things I've learned in 2017

things I've learned in 2017


  1. music is the best cure 

  2. no boy is worth crying over 

  3. spoil your ing self & love yourself like you wish someone else would.

  4. it's never the end even when you feel like dying

  5. skipping classes every now and then is okay 

  6. read, read & read. different authors, on different topics

  7. wake up early

  8. don't open up easily. some people don't deserve to know you

  9. always dress up like bomb/how you feel comfortable, it'll make you feel good the whole day. 

  10. friendship isn't always beautiful 

  11. therapists are good people 

  12. being independent is important 

  13. if it doesn't make you happy, don't do it

  14. everyone has their own problems regardless of how it might seem 

  15. comparing yourself to people on ig is not worth it. the reality is far from how it is showcased on social media... 

  16. people will always think from their own set of perception. it's not worth trying to convince them of something they want to stay blind to. 

  17. keep things lowkey


I wish 2018 will be the year you'll find good songs to listen to on your way to college or work, on sunny days as well rainy days. I wish it'll be the year you'll find underrated novels that'll change your way of thinking and open your eyes. I wish it'll be a year of self discovery in which you won't hesitate to take risks or do the things you've always wanted to do, but never had the courage to. I wish you'll meet new people and that they'll be nice to you. I wish this year you'll heal from the past and you'll stop hunting yourself on past mistakes. May this year be a new beginning to find joy and success. 


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This is a beautiful post and you've learned some amazing things this year. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. <3
this was perfect and exactly what i needed to read. hope you have a good new year!! 💖
damn, keep on preaching because this was as accurate and fulfilling as a new year post could ever get.

happy new year!