My Dreams Are Disasters

I just(LITERALLY) woke up from a really really really sad dream. I dreamt that I was hanging out with Magnus and Alec came over and that somehow I watched as they like bonded over time??? And then they went on this really old ship and I was there. And it sank. And poor Alec was trapped under the boat after dragging Magnus out

And magnus couldnt save him

So Magnus left, screaming(idk how we were under watwer so uhhh) and said "you better come back to me in a different world"

and I pulled Magnus away and with a few others still alive swam to the surface(which took about 30 bc for some reason in my dream I was counting? and thats like so inaccurate lol)

and we got to the surface, but it was encased in glass with a window for escape(idk what that was about)

we got out and like I woke up CRYING




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That is deep. I had a dream I was trapped in a jello swimming pool