VCTRS ▸ Double C is a Chart-Topper ▸ Words Come Easy


+ courageous, cheerful, friendly, charismatic
= quirky, strong-willed
- impatient, talkative, impractical, hypocritical

PERSONALITY + Daeyang is scared of very few things; maybe he was born with it, maybe it's Maybelline, but really, there's not a single time he's been terrified out of his wits, not even by haunted houses or rollercoasters. That being said, he's typically very cheerful and always wears a smile. He's, no joke, one of the most optimistic people to have ever lived ('it's okay, all troubles are just temporary!'), and on top of that, he loves to make friends! Daeyang uses his natural smiley charm and friendliness to get close with anyone he wants to get close to, which leads to him having a looooot of friends (unlike his sister lol). Of course, just because he's so happy all the times doesn't mean he can't pull off cool concepts; Daeyang is a ing beast when he raps. He transforms into this badass fire rapper who steals the hearts of all the fangirls :DD

I think it goes without saying that Daeyang is quirky. He's just so random that the members can't follow his train of thought. Honestly, they can be talking about one thing, and suddenly, Daeyang's going off in a completely different direction ('yo Harry Potter is so cool though' 'Daeyang we were talking about Big Bang'). It can be cute but also frustrating since you literally cannot keep up with him. On the other hand, he's got a strong will, which translates to stubborn. It's not bad unless the choice he wants to make is bad lol but I mean, it's still annoying since you can't shake his opinion once he's made up his mind.

Is it even a surprise that Daeyang can't sit still? Probably not, but hey, I have to say it anyway: Daeyang can't sit still. He is literally the most impatient person you will ever meet. He acts like a little kid during car rides ('are we there yet' 'hyung when are we getting there') and can't wait for any surprises ('just tell me what you got me'). And as you probably already know, Daeyang is a very talkative person. He's one of those people who, if you show even the slightest interest in what he's saying, will talk until your ears bleed. Seriously, it's like his vocal cords never get tired... and he's not even a vocal! Being courageous and all, Daeyang's not scared of many things. However, this makes him a very impractical person since he's always wanting to do the impossible. 'Hyung I can jump off the stage!' 'Hyung just let me b-boy on top of the wall, I know I won't fall down.' Um... yeah, no, hyung doesn't want you to die, Daeyang. Another important aspect of this impracticality is linked to the members; Daeyang, even though he's actually one of the younger members, sets very high expectations for the team ('no you're doing this wrong' 'it's supposed to be like this!'), which leads to a lot of arguments about how he should just shut up and let the leader take care of it. Daeyang's also quite the hypocrite, which stems from his impracticality and talkativity (since he talks wayyyy too much). He says stuff to seem cool, but when he's asked to elaborate, he panicks inside and claims he wasn't being serious. Honestly, some of the members get really fed up with him ('don't say it unless you mean it!').

BACKGROUND + Daeyang was born in Gwangju on a windy, windy day. His parents were thrilled to have a boy because they alreaady had a daughter, Haneul ;)) so they named this little boy Daeyang after the ocean, hoping that he would become charismatic and brave like seafarers.

He was well taken care of by his sister Haneul, and they grew close. However, Haneul was always quiet and off in her own world, so Daeyang started talking to her even if she didn't respond, and it soon just became habit for him to TALK TALK TALK. When Daeyang was four, Im Changkyun moved in across from him, and he quicky became Daeyang's best friend. Changkyun the little is quiet when you first meet him, but once Daeyang got to know him better, the two could literally talk the skies deaf. Eventually, once kpop came along (and Haneul got into it), it was inevitable that Daeyang did too, dragging Changkyun along.

Daeyang loved music, and he loved how cleverly the lyrics fit together, and he also admired how quickly the rappers could make words come out of their mouths. When he was in 7th grade, Daeyang wrote the lyrics to his first song, although tbh without music, it was just a poem. That's what his teacher thought it was, and Daeyang actually won a school award for it. That was the moment he knew that he wanted to be a songwriter. Perhaps fortunately, he dragged Changkyun into the mess too (and that, friendo, is precisely the reason why he writes so many lyrics for MX ;))), and the two friends made a vow that they would become famous songwriters.

