〈 KNG 〉 Joker 〈 The Playful King 〉


the plAful king
any width, but must be 100 height.
CreateTheSound : Bae Kino
the things on the surface
faceclaim: JBJ's Kenta
Backup: SVT's Joshua
appearance: At 170 cm and 53 kg, Kino is around average height, but is below average as far as weight goes. But with his slender build and an almost willowy frame, that lack of mass isn't something that most people notice immediately. In fact, people are more likely to comment on how feminine he appears, or how exotic -- how beautiful -- over just about everything else. And truthfully, Kino doesn't mind. He appreciates when people do worry about his weight, or lack thereof, but it gets a little exhausting trying to explain that he just doesn't gain weight easily. Kino has a number of well-faded scars on his knees from a busy adolescence, and a few others on his arms and hands from an automobile accident when he was a child. His earlobes are pierced once each.
fashion: Kino has a fondness for form-fitting clothing, preferring atricles like skinny jeans and t-shirts as opposed to baggy jeans and...baggy anything, really. Around the dorm, Kino can sometimes be seen in shirts or hoodies that are a size or two too big, but never in public or at practices. He'll wear anything the stylists put him in without complaint, but that doesn't mean he'll like it and that he won't strip out of it the first chance he gets. running shoes/Sneakers are a staple in his wardrobe (he doesn't like converse), as are caps/snapbacks and accessories like rings, earrings, and chokers. Like with his clothing, Kino prefers accessories and jewelry that are form-fitting or, at the very least, don't leave much room for someone or something to catch onto it.
look a little beneath
birthname: Bae Kino
date of birth: April 7, 1999 (18) 
western zodiac sign: Aries
birthplace: Chuncheon, Gangwon, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Korean
nationality: Korean
+ Korean ; 100% fluent ; native language
+ Japanese ; 40% fluent ; can handle most conversations, started learning phrases and key words midway through middle school because of his interest in anime and manga. after signing with big hit, he decided to really put his all into learning the language to communicate with fans and so he'd be a bit better off when it came to a Japanese debut
other names:
+ n/a
+ Kiki ; a cute nickname, used mostly by family (Binnie in particular!) and the members, though fans do use it on occasion
+ Kikipuff ; a cute nickname coined by KNG's fans, taken from his name and how "fluffy" he sometimes appears (or so some fan said), but also used by the members (to tease Kino), Binnie (because she can), and his l/i (because cute)
+ Ki-nope ; coined by the fans, a play on his name and his playful (but still distressingly over the top) reactions and how he'll sometimes "nope" out of something
+ Pup-ki ; another nickname coined by the fans, but used frequently by the members, brought about because he's energetic and eager like a puppy and always seems to be in motion
dig deeper
“You are only here for one moment and it lasts exactly one lifetime.”
Personality traits:
+ confident, optimistic/HOPEFUL, passionate, charming
/ mischevious, competitive, honest, unpredictable
- independent, impulsive, impatient, STUBBORN

