Drawings (ART EXCHANGE 8D)

All right.

So previously I told Tiara-dongsaeng I would post some of my drawings if I ever found the courage to do it.

And apparently I did! :O

Truthfully, they look like crap. Proportion-wise. I haven't went for any manga-classes or any drawing related classes so far though. They are references to others' works as well as a bit of my own personal imagination. Both of these drawings were drawn last year (the year with the least drawings from me thanks to some abominable EXAM PERIOD known as 'O' Levels Examinations. Yes, I curse you in my dreams every night, Cambridge.)

The reason why I only posted 2?

Ehh. Well. My MORE recent works (AKA 2012 works) are kind of unfinished.

So well, I apologize first for tainting your beautiful eyes.



Pardon me for being lazy to resize the pictures.

Hope your computer can see them just fine. :PP

~ D3stinyx


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tsukinohane #1
Talented since always.
I honestly think they're AMAZING! <3