Let Me Ask You A Question…

What if one day you were married… had 3 beautiful children…but, you were to go to a whole different country, without your spouse. How hard would that be? After awhile without your special someone, and children, family members help to bring your spouse and two kids to the new country. Your youngest child left behind with your mother-in-law. About 7 years later, "Hello!" Your mother and father-in-law finally gets the oppurtunity to come to the new country. They move into the 2 bedroom, 1 bath, house you rented at. Let's say after awhile of living you and your mother-in-law weren't getting along. Your mother-in-law couldn't take it. She tried to get you deported back to the old country. You on the other hand wants to go back and bring your son into the new country, it was an open gate. Everything for his arrival was filed, but it was just the waiting left to be done. Back to the plot, your mother-in-law wanted to have you deported so bad that she even convinced your spouse to go against you. There was a lot of schemes they together tried. They tried calling the police and bear false witness against you, they even tried to get you to go back to the old country, saying that you were gonna get your youngest one, but really they are planning to keep you there and be deported. But, with all the schemes you survived, but the one thing that broke your heart was when they filed you guys for divorce. By this time everyone had sides. You only had your siblings and even your two eldest weren't on your side to fight back. They wanted to deport you do bad just because you guys couldn't get along. Could you guys still repeal what happened or, is it too much to take? Will you still love your spouse through all the memories? My point? My questions?How much do you love that person? Will you fight back not in revenge but as a citizen with rights? What will you do? [Hey, it's the Musubi! I really need your responses to this situation, it's a personal reason as to why I'm asking, but can I just get your opinions? Love you people <3]


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Hahahahahahahaha yes and then I'll over sleep and be late for school.
I totally agree w/ JangMi Unnie! :P
dreamweaver #3
Omo. How ungrateful. I doubt that they could even enter the country without an invitation from her. It is like they used her as a 'ticket to paradise' and now they want to dispose of her? And that good-for-nothing husband...

Well I wouldn't call it revenge. She just needs justice for what they have done to her. And from what I've read, the husband is so evil, since you only showed her side. My empathy goes to the wife of course.

Does this really happen in real life? One versus the world? ^^" Pretty tragic actually. But I have seen cruel in-laws. I think he only married her to get a green card or something.
Thats my opinion