Don't be afraid to ask for help

I'm sure that everyone has read the news about Jonghyun's passing. It's a sad time for everyone, we lost a wonderful person and I wish him all the best and hope that he finds peace and solace wherever he is now. My deepest condolences to Jonghyun's family, SHINee members and everyone else who knows and supports him. 

Mental health is a major issue that needs more awareness and something that everyone should be aware of is that it is not shameful or embarrassing to ask for help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, there is nothing wrong with taking steps to take care of yourself especially your mental health. Emotional scars and wounds hurt as much and a lot of times even more than physical scars. You are not a weak person if you ask for help, instead, you are a strong person. Never be afraid of talking to others about your issues, there are hotlines, anonymous hotline websites, friends and counsellors, teachers to help you. I am always here to listen, my inbox is always open if you'd like a listening ear. 

A simple kind word and action can change and save someone's else, especially a stranger's. A simple good morning and hello can change and improve someone's life. 

If you know someone who is suffering from depression or any other mental/emotional health conditions never hesitate to help that person, even a simple action such as asking advice from hotlines to help them or referring them to those hotlines or professional help can save their lives. 




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