tae's case, it's not. He has eye for detail and tries his best to make the best out of everything. thanks to this, he is pretty fast in memorizing choreographies, if his body allows him to follow. Though he stays realistic. THat doesn't mean he doesn't aim for the best. he works hard for it, but if it's not possible, he wouldn't have started on it in the first place.

Tae doesn't like to wait at all. He gets easily annoyed and kinda irritable. He will nag a lot and become rather pushy towards others. 

To be honest, Tae is kind of a two faced person. He may seem like a gentle and sweet guy but isn't always like that. He can be pretty y from time to time. he will camouflage his true intentions with lots of beautiful words. Some people don't even realize he's calling out on them while he is definitely doing so.  


PReecha kasidej, or better known by like everyone as tae, was the only child of a salesmanager and a restaurant owner. He had quite an okay life in thailand. as young child, he had quite a good life. He had quite some nice toys, greatfriends in kindergarten and parents that loved him unconditionally. THough WHen  the boy got older, his father got promotion, which was good, though it meant they had to move to south korea, where his father would carry out his duties as managing director of his company.

At first it was kinda hard for Tae to adjust to the new place. He didn't speak the language nor is it easy to make friends as foreigner in korea. It was in elementary school when he made some friends. Slowly he began to see that life in korea wasn't that bad, though he got teased a lot by his other classmates, not that they were bullying him, they just laughed a little.

Later on Tae would get more popular. He got more handsome and taller than most of the kids of his class. he became their classes basketball star as well and leaded the team to many victories. Though Sport wasn't his only love at that time. Music sparked his interest as well. At the age of 14 tae started to take vocal classes together with one of his best friends: Jiwoo.

Though Tae wanted it to be more than just a hobby. in 2013 he auditioned with Jiwoo for DSP media, but only jiwoo passed the auditions. Tae didn't give up though He auditioned at several other companies like FNC, MMo and SM and Big hit. He got accepted in big hit, where he is currently under.  
trivial things are still important
+ hedgehogs
+ drama series 
+ meat, especially beef
+ blueberries 
+ smell of eucalyptus
+ the color red
+ wintertime
+ tea
+ showering, could stay in the shower for hours
+ skinship
+ school, he almost disliked every single bit of it
+ pineapples
+ seafood
+ heat
+ coffee
+ listens to nature sounds before going to bed
+ sleeps in only his underwear, he doesn't like to be too warm while sleeping
+ chews on the inside of his cheek when nervous
+ cracks knuckles before going on stage
+ starts drumming with his fingers on like everything when he's bored

+ fittness
+ basketball
+ singing of course
+ acting
+ swimming
+ Bang Shihyuk, CEO of Big Hit entertainment
+ clowns
+ heights, despite being a tree himself
+ open waters
+ needles
+ hopes to get a role in a drama one day.
+ has 2 hedgehogs: sherlock & watson. He hates it when the cats in the dorm come too close to them.
+ based on his appearance, people think he has the best body in kng... they're right
+ Roses are his favorite flowers.
+ his ideal type is someone who can pull of being cute and y. 
+ people think he likes noonas but actually he prefers younger girls
+ as straight as a ruler (he believes)
+ new fans think he is the leader because of he talks a lot on programs and has a bit of the leader attitude, though he would never want to be one
+ Likes the old school kpop, shinhwa is his favorite group, BOa his favorite solo singer and of the more recent artists he likes lim kim, Dean and Heize a lot
+ that being said, Shinwha's perfect man is his favorite song
+ has an lactose intolerance
+ sang YB's Flying Butterfly on his audition for big hit entertainment
+ considered to be the most "no fun" member of the group, he has his funny moments but it usually doesn't get appreciated by his groupmates
+ used to visit his grandparents in thailand 2 times a year but only has seen them twiche after becoming a trainee, he misses them a lot
+ would probably have become a professional basketballer if he didn't became an idol
take a break so i can take a selca
BEST FRIEND. Jeon jiwoo (21) / K.A.R.D member / kind, funny, calm / 9.5/10 
Tae and Jiwoo are best friends since elementary school. She was one of the first persons along with JaeHyo that came to the foreigner and accepted him in their group of friends. They shared the same interest in music and even took some vocal classes together. They auditioned for dsp media but only Jiwoo got accepted at that time. 







IDOL FRIEND. Kim taehyung - J.seph (25) / K.A.R.D member / caring, softspoken, shy / 8/10 
tae and taehyung became friends through Jiwoo. when jiwoo came to congratulated her bestie and kng with their debut along with the other members of K.A.R.D, Tae could find it pretty well with Taehyung. So well that Jiwoo calls them jokingly 2tae. their bromance got pretty strong in a relatively short period. Taehyung is tae's intermediary to know what jiwoo is up to most of the time.






