I feel so stupid

Since basically tumblr is dead these days and I do want to have a way to share my works online I have decided to go back to using twitter and I also made an AO3 account. 

The thing is, I haven't used twitter in YEARS ever since my weird 1D fan phase in like 2011 and I have forgotten how to really go around with it. 

And as for AO3, I opened the website and started clicking around and I am just so incredibly lost, I feel like a caveman. I eventually figured out how to post some stuff so I suppose that's some sort of progress. Wellp.

Anyways, the point of this blog post is, if you want to, you can follow my accounts and feel free to talk to me, to just say hi etc. I don't bite, I promise. 





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finally you have twitter!!!!!!!! following you NOW ≧ω≦
eddicosta #2
I personally used to have misjudgmentd about ao3 but now I love it, it’s my fav ff platform. Also, twitter is great since it’s the most used and useful sns. Great thing you crossposting on ao3!