
Hello, it's me, it's been a while since I've last written a blog post huh


But I've noticed something lately and I feel like I want to get it off my chest. 


It's about some comments I receive on some stories of mine. As you know, and as I always say, I really appreciate comments and I really appreciate it when people tell me what they think of the story so far, when they guess what will happen next, or anything of the sort. Comments are the greatest drive a writer can get to inspire them to write more.

However, unfortunately, there are also a lot of comments that also don't seem to have that effect on me. I know many people don't mean it negatively, I know it's because they want to read more, but in their excitement to ask me when I'll be updating certain stories next, some people tend to come off as really inconsiderate and rude. Reading comments like that truly kills any motivation I have to write.

I have gotten numerous comments asking me 'what are you doing? why are you not updating?'. It's because I study, it's because I have so much work to do that I barely have time to write.

I did have some free time some days ago, and I posted a new story. ChanKai. It was written as a gift for a friend of mine. Instead of just ignoring the story (not just on aff, on ao3 too), I got people asking me why I am writing ChanKai instead of KaiSoo. Because ??? that's what I felt like writing at the moment.

Another thing I notice is people going on my other stories to comment about the chaptered ones they want to see updated. You have no idea how disappointing it is to see a notification for a new comment on some story you put a lot of time and effort in, a not so popular story, and then to open that comment and see it is another demand for an update of another story. It's just really...idk, disappointing? 


Because writing, for me, it's not a job. It's something I do for fun and have desided to share with other people. However, having some of those people act like this, as if the only thing I'm doing in my life is writing fanfics, it's truly disheartening because as someone who creates that content i had been hoping people could be more understanding of the fact that I am a human with a life that goes beyond just aff. 


I'm sorry if this comes off as rude. Again, this is only meant for that handful of comments that seemed to upset me. Every other comment puts a big smile on my face, it truly makes me happy. I am in no way generalizing, I just really wanted to rant about it because it's been piling up for a while now. 


I just wish people could think about what they write before actually posting it, I wish they'd consider how their words, even if they're all good hearted, could affect others reading them. 


SO yeah....with that being said, I'll repeat this here again. I'm NOT abandoning any stories, I'll finish all my chaptered fics. I've promised you this a long time ago.

ANd I will. Just please let me work on it at my own pace. 


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That's a shame. I've also read the same from others lovely authors. I think it is the lack of maturity of some people, so try not to read the bad just ignore them. We always will be in touch with rude people, don't get disappointed by people don't deserve it. Arghhh... It's really sad when I read from an author demotivated by some ing rude readers.

Stay strong dear, your an amazing writer, and we enjoy your stories for free!!!
eddicosta #3
This is so sad and infuriating at the same moment... I'm so sorry you (and many authors, even) have to go through this :(

"I just wish people could think about what they write before actually posting it, I wish they'd consider how their words, even if they're all good hearted, could affect others reading them. " my exact thoughts.

Thank you so much for putting such effort in writing those great stories for us, Sara! Honestly, I couldn't thank you enough. I jus twant you to know that, and that I'll be waiting and looking forward to them patiently ^-^ <3
I am so sorry that this happens... Idk if it's just me but it feels like more writers get have this problem rn... I don't understand how people can be like this...
I hope you won't get to frustrated by these persons.. tho I can understand that that is almost impossible .
I wish you good luck with your studies and everything else too! ♡
(Btw i am in the middle of writing a comment for peace of my mind but I didn't have time myself and wanted to really convey how much I liked it and how it made me feel >.< also I personally don't ship chankai but u think youbshpuls writwvwhat ever the hell you want! ...i alao read it and i want to keep doing so because it was hilarious but y xD... and I still need to wrote comments to so many stories o.o)
Its normal to be annoyed by such comments and I think you (and any writer) have every right to rant about it and tell people to stop it. Its not rude at all. Becausesuch behavioue really is just mean and these commenters are the real rude persons. ... I hope you will get mo ree positive and real feedback an comments >.<♡ have a nice day ♡