Depression is not something one can feel it right away. It slowly engulfs you and before you know it, you're depressed. When you're depressed, all you could feel is negativity and it seemed like everyone's pointing out all your flaws and you feel like everyone's watching you to slowly rip apart. It is so difficult to even speak up for help when you're depressed. 


if you see or know people or yourself facing depression, please get help and talk to someone whom you can trust. Depression can kill if it's not handled properly. Don't stay silent even though it is difficult to speak up. To those who know people in depression, do offer your ears, attention and sincerity. All depressed people want attention and someone to listen to them ATTENTIVELY and SINCERELY. Not just white noise. 

I was once depressed for a year and it was so hard for me to climb out of the den of darkness and reach the light, let alone he who may have suffered depression for a very long time, longer than I did. 

Let's make the world a better place by offering our ears and attention to each other. 


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