[confident] One of the first thing a person might notice upon meeting Kino is that he posesses an innate sense of confidence and poise. On the stage, doing what he loves to do, Kino shines, and he knows it. When placed in his element, Kino does his job, and he does it well, not just performing, but having fun while making a statement and a connection with those around him. 
[passionate] Tying in very close to his confidence nad where it stems from, Kino possesses a passion for what he does. He loves music -- rapping, singing, dancing, producing, he loves it all -- and that love for what he does is present in everything he does. When he’s rapping, or singing, or dancing, or when Kino is just messing around on or off camera, he loves what he does. With that passion, that drive, it’s hard not to push himself to bigger and better things all while enjoying the ride there.
[charming] Going hand in hand with both his confidence and his passion, Kino has a distinct charm about him that demands you not just like him, but that you enjoy things to least half as much as he does. Maybe it’s because Kino does enjoy himself so thoroughly when performing, or because he interjects so much of himself into his performances. Maybe it’s just because he is his sister’s brother, and he’s had time to see Yubin in action and learn from her efforts. Regardless of the why, Kino has a way about himself that demands not just attention, but some sort of participation and engagement by those watching.
[optimistic] Part of the reason why Kino has been dubbed the “playful” king of KNG, Kino has the eternal optimism of a child. He’s hopeful almost to a fault, refusing to consider anything bad about a person or situation until the very end simply because he wants to believe that there’s some good to be had. Kino’s been screwed over before, and on more than one occasion, and yet he still adamantly believes in the good of people and situations.
[mischevious] Another reaso as to why he's dubbed as the group’s most “playful” member, it’s no wonder that Kino is considered by both himself and the others members as mischevious. He’s quick to crack jokes and make fun, and while this isn’t normally a huge deal, it does cause problems on occasion. While Kino aims to keep the mood high and lively by making puns, telling jokes, and poking fun at himself or the other members, he does sometimes cross a line. He doesn’t usually intend to, but that doesn’t matter when he’s offended someone with his atttude.
[honest] Honesty is a virtue, or something like that. You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone that doesn’t want honesty over a lie  in most general situations. The only problem with this is that Kino doesn’t always know when to keep a lid on his honesty. He’s not honest to the point of being blunt or an , or honest in the way that he spills his guts when it comes to secrets, but he does struggle with the timing and saying the right thing at the right time. Like telling a member “She’s just not that into you” or even “Well, that ” after their bias/crush walks away with little more than a smile. This can be good, of course. He’s prone to random compliments when they’re deserved, and he’s nothing but sweet with the fans, but the members... Sometimes the members hear more than they want to.
[unpredictable] Kino also struggles with following the rules. And laid-out plans like a schedule. And sometimes when behaving in a socially conventional way. He’s, in a word, unpredictable. He doesn’t mind following the rules, but it they’re dumb or ridiculous, he’s going to want to break them. (This can usually be averted via the use of distraction.) And when it comes to wanting to deviate from schedule....sometimes that just can’t be helped. A lot of the time, Kino has rhyme and reason for what he does -- like stopping in the middle of the airport or on the sidewalk in order to greet fans or sign something -- but sometimes it’s just because he’s impulsive or impatient and doesn’t want to wait or do whatever’s being asked of him.
[competitive] A little healthy competition never hurt anyone, right? Right. But Kino can, on occassion, take that competition to an unhealthy level. He sets goals for himself, gives himself someone to work toward, something to work toward, and it’s good. It’s all good, because a little bit of healthy competition pushes him to better himself and his skills. But too much, and Kino will push himself past that point into more dangerous or hazardous territory.
[independent] Independent to a fault, Kino struggles with letting people close enough to him to see when he’s struggling or when he needs help. and sometimes he does need help. He’s so young, just barely an adut, and forced to grow up fast to accomodate for his time as a trainee and how he’s given up his youth to pursue this career.
[stubborn] Like an ox that doesn’t want to be moved, Kino is impossibly stubborn. He’s reluctant to change in particular, particularly change he himself doesn’t initiate. But than just resistant to change, Kino is simply willful and headstrong. He has a way he likes to do things, a way he likes things done, and a set manner in which he thinks and behaves. When it comes to a battle of wills, Kino doesn’t like to back down, even when he’s going up against their leader, or their manager, or even their company.
[impatient] Patience is a virtue, and Kino...doesn’t have it. At least, not much of it. He’s a big person when it comes to instant gratification. He doesn’t like to wait, and he’s not a big fan of going slow and taking his time. He’s restless, shown how he’s always on the move, and he’s easily provoked into both acting and, unfortunately, acting out. More often than not, this is what gets Kino into the biggest trouble with their manager. His inability to sit still, to sit quietly, to behave. Kino just doesn’t have it in him.