Flash forward and Haneul's left for Seoul. Daeyang never really realized how empty the house could be without his sister and her music, so he decided to go find her! In 2013, Daeyang went to visit Haneul and actually got scouted for Shine Entertainment (details below in training background). At the same time, Changkyun made it into Starship, and they reminded each other of that vow they had. So Daeyang's parents made arrangements for him to finish high school in Seoul, and his aunt and uncle were like 'sure you can live with us just like your sister!' and Daeyang was really ing happy. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then Haneul debuted in RBL, and Daeyang debuted in VCTRS, and that is that!!

FACECLAIM AND BACKUP + Uniq's Seungyeon I found this but I'm not sure if it'll be any better ;;; / SF9's Hwiyoung 

HEIGHT + 175 cms
WEIGHT + 71 kgs

APPEARANCE + Daeyang's a ing cutie alright and when he smiles he has a dimple on the left side. His eyes aren't the biggest eyes, but they curve into crescents which is really cute and honestly, if his face wasn't cute, he probably wouldn't have gotten scouted lol. He's pretty tall, but he's on the thin side (he won't get fatter no matter how much he eats), and his favorite color hair is blond (he thinks it looks good on him). He had braces once, but I'm not sure if that goes in appearance lol because he got them off.

FASHION STYLE + Daeyang's not picky when it comes to clothes. He wears anything you throw at him (yes he would wear a ing fishing net if you gave it to him). On that note, though, his style is very casual, sort of like those hipsters? Like he likes to wear a t-shirt and then put on an ed button-up over it, and he likes jeans and vans and beanies, and he's just a smol hipster bean lol. One thing I will say, though, is that he hates sandals and shorts. Idk what his ing problem is, but he will not wear shorts or sandals, and you'd have to kill him to get him to wear them. Pinterest board.

STAGE NAME Double C - the first C comes from Choi, the second one comes from his name (daeyang=ocean=sea=C)
PERSONA Never-Ending Sunshine 
POSITION Visual; lead rapper
+ Vocal: SF9 Youngbin
+ Dance: Astro's MJ
+ Rap: SF9 Youngbin
+ Talking: Infinite's Woohyun
+ Aegyo: Infinite's Woohyun and another one
+ Variety: Infinite's Sungyeol

FANCLUB Pacific - it's the biggest ocean and Daeyang is also an ocean so his fanclub is the biggest fanclub ;))
FANCOLOR #0044AC - ocean blue

TRAINING YEARS + 2 years (2013-2015)

TRAINING BACKGROUND + After Haneul left for Seoul, Daeyang realized that his sister had gone off to chase her dreams. He decided to try it out too, so during summer vacation in 2013, he persuaded his parents to let him visit Haneul to see how she was doing. They let him, and he ended up going to Shine, where the CEO, passing by, remarked, "Wow, you're a nice-looking young man. Why don't you join us?" And that, friendo, is the story of how Daeyang joined Shine using his face. Now, his parents were very happy (they depended on him to get a dependable job), but they knew that it wouldn't be good to keep their kids from chasing their dreams, so they arranged for Daeyang to finish school in Seoul.

Daeyang had a hell of a great time training with his sister, except Haneul didn't really help him much (he didn't need help lol). He trained hard, but because it was his dream, it wasn't like training at all. He got along well with all the other trainees (except some of them probably found him annoying). There was just one downside to it all: he still had to go to school. It wasn't even an arts institution like all the other trainees; it was a regular high school. Daeyang hated it; he hated having to learn about normal, regular high school stuff (like math and language) when all of his friends were learning about cool stuff (like music composition). On top of that, he had so much homework! His grades slipped, and his parents threatened to bring him back to Gwangju, so Daeyang reluctantly brought his grades back up (with a lot of tutoring from the other trainees).

+ I Am
Title track: Artist (Zico)
1. Give It To Me (Agust D)
2. Candy (Samuel)
3. Alien (Bobby)

+ None

+ Oooh, all of them! If I had to choose one, though, I'd say Jineul-hyung! He's like the mom and makes sure that everyone gets the attention that they deserve :DD plus I know he really likes hanging out with us even if he denies it~

+ Well, [Parently Touch], haha. *embarrassed* He's really good at rapping, and I'm still learning, so I hope that we could work on a song together. That way he can teach me, and plus we'd sound awesome!

+ Boy, there have been a lot... *laughs* okay, so once I was showering, right? And we have a mat in front of the shower so you don't drip all over the floor, but I was just dancing around instead of actually drying myself, so I stepped on the floor, in the puddle of water I made, and slipped. I bruised my :(( it hurt! I nearly cried, and it was a huge joke for a long time.

