teenage pregnancy fics in AFF


I was randomly browsing fics since i have nothing better to do on a friday night then I came across this story about teenage pregnancy 

1. As someone from the medical/healthcare profession i find it insulting 

2. Having friends and even relatives who experienced teenage pregnancy i could really say that your view of teenage pregnancy is seriously naive.

ok, ok. i know most of the writers and readers here are teenagers and i really can't blame them with their view that having children makes everything ok like magic and pixie dust.  But the ignorance on what it is really like is one of my gripes but ill get to that later. 

first i want to discuss a few medical things.

A. How do you know you are Pregnant?

1. Nausea and vomiting commonly happens because of the hormonal imbalances and it is one of the presumptive signs of pregnancy but you have to know that it is called morning sickness for a reason, you know because it often happens in the morning not just instantly or shall I say magically and conveniently.   It is one of many symptoms but nausea and vomiting alone would not indicate pregnancy nausea and vomiting is primarily due to HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin hormone and it is also the hormone responsible for positive pregnancy tests.  Take note that HCG is produced by the cells responsible for the placenta (which is the source of nutrients by the fetus or the baby) which means that it will take about 10-14 days before you will experience nausea and vomiting or any other symptoms of pregnancy and not 3-6 days after. Now how is morning sickness related to HCG. because HCG levels are highest during the morning when you wake up which is why pregnant women vomit during mornings

2. Amenorrhea or missing your menstrual period is also a presumptive sign of pregnancy which means this does not indicate that you are pregnant once you missed your period. There are other reasons, one common cause of amenorrhea is STD and we will get to that later

3. Urine pregnancy tests is a probable sign that you might be pregnant BUT there are can also be other reasons

4. the positive signs  of pregnancy is fetal heart sounds, detection of the fetus by ultrasound and fetal movement felt by the doctor. These signs indicate that you are indeed 100% pregnant.

 Which is why when you suspect you are pregnant, you should check with a doctor and NOT RELY on a couple of symptoms you commonly see on dramas.

B. What should you do and not do when you are pregnant

1. Do not drink, smoke, do drugs, Avoid stress, and if the doctor says that the pregnancy is safe or the attachment of the fetus to the uterus is good, you can totally have even if you are pregnant

2. GO TO THE DOCTOR. Like regularly. Every month for the first 3 months every other week the next three months and every week for the last three months

3. Take vitamins, exercise, do some physical activity other than shopping. Shopping for clothes and other baby stuff is needed BUT NOT THE WHOLE STORE. You don’t even know what your baby truly needs.

YES IT IS FICTION and you probably do not know about this whole medical stuff, but please if you really want to write about it do some actual research. watching dramas do not count as research, read what you google, seriously it helps. and it is more enjoyable to read a realistic story. or maybe that's just me

C. What really happens when you are pregnant

1. You get ugly- you will have stretch marks, skin discoloration, varicose veins, edematous or big swollen feet.

2. You piss off a lot of people- I have seen my eldest cousin who is one of the nicest people I know piss off her husband because she is demanding and nagging and having mood swings like crazy.

3. You will start to get broke- all of those vitamins and check ups are not for free and doctors fee are expensive

4. it is not fun and rainbows, you will stop going to school once you get pregnant, you will be left alone at home with nothing to do, you will have to grow up faster than your peers because someone needs to take care of your baby.

D. The harsh reality.

-what happens after?

-giving birth- is so painful you will wish you never had . yes there is anesthesia and cesarean delivery but you will have to go in labor for a minimum of 10 hrs, 20 hrs if it is your first time and i assure you contractions will be no walk in the park. and you will not be given anesthesia too early because it will slow down the whole process

- you will feed, it seriously hurts. The sensation is described as pins and needles. Im not joking ask your mom.

- if you are rich and you can hire a nanny you can continue school but you will have that additional burden and worry about your baby, if you are not rich and no one will take care of the baby for you tough luck, you will quit school and by the time your kid is old enough sadly you will find it hard to start again

-the father of the baby?- yes you can get married BUT statistics shows that there are more single parents and divorced parents than married parents who get married or pregnant in their teens

-you have to deal with prejudice and bullies-it is a harsh world, people will always label you as someone who got pregnant during your teens and honestly speaking you will have a harder time getting a job. life is never fair


-INFORM YOURSELF. Not only because you will write about it but pregnancy is no joke, it is a very serious matter, your future and your child’s future depend on it.

- EDUCATION-again information really helps. I know that the internet and media is highly ualized and really popular as evidenced by the views of or rated stories, and I know that you people are curious but you need to know that there are consequences for your actions. =pregnancy, or =STD.  I will no longer discuss the forms of contraception here, you can google it.  

STD’s stand for ually transmitted diseases and it is no laughing matter, it is serious, you can catch HIV or AIDS, or you can have cancer, syphilis can lead to brain damage and death. So please do yourself a favor: read and learn.

Educate yourself because pregnancy is serious.

And that by the time you get pregnant, it is during the time when you are ready, because giving life is such a precious and beautiful thing.

I really dont like how some people take it lightly. Yes most are teenagers but teenagers are capable of being pregnant. Ignorance is not bliss. 

im sorry if this is really long but im really sad and pissed off


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I have two cousins who are single parents, so yea!!! I agree with you it takes weeks to almost two months before someone can start experiencing symptoms.It depends on timing. People like to use morning sickness because it's a really known symptom of pregnancy. But some women are lucky they don't have it. You gain the baby fat from having a child and when I talked to my cousins they both said that labor was awful. My cousins said that they were crying for the other because it was so painful, as for school they had switched to an adult school. I love looking up info for pregnancy. So yea when I see these stories I wonder where'd they get the info because apparently the info I found is wrong. So where do people get the idea that you have and then next day surprise you're pregnant. It takes days for the to reach the egg and you have to think about when and if ovulation is happening. Sorry if I've written so much, I've written a story but it's about the boy connecting with his dad, that's a whole other story.
melabelles #2
haha really? that is weird and cool at the same time haha! :P If I had known I would have written more about pregnancy :))
It's really funny because the day you wrote this, we talked about ectopic pregnancies in pathophysiology XD I was so busy that day so I didn't comment, but yeahhh that was really coincidental xD
melabelles #4
i totally agree, skip the technicalities if they don't know about it or if they do not fully understand the subject matter they are writing in their story. i read one fic which the protagonist was pregnant after a day and im like WTF?. anyway i know im being demanding but i really think that it is the author's responsibility to understand what they will write about in order to explain it clearly and capture all the emotions that will be felt by their character
It's really difficult to write about preganancy. You can't just throw it out there....and if you do, it's best to skip the technicalities in case you get something wrong in my opinion...but it really isn't all fun which makes a family closer, totally agree. It's the writer's responsibility to really read up on stuff they don't fully understand or can't explain clearly.