[impulsive] His age really shows in how ridiculously impulsive Kino is. Going hand in hand with his impatience, Kino has a big problem when it comes to thinking things through. He’s young and hasty, and while that spontaneity can be a great thing that works in his favor -- when running tandem with his passion, for example, and how it works to make him better, or when he’s pushing himself to make their fans smile -- it also works against him. He doesn’t think enough before he acts. Or, when coupled with his honest nature, when he speaks. He say the wrong things, does the wrong things, doesn’t think before running out to greet fans, or staying up late to practice more when he has an early morning. He needs to think these things through more, but....
[1999] Kino is born on April 7, 1999 in Chuncheon, Gangwon, South Korea. His older sister, Yubin, is only two years older than him, but from then on, the two are close. As a baby (and through much of his infant and toddler years), Kino has no sense of object permeance and cries whenever Yubin leaves the room. This causes a number of problems for the family, because Yubin does had school and takes up other activities as she ages, but the problem is solved, however temporarily, by allowing the two to room together.
[2005] yubin's pretty face, childish charm, and determination earns her more and more minor acting roles. Kino is forced to come to terms with the fact that yubin continues to exist, even when out of his line of sight. Still, to cOpe with her being gone, kino asks to be enrolled in lessons. Wanting to impress Yubin,  Kino takes up piano. He also hopes that by the time Yubin finishes her show, he'll be good enough to play for her while she sings for their parents. But piano isn't enough. By the end of the year, kino is also taking guitar lessons and violin lessons. Somehow, it keeps him busy. Thankfully. 
[2008] Kino is nine years old when, in the dead of winter, he and his mother are involved in an auto accident. Kino no longer remembers where they were going or why (they were on their way to see Yubin on a set where she was acting), just that they were on their way to meet Yubin and their father. It happened quickly, but in a strange sort of slow motion. Kino can't bring himself to forget the way his mother lost control of their vehicle on a patch of ice. They narrowly miss hitting another car. Seconds later, though it feels like much longer, the car comes to a sudden and painful stop. Flung against his seatbelt and the backseat, and having hit his head during the loss of control, Kino passes out. When he comes to, he's on a stretcher being carried away from the scene, and he can see what had happened. Their car had hit a tree, and the tree was the only thing that had stopped him and his mother from plowing down an embankment. Hitting that tree had likely saved them. Kino's mother walks away with minor bruises. Kino suffers a concussion and a couple cuts on his hands and arms sustained while he was being pulled from the wreck. It could have been worse. They were lucky. But it takes Kino a long time before he climb back into a car without something to dull his anxiety.
[2010] The family moves to Seoul to be closer to Yubin's work, where she's actively acting and modeling under YG Entertainment. Kino misses her a ridiculous amount, especiallly after losing everything he'd come to be familiar with. But in the end, it's okay. To cope with Yubin being away all the time, Kino asks to be enrolled in new classes. Considered skilled enough in guitar and piano -- albeit much less so in violin -- Kino begins taking dance lessons and vocal lessons. In a way, it distracted him. but it also makes him feel closer to his sister even though she's more into acting and modeling.
[2013] 2013 sees the debut of BTS, History, LC9, and Topp Dogg. Although none of them immediately make it big, they all catch Kino’s eye for various reasons. At fourteen years old, Kino comes to the realization that despite his age, he has a passion, a passion that could take him places if he worked hard enough and wished hard enough.
[2014] Although 2013 was a big year for Kino, 2014 is much more so. A number of groups debut this year, catching Kino's eyes again and convincing him that he can do it -- he can become an idol is he works hard enough and wants it enough. His age isn't a problem -- BTS' maknae hadn't eben been 16 at his debut. Berry Good's maknae had been the same way. And all across the board, more and more group maknaes are young -- fifteen to seventeen years old. Kino may only be fifteen, but there are others that are chasing their dreams, and Kino... Kino wants to chase his dreams, too. In 2014, Yubin is also accepted into WM MEdia and begins training to be an idol. Although Kino had been aware fo his sister's dream to perform, the sudden shift from acting and modeling takes him by surprise. Still, it only adds fuel to his fire. If his sister can do it, so can he.
[2015] Oh! My Girl, Yubin's group, debuts. And Kino could never be happier or more proud of his sister. He begins trying in more earnest to find a company for himself. He approches the big three for auditions before seeking out the smaller companies.
[2016] After being rejected by YG Entertainment for a conflicting style, and being rejected by SM Entertianment for what Kino largely thinks is because he simply wasn't "pretty" enough, Kino auditions as Big Hit Entertainment, home of the impressive BTS, and is accepted into the trainee program. It's something of a fanboy experience for Kino, who is now training under the same company as one of his bias groups.
[2017] KNG's lineup is declareD. Miraculously -- somehow, unbelievably -- Kino is in that lineup.
trivial things are still important
+ anime & manga ; he's loved them since middle school, and he loves finding people willing to talk anime/manga wth him. his favorites are Studio Ghibli (of course), My Hero Acadamia, Seven Deadly Sins, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, and Wolf's Rain.
+ cats ; he absolutely love love loves cats. if Jineul isn't careful, Kino will sneak a cat into the dorm one day.

