Future plans regarding fanfiction

Hi guys!

I write very few blogs and this is one of those. 

My exams are in spring next year. Before that, I want to finish all the fanfictions I have running now. 

That's it. 



No seriously, that's it. I have two fanfictions who I still have to finish and one drabble collection. One of the two is a one-shot; this one should be done before my exam. The other is a multi-chaptered fic which I still have to plan. 

I have a holiday of around two months after my exam but most of the time will be spent working in order to save up as much money as possible for my college tuition. My mom wants me to stop writing fics once I start college in order to be able to 100% focus. 


My own plan going on a hiatus until a few months into the first year once I know how much free time I have and then, maybe, start writing again.


I just wanted to tell you guys this.



Have a nice day and stay healthy ♥



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Goodluck for exams and college! ヾ(´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ)ノ