
"Someone please hold me, I'm exhausted from this world

Someone please wipe me, I'm drenched with tears

Someone please notice my struggles first

Please acknowledge the poor me

Please help me"

-Jonghyun - Let Me Out, 2017


How much pain did he hide while smiling like the happiest person on earth?

My heart hurts so much.. I cant even imagine what he had to go through to take such measures...


May you rest in peace, Kim Jong-Hyun.


I really hope that this will be an eye opener to public that mental health is a very serious problem. People who suffer from it may not show it on the outside but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.



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I swear I’ve forgotten that idols too are humans. That behind the camera they feel pain, loneliness, and could be depressed too. I’m just...speechless. I thought it was a hoax of some sort.... Jonghyun did look like the happiest person alive. This just shatters so many things I thought I already knew. An angel has returned to the heavens. May he RIP.