+ winter/cold weather ; despite being born in the spring, he absolutely loves and lives for the cold
+ comfortable clothing ; this should go without saying, but Kino likes clothing that is comfortable! this doesn't have to be loose cltohing or a particular brand (he's not picky about style or brands), he just likes clothing that is soft, comfortable when worn, and easy to move in.
+ coffee ; he's not a coffee snob, but he might as well be. Kino can't start his morning without a mug of coffee with milk and sugar to sweeten the flavor. Basically some coffee with his milka nd sugar.
+ BTS ; Kino is a HUGE BTS fanboy, and the main reason he auditioned at BigHit in the first place was because of that fanboy dream. (After all, who wouldn't love to be in the same company as their all time bias group?) He didn't expect to make it in, much less to actually make it to debut. Surprise!

+ salty snacks ; so against his diet but so very yummy!
+ learning new girl goup dances ; his favorite are, of course, Oh My Girl, Pristin, Weki Meki, and (g)i-dle.
+ exercsing/running ; he likes to stay fit and healthy. running is his favorite way to do that.
+ summer/heat ; he doesn't like being too warm, because he can layer up if he's too cold, but he can't very well strip down to his bones if he's too warm
+ socks ; he doesn't know how to explain it, he just hates them. if Kino had his way, he'd be barefoot all the time.

+ riding in automobiles ; an incident in his childhood left him with some trauma, and he just doesn't like them now. he tries to either to nap through any drives he has to take (otherwise he's really anxious) or listen to music, and he has to be seated near a window if he's going to be awake for a drive. other ways to calm him include holding his hand and distractions (talking about anime/manga is usually pretty good in this scenario)
+ soda ; every so often, you might catch him with a bottle of Sprite/7-Up/whatever, but for the most part, Kino doesn't drink soda. it's bad for you (not that coffee is much better), so Kino tries to keep it out of his diet.
+ spiders ; there's too many legs. too many eyes. they move funny. they're fast. they're venomous. there's plenty of reasons Whatever the reason you choose to believe, Kino hates them.
(big) birds ; they don't like him. he was chased by a swan (terribly terrotorial birds) while at the park once, and that...just didn't go over well. and he's been bitten by a goose before)

+ horror movies ; just not a big fan of them.
+ walking around the dorm half- (in shorts/no shirt or a tanktop and boxer), even in the dead of winter
+ playing with his earrings or ring

+ running a hand through his hair
+ wrinkling his nose (most often when thinking or displeased)
+ rubbing/playing with a guitar pic (usually kept hidden in one of his pockets) 
+ drawing ; he can draw anime, but he actually prefers a more realistic style
+ collecting foreign currency/coins ; his sister, Binnie, brings him some whenever the girls travel outside of Korea

