Medical fics or medical related fics

I came to AFF to read and somehow entertain myself  but after reading a certain fanfic my blood pressure has spiked and I think I am more stressed now. 

I didn't even finish reading the chapter. It was that horrible. 

I cant believe what the F I just read.

You do not take healthy organs from healthy and living people knowing that they would die without them. Even if they consented or they want to that is just so wrong on so many moral and ethical levels. The doctor who will do such a thing will be striped off his license and will no longer be able to practice medicine.

There are times that transplant patients even after a year or two or maybe even five you will see that the body will start rejecting the foreign organ even from an immediate kin more so if it is from a complete stranger. The matching of organs is more than the blood type a series of antibodies will also be tested etc. Also the patients will need to undergo lifetime medication of immunosuppresants to fight transplant rejection. 

I believe that it is lazy writing when authors turn to medical deus ex machina1 to form or resolve conflicts. And it is even more lazy writing if you do not even bother to do proper research. If you are not sure read, try to understand or ask someone who knows, I would love to offer help to those who need it unfortunately I can't do that right now maybe during the summer break when I have the free time

Sometimes I do not understand why I bother reading medical related fics, I dont have any issues with grammar I have issues with incorrect information and poor research . I have read good and well written medical fics here, I just need the patience to look for the hidden gems.   if you found one please do tell me :) 


1.  a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty . the device of resolving dramatic action by the introduction of an unexpected, improbable, or forced character or incident.


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melabelles #1
I know. You do not take someone else's heart because he/she wants another dying person or loved one to live. That is murder on the part of the doctor and suicide on the part or the donor. Just plain WTF. I can't even...sigh..*facepalm*
... O_O Oh my god what the even O_O