+ I want to be number 1 on the music charts! All the music charts! VCTRS is my second family, and I want us to succeed so we can keep on making music and having fun together! Also, I want to show my parents that being a musician is a reliable job :DD


Choi Daeyang

Other names: 
+ David - English name; I mean, it starts with a 'Dae' sound... lol I'm not creative  
+ Dae - used by family; shortened his name (I'm also not creative here)
+ Double C - he made it up himself when he first started learning rap (it formed the basis for his stage name lol) 

BIRTHDATE: October 27, 1997 
AGE: 17
AGE At debut: 17
Nationality Korean
BIRTHPLACE Gwangju, South Korea
+ Korean - native (fluent)
+ English - required class in school (conversational)

social circle

» Mom/Dad, Lee Jinsul/Choi Byungho | 42/43 | accountants | kind and cheerful/prideful but gentle | 8/10   
» Sister, Choi Haneul | 20 | trainee at Shine | quiet but caring | 9/10   
» Aunt/uncle, Kim Dawon/Choi Byungnam | 39/41 | broker/bus driver | nagging but caring/laid-back and casual | 7.5/10   


» Best friend, Im Changkyun | 18 | trainee at Starship | hard-working and passionate | 9.5/10  
» Mom-hyung, Shin Jineul | 22 | trainee at Shine | protective but sarcastic | 8/10  
» Members, [various] | [various] | trainees at Shine | [various] | [depends but most of them will be in 8 or 9]  


» No others


» writing lyrics
» all food
» Big Bang
» amusement parks
» having fun


» quiet time
» school
» ballads
» nonfiction books
» math and everything to do with it


» sings loudly and badly in the shower
» bites lip when nervous
» likes to grab members arms
» ruffles hair when bored
» squeezing eyes closed when he's about to cry


» writing lyrics
» learning to play guitar
» punning
» designing clothes for group mvs
» covering other artists' songs


» failure
» abandonment
» raccoons (look man I just needed a random fear)


» his absolute favorite food ever is ramune soda
» his favorite American artist is Usher
» he can't sleep unless he drinks tea before bed
» talks in his sleep too!
» wishes his sister would talk more


PERSONALITY + Shin Jineul is protective of the people he really cares about and mothers the younger members to no end. He's also quite hard-working and open-minded, open to all suggestions, and yet he's a ing sass prince. He will roast people to no end and also make rash decisions that annoy the leader, but hey, y o l o, right? Bruh I'm sure you know your own character lol so I'll just, leave this to you XD

FIRST MEETING + Ehh this is just because I know nothing about what you want but I think it went something like this: after he got accepted into Shine, Daeyang often noticed an older trainee staying up late to practice, and one day, he kinda sorta stuck behind to observe him. Jineul was probably really mad when he caught him, but Daeyang probably talked his way out of it, though, and then maybe they rapped together?

INTERACTIONS + I feel like Daeyang would give Jineul a headache since he'd stick to Jineul and talk nonstop. On the other hand, though, Jineul would probably baby him a lot and encourage him to keep going if Daeyang ever felt down. Daeyang, though, would cling onto Jineul like the world is ending (although he does that to everyone) and talk about THE most random stuff, and Jineul would probably tune him out lol. But yeah.

+ at the time of debut: Daeyang's got a cruuuush~
+ after five years: you decide, fam 

+ Haneul lowkey approves of this relationship
+ Jineul gets up in the middle of the night to check on Daeyang
+ Daeyang confessed in a song he wrote but everyone assumed it was just a cliche romantic song (I was thinking Got7's Confession Song) 

+ Finally_Home
+ Maggie
+ Words Come Easy

Shin Jineul



BACK-UP LOVE INT + Sanha (Astro)




LAST COMMENT + Dude this was even more rushed than Haneul so I'm really sorry lol but yeah, I hope you liked him? There was some stuff I didn't elaborate on in the background because I feel like Haneul's background already elaborated, but if you need it, I'll add it in.


+ Ooooh heartache time ;) 
+ Interaction with RBL plss


PASSWORD + VCTRS On Top + Blind (Monsta X) (see I didn't know if you wanted a song for their new album or one you've already put, so just in case it's the latter, here's Let Out the Beast)



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