+ listening to music ; Kino enjoys rap and hip hop, but he has a major weakness for ballads and movie soundtracks and can usually be caught listening to them during car rides because they calm him down. his favorite song right now is Chanyeol's and Chen's duet for the Two Yoo project -- If We Love Again. 
+ playing piano & teaching new songs (particularly kpop!) [Smyang link]
+ collecting cat plushies (ty beanie babies are his favorites)
+ automobiles ; it goes beyond not liking them. although he can tolerate being in one if distracted, they really do scare him
+ clowns ; he just doesn't like them. no real reason, or anything. they just freak him out.
+ swans ; oh, yeah, they're pretty, but when you're a kid and you step into a swan's territory and get chased out of it, you can bet you'd be scared, too!
+ Although Yubin was a child actress, Kino never really showed much interest in acting. He's always been interested in music and the entertainment industry, but never in the acting aspect of it.
+ Kino briefly modeled with Yubin at YGEntertainment, but wasn't as interested in it and chose to actively pursue music instead.
+ Favorite color: sapphire, orchidazalea
+ Favorite food: apples, eggdrop soup, and ramyun
+ He loves Disney movies. His favorites are Lilo And Stitch, Tarzan, and Big Hero 6. He knows all the lyrics to the songs in tarzan. 
+ Once the fans learned about his love for cat plushies, they started bringing them to fanmeets. Some will ship the tiny ty beanie boos to the company for him, but most bring them to fanmeets so they can get pictures of the way he lights up. 
+ When Kino gets duplicates of plushies, he donates them to orphanages and children organizations. This is done at the request of his fans. He'll also sign the tags and give them back to the fans if they ask.
+ His favorite groups are BTS (ironically), Oh My Girl (obviously!), Day6, Pristin, Weki Meki, and (later) Stray Kids and (g)I-Dle.
+ His biases are Suga, Mimi (and of course Binnie!), Jae, Nayoung, Doyeon, Felix, and Minnie.
+ He can play piano, guitar, bass, and violin. He stays pretty well-practiced on piano and guitar, but less so on bass and violin.
+ He's a big Game of Thrones fan.
+ He can't sleep if he doesn't have Kookie with him.
+ he uses a sleep mask when he sleeps at night
+ he collects scented lotions. florals -- white floers and sweet honeysuckle-based are his favorites
take a break so i can take a selca
SISTER. Bae Yubin "Binnie" (20) / member of Oh MY Girl / sweet, thoughtful, soft-spoken/ 8/10
For as little time as Yubin and Kino got to spend together in their youth due to Yubin's workload, the two are fairly close. Kino looks up to Yubin, not just as a sibling, but as someone looking up to an idol. Yubin is achieving her dreams, doing what she loves with people she cares about, and Kino wants to do that, too. He wants to make music and inspire people and change lives. Kino and Yubin talk every week. It's hard to make time for each other among busy schedules -- between Oh My Girl's constant cycle of promoting and practicing, and KNG's debut, it's hard, but they make the time. 





FRIENDS. Oh! My Girl / 8/10
Kino's gotten to know Oh My Girl through his sister, and he's more than grateful for it. Not only have they given him important lessons and tips that every trainee needs in order to succeed, but they've acted as sisters to him, giving Kino the attention and support every young person needs. Kino views them as his noonas. (Except Yewon, who is his dearest chingu.)





GROUPMATE. Shin Jineul (22) / member of kng / see bio / 8/10
Jineul is a lot like the mom Kino never knew he needed, but got anyway. Although not too much younger than Jineul, Kino looks to him like he would to a parent. Or, perhaps more accurate, like he would to an older brother. Although Kino loves Yubin a ridiculous amount, there are some things you just don't talk about with your sister. Or your parents, for that matter. Jineul is the one Kino goes to in those situations, especially now that he has less time to talk to his family. In some ways, Kino feelshe's closer to Jineul than any of the other members.






GROUPMATE. Bae Seunghwan (21) / member of kng / see bio / 6/10
Kino doesn't always get along well with Seunghwan. They're a lot alike, but that can be both a good thing -- because they can understand each other well -- but it also causes friction sometimes. He's passionate, which Kino loves, because he himself is also a passionate person. but Seunghwan is also childish and stubborn, and that's where the friction will come into play. Two stubborn individuals butting heads and snarking off to each other? Not good. And Seunghwan is childish, too, more so than Kino is. It's just...a bad time. Name calling sometimes occurs. Never anythign violent pr phyisical, but...well, it's definitely not pelasant. And yet even beyond that, Kino respects Seunghwan. He really does. Ot he wants to.





IDOL. Min yoongi "Suga" (25) / member of BTS / emotional, honest, private / 9/10
Min Yoongi isn't an easy person to get close to. He's quiet around people he's unfamiliar with, reserved, but Yoongi is one of the reasons Kino auditioned at BigHit in the first place. More than that, Yoongi is one of the reasons Kino decided to continue pursuing his decision to become a trainee/idol even after his initial rejections. After meeting by chance when Kino was running late for a practice (which made him even more late, because Kino simply coulnd't stop tripping over himself after very literallly tripping his idol), chance -- or fate -- kept bringing him back to Yoongi's presence. Eventually, Yoongi became used to Kino, even going so far as to anticipate when the younger male would seek him out. They talked a lot. And by they, it was more Kino than Yoongi, but it was nice, because Kino reminded Yoongi that there are people out there in the world that adore him despite his flaws, people that see him as human and don't expect constant perfection.They're on pretty good terms now. Yoongi will sometimes offer Kino advice, and Kino gives Yoongi company when he wants someone there that can simply be there. They don't always have to talk, after all. Sometimes it's just nice to have someone be there.