BEST FRIEND. Park Jaehyo (22) / university student / ambitious, playful, clever / 9.5/10 / fc: Golden Child's Jaeseok
Jaehyo is the only one of the three friends that isn't part of the music business... yet. Though he probably won't be a singer, artist or even producer like his friends, Jaehyo wants a more management kind of job, preferably in the music business. He is K.A.R.D and KNG's number one fanboy and supports his friends no matter what. Tae sometimes tries to sneak him in backstage but that doesn't always turn out well. 





SUNBAES. Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (varies)/ BTS / Varies/ 6/10

The relationship between Tae and bts is a pure professional relationship. of course he likes them, they're bts for god's sake, but he isn't especially close to them. if there is one member Tae would be closer to than the other's it would be jin. The two visuals talk pretty well with eachother. with the rest of them he kind of has a neutral sunbae-dongsaeng relationship with. 





RIVALS. Jung Hajoon (22) / ex-big hit trainee + soloist / stubborn, creative, charming / 2/10 / fc: Lee Rubin

Once they were friends, quite good ones to be honest. The two have met on the auditions for big hit entertainment and imediately had some kind of chemistry. They were more than happy to find out the two of them passed and got in the same training team. though the more time passed, the lesser the guys slept due intense practicing and the more the two of them got in conflict. They got in more arguements and even fought at a point. Though. What most people saw as a match made in heaven at first turned out into a total disaster. Though things between them escalated even more when Hajoon left big hit to start up a solo carreer. Tae felt betrayed and couldn't believe the lad did such thing to him. They're still not in good terms with eachother because none of them wants to be the first to forgive the other.





i'm on that stage you're looking at
stagename: tae
positions: visual+lead vocal
persona: the flame. 
fanclub: hedgehogs, it's a well known fact that tae loves hedgehogs so it became his fanclub name
fancolor: Chili red  
training years: july 2013- present (big hit entertainment)
training background:
As foreign-looking trainee, it wasn't always easy for Tae. He got teased a lot and was often looked down upon. Though he worked harder than most other trainees. His practices often started earlier and ended later than those of the other boys. Though Hajoon often kept him company (the two often spend the night together in the practice rooms, leaving staff and trainees wondering if there might have happened more than just practice). The first months his singing improved a lot while his dancing took a bit more time, but he was getting a hang of it later on.
talent twins:
+ vocal: Shinee's taemin
+ rap: Infinite's Woohyun
+ dance: knk's Seungjun
+ Talking: Shinee's Taemin
+ aegyo: Shinee's Minho

love is meant for two... or maybe more.
Name: Kim Jiyeon (Bona)
+ Jung Hajoon
+ K.A.R.D's Jiwoo
+ no love interest would be fine too though

date of birth: 
august 19, 1995
occupationWJSN member

personality: caring, stubborn, loyal, quick-tempered, seductive, proud, playful, bossy
first meeting: 
Tae never really had been into girlgroups, of course he knew a few of them, one of is best friends was in one and he occasionally liked a song. most of the songs were just a bit too cute for him. So when he got asked to participate in We got  married and got paired up with Jiyeon, he didn't know her to be frank. he had heard some songs by WJSn and saw them on music shows but didn't thought they were that special. But when he got a closer look at her, she seemed like a sweet and lovable girl. He would totally understand why they paired him up with her. 
Tae tried at first to play it cool. he acted as the gentleman he was well known as. though soon his idiotic side took over as he hung out  more with her. and even though he usually isn't too fond of skinship, he is often seen initiating it with Jiyeon. He is a true gentleman for her and makes sure she doesn't have to do much herself. He might be a bit too cheesy from time to time though.
relationship: Just for the cameras... or not
ending: I'm Giving you carte blance
relationship trivia:
+ Their couple name is Taena 
+ Tae actually likes bona off camera as well, but doesn't like to admit it. Mostly because he doesn't know if she likes him back
+ even though both idols are from relatively popular groups, they participated in we got married as publicity stunt
+ on their first date,  he sang beautiful by crush for her
+ despite being not the best cook, Tae cooks a lot for Jiyeon
famous last words
comments:I hope you like him~
scene requests:
hajoon and tae  meeting eachother backstage at a music show and being quite tense + maybe them making up again.

suggestions: /
passwords: I and II 
Youngandmenace| Nele | 8/10


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