I really need to know this guys

I like switching tabs to tabs while on asianfanfics and most people linked their stories from archieveofourown.com if i'm not wrong (correct me if i do misspelled). And I kind of an active users of both tumblr and deviantart sites. 

You know how people chatting up new  friends on the nets and I really want to share my interest and recomendation on some stories but I'm somekind of afraid...? Like they only knew ao3 and everyone's talking about it.

can I like talk to them about asianfanfics sites? Like- I don't- this site is like an underground or undercover sites that only a certain people could find. 

and yeah like- "Do they even know about asianfanfics?"' "Can I story about it?" I could get depress from this alone. hahahaha


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really? they don't know about aff? as for me, i knew about aff first before learning about ao3 existence XD well, yeah..please talk to them about this place :) i'm sure they will be glad to know ;)