As the face of Big Hit, BTS is a well-known group, but they're also busy. Ridiculously so. Kino never expected to actually get to meet them, much less talk to them and get to know them. But he did. Through accidental meetings inside of the company and outside, as well as training sessions and being forced into running errands to and from members and staff, Kino's gotten to know them well enough. It's one thing to admire a group from afar, but it's another to know them personally. And still, Kino admires them. Their hard-working dedication, their go-getting attitude, their drive, their passion. Kino loves them, admires them so intensely. He wants to make them proud. All of them. ....maybe one or two more than the others.




i'm on that stage you're looking at
stagename: Joker
positions: lead rapper, vocal, dancer
persona: KNG's Wild Card
fanclub: Aces
fancolor: Charcoal [646060]
training years: +2 years [March 2016 - present]
training BACKGROUND: Kino's trainee life was, in a word, easy. But in another word -- in several words -- it wasso much harder than he anticipated. A childhood spent immersed in music gave Kino a leg up on some of the trainees that hadn't been working at it for as long. But on the flip side, it was so much harder. Kino isn't naive, not by any means, but he was unprepared for how cut-throat the trainee life is. You either make it, or you don't and you get cut. If that means sabotaging another trainee's chances to make yourself look better, well... Some will. Kino never did, but there were some trainees that attempted to so such things to him. The trainee life was hard, harder than Kino expected, but it paid off in the long run. Especially after KNG's lineup was announced and he found himself among the selected few.
His previous experience made vocal lessons come easy to him, but it quickly became apparent that Kino would never be a main vocalist -- not like like trainee Seunghwan. But it also gave him the chance to develop a previously undiscovered passion and talent for rapping. With practice, Kino's rap skills became good enough to not only get a pass from their teacher, but to get a nod from his company sunbaes -- the famous rapline of BTS. Dancing was hard, though. Despite taking dance lessons as a child, they didn't quite compare to the struggle of being somewhat out of practice and being forced to learn dance routines. After much struggle, Kino did manage, but it took many late nights and long hours in the practice room to achive that ability. 
talent twins:
+ vocal: Day6's YoungK
+ rap: BAP Zelo
+ dance: Monsta X Wonho
+ Talking: Stray Kids Jisung
+ aegyo: Stray Kids Jisung
love is meant for two... or maybe more.
Name: Jeon Jungkook
+ Min Yoongi
+ Kim Taehyung

