

AFF Username: gingerschnapps

AFF Profile Link:


Character Bio:

Name: Moon Minyoung

Age: 20

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 42 kg

Ethnicity: Korean

Occupation: College Student, Psychology Major.

Relation to Kang Daebum: ----


Suspect Psychology:

Personality: Minyoung is probably the most strong-willed person you’ll ever meet. She had never, and probably ever won’t give up on her task until it’s done to her liking. She is confident that she would succeed in whatever she puts her mind to. She’s determined and strong willed to her core; To the point that she would give up almost her life to something she really wants to accomplish. If you push her, she’ll push you back with much more force and vigor.
She’s not the type of person that talks much. She mostly spends her day being drown in her own thoughts; Especially when the news about Daebum’s disappearance surfaced. She’s not the kind of person that lives for the past, and pushes onto her future. Sometimes her mind runs a mile per minute, and it’s hard for her to sit back and relax her mind even for just a minute.
She’s great at covering up her real emotions. She rarely raises her own voice or gets outwardly angry at people, because she finds it too tiring and frustrating. Instead, she chooses to avoid conflicts and people who start them almost like the plague. She’s more likely to ignore someone before she lets them anger her or get under her skin.
Her family, friends, and her boyfriend means the world to her. She’ll do whatever it takes to protect them, even if she had to give up her own life.  She’s very passionate when it comes to love, even she sometimes will give up on her career, when it comes to them.  Although she really loves her friends, but don’t take words lightly. She picks her friends wisely, because she really can’t deal with some ‘certain’ people.
In a way, Minyoung is sort of lost, and is constantly fighting to keep herself afloat and sane. She has an image to uphold, and she does a great job of it. She knows the right things to say, to the right people, at the right moment. She’s dependable, and will put others before herself when they need her. She has a hard time saying ‘no’ to friends and family, because she’s always searching for their approval. However, with strangers, she has no problem asserting herself and her needs without so much as batting an eyelash.  

Likes: ~Doing problem-solving games
          ~ Staying in shape
          ~ Action dramas
          ~ Mozzarella sticks
          ~ Thought provoking books
          ~ Fresh air
          ~ Unsweetened Hot Tea
          ~ Being organized

Dislikes: ~ Arguing
              ~ Cute things
              ~ Desserts
              ~ Sees her own work being copied
              ~ Rock & Metal Music
              ~ Attention-seeking people

Habits: ~ Bites her nails almost all the time, that’s why her nails are so short
            ~ Paces when frustrated
            ~ ‘Cracks’ her fingers when bored
            ~ Stomps the ground continuously when impatient
            ~ Walks much faster in dark rooms

Hobbies: ~ Reads thick novels until late
              ~ Watching detective serials
              ~ Listening songs on her iPod to sleep
              ~ Takes photos of anything that interests her
              ~ Goes to the gym to work out for at least 1 hour

Fears: ~Being in a small, closed space alone
            ~ Height
            ~ Strangled to the point where she couldn’t breathe at all
            ~ Blades; Especially surgical knifes


Suspect Appearance:

Ulzzang/Model Links:

Ulzzang/Model Used: Baek SuMin

Back-up Ulzzang/Model Name: Park Sora

Style: She doesn’t really care much about her fashion. She likes wearing anything simple, like a baggy shirt, jeans and a cardigan in summer, But in winter she likes to wear anything that will keep her warm during the night. She doesn’t wear dresses much, except in some certain special occasions. She rarely cuts her hair, because she wants to keep it long. She usually let her mahogany hair down mostly on her school days, but sometimes she’ll tie it into a bun when her bangs is really bothering her.


Suspect Status:

Love Interest: Applicant.

Their Personality: -----

Are you already together?: No.

If not, how would you like them to meet?: When Minyoung went to Daebum’s school to look up for informations regarding his disappearance, she had a small chat with him when they were waiting for the principal. They decided to go look for some more informations together. As they spent days and days together, their feelings for each other starts blooming. Later they become a couple, shortly after one of them confessed their feelings. Slowly, she opens up and starts becoming a bit more sociable to him. In the end, one of them (or both of them, it’s your choice) dies after they tried to save each other  from the killer’s trap.

Do they live or die?: Die


Extra Suspect Notes:

Anything I missed?: Nope.

Suggestions? Questions/Concerns?: I’ve read the trailer, and I assume this story is going to be very much like Saw. Can you please make Minyoung’s death to be… How do I say this…. Not too gore-y? :D

Are you the killer?: No.. .___.


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HellsRainbow #1
It's not like Saw.
But if you wish for her to die, I won't make it to hard to read.