date of birth: September 1, 1997
occupation: member of BTS
faceclaim: Jeon Jungkook 
personality: driven, adventurous, charming, action-oriented, personable, protective, resourceful, independent, fiercly loyal, innocent, ego-centric, competitive, domineering, cocky, impulsive, internalizes problems and doubts, rebellious.
first meeting: It was early 2017, about a year into his training. Kino knew better than to wander out after practice. Trainee life was hard, after all. If he wasn’t practicing, he should be sleeping so he could get up for another hard day at work. But that night, Kino couldn’t sleep. He worked himself to the bone in the practice room, until the world began to sway and his legs threatened to buckle beneath his weight. But it wasn’t enough. He went wandering after that, meandering down the empty company hallways in an attempt to bring on te exhaustion that would compell him to seek out his bed. 
But that didn’t happen. Instead, Kino ran into one Jeon Jungkook. Freshly returned from the conclusion of BTS’s Live Trilogy Episode III: The Wings Tour, Jungkook was practicing for their comeback and had decided to stop for the night. The two of them just happened to run into each other. Literally. After a moment of awkward fanboying by Kino, who considered himself a big ARMY (which had initially earned amusement and ridicule from fellow trainees because of his fanboy status), he sobered up and introduced himself to Jungkook, who was, by that point, amused. The growl of a hungry stomach interrupted things then, and after a bit of debate, the duo went in search of a convenience store for ramyum. They taled as they ate, discussing Kino’s training, Jungkook’s maknae status and comparing it to Kino’s status as a maknae in the trainee group, and so much more. And then parted ways, each heading to their own respective dorm.
interactions: After their initial meeting, Jungkook and Kino gets along well. And after KNG’s debut, they get along that much better. It’s hard to get time to talk when one person is an idol garnering more and more recognition, and the other is a lowley trainee. But it’s easier when you’re both idols, because practice times overlap, and you can meet up late at night to get something to eat. Cheating on your diet is so much more satisfying when you do it with someone else. Exercise is more fun with company, too. 
It doesn’t take long for Kino to make a chat for the two of them. When things get busy -- late night and early morning practices, comebacks, concerts, international activities -- that’s where they go. It’s easier to fall into that habit, to message each other constantly and keep each other constantly. It’s not quite the same as meeting in person for food, but it’s a feesible alternative for when things are too hectic to meet. 
Time passes. Jungkook and Kino become close. Jungkook tells him stories of Bangtan’s youth and of his own. In return, Kino tells Jungkook about Yubin, about his childhood, about the accident....and about how far he’s come since that day. They grow close, close enough that the lines of friendship begin to blur.... Perhaps too close, in that regard.
relationship: They’re just friends. Literally. Friends. Just friends. Jungkook is busy. Always promoting, touring, being the face of the company with BTS and making great strides for the industry through their music. And Kino is busy, too. Making a name for himself, for KNG, from Big Hit. They have no time for anything more. But that doesn’t stop Kino -- and Jungkook -- from considering it when they do have the time to stop and talk. And it doesn’t stop Kino from wanting more. They could make it work. But he doesn’t know how to bring it up to Jungkook. Unlike Yoongi (who always made his stance clear in his music) and Namjoon (with his outspoken vocal opinion on social media and in person), Jungkook’s never given a clear cut answer on where preferences lie, and Kino doesn’t want to lose that friendship.
ending: I’d love to see Kino work up the guts to ask Jungkook to be his. And I think everyone wants to see their character end up with their love interest. But I love stories where the ending fits -- for the story and for each individual character. So if it works out for the best, go ahead and do it! If it doesn’t....well, for Kino, but he’ll learn and grow from it. And hopefully he’ll keep his friendship. It might also be ridiculously cute and amusing if one of the members (maybe someone he doesn’t get along with as well? like Seunghwan?) finds out about his crush on Jungkook and proceeds to give him advice on how to get Jungkook’s attention, and that's part of why things work out.
relationship trivia:
+ Kino sneaks out to attend music show performances when he can. If he can’t sneak out, he drags along at least one of the others. When it comes to concerts, he drags at least one member, sometimes two or all four. 
+ they pick an anime together and watch it in their spare time,  often en route to schedules or before bed, and discuss it/fanboy together
+ when they get bored during the day, they talk about music they’re listening to and the anime they’re watching
+ In Kino’s phone, Jungkook is currently saved as “Meliodas”; in Jungkook’s, Kino is “King”. This is largely so if the device is lost, no one will be able to figure out who it is, and partially so any snooping members struggle more to figure it out. 
+ they change this every month or two for the grins and it’s based upon what anime they’re working their way through when the switch occurs. Previously, Jungkook has been All Might, Syaoran, Kiba, and Howl. Previously, Kino has been Izuku, Fai, Toboe, and Calcifer.
+ Kino’s favorite cat plushie is one that Jungkook gave him. since it’s black and that’s Jungkook’s favorite color, Kino named it Jungkook/Kookie. He can't sleep without it.
famous last words
comments: If you haven't listened to Chen & Chanyeol's If We Love Again, you need to. It's one of my favorite songs/ballads, and Chanyeol has been my bias since debut, so seeing him finally get recognition for his voice with this song sorta just. intense screaming. my baby ;; idk what else to say. 
scene requests:

- KNG promote at the same time as Oh My Girl. Kino introduces his group to Yubin, who promptly embarrasses Kino and "please take care of my baby brother"
- KNG and BTS appear on a show together as a promotional thing -- ASC, Weekly idol, whatever would work best (I mean, if they can handle The Boyz in full force, they can handle BTS/KNG combo.) ridiculously hilarious shenanigans occur.
- the boys meeting up with their idols at shows and fanboying. (I'm looking at you, Dreamcatcher hoe! Give me Yoohyeon or give me death!)
-  Kino has a nightmare about a car accident, wakes up, and goes to Jineul for comfort and snuggles
+ actual car accident. it's almost really bad, but no one is seriously injured. Kino freaks out and shuts down, and they have to get Yubin or Jungkook on the phone with Kino to get him to comre back to himself.

suggestions: you're good, sunshine!! <3
passwords: I and II
CreateTheSound | Ariel | 9/10


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