RBL ▸ SKY is Accused ▸ Observer


+ caring, hard-working, gentle, efficient
= loyal, honest
- stubborn, secretive, sarcastic, cold

+ Despite her quiet personality, Haneul is a very caring person; because she observes the members so much, she remembers the small details about them. Whether it's an off-hand comment one of the members made about their favorite food or a trivia question revealed on a variety show, Haneul will remember. If she hears about any hardships a member is going through, she'll make sure to support them silently, whether it's by cooking a meal or giving them a small gift. The members all know that it's just her way of caring, and they care for her in their own ways. Haneul's the kind of person to do things without being asked, and if she encounters any difficulties doing it, she'll try to solve it on her own first (because she doesn't want to bother anyone else). Because of this, she tends to find efficient ways of doing things. Idk how to make this transition not awkward lol, but I'm pretty sure you can tell Haneul is a gentle character; she cares about her members and keeps to herself, and she can't stand her members arguing (she's one of the peacemakers). Lol another awkward transition but Haneul would literally practice her legs off; before coming to Shine, she didn't know what to do other than practice, so she's gotten into the habit of practicing harder than she should. Aaaaand yeah :DD

Haneul actually doesn't open herself up very often, but when she does, she forms friendships. If you're lucky enough to be Haneul's friend, she'd walk the ends of the Earth to save you. Haneul didn't have many friends as a kid, so now she really treasures her friends. On the other hand, Haneul can be very honest, if she ever does speak. Of course it's good to be honest, but sometimes Haneul can come off as just blunt, which is not, uh, too great, considering what the truth can entail sometimes.

Onto the negatives. Well, Haneul happens to be one of the most stubborn people ever. Really, once she makes a decision, even the managers/her parents struggle to change her mind. For instance, once when Haneul was a kid, she had her mind set on chopping all of her hair off. Well, her parents didn't really mind... but her school sure did. Haneul went to a school where short hair wasn't allowed, but she wanted to be a rebel. Her parents tried to talk her out of it for an entire week, but in the end, Haneul cut her hair and got detention for a month. Plus, Haneul's a very sarcastic person. Like no joke, if she actually said all the things on her mind, she would get pummeled by the other members, so Haneul typically just rolls her eyes whenever she has an urge to sass. Of course, you already know that Haneul is a very quiet, introverted person. It's not like she has very many secrets, but more that she just doesn't want to get hurt. It's weird; she hasn't really been hurt before in the past, but revealing too much of herself makes her uncomfortable. It's like, she's worried about potentially being hurt or blackmailed, so she'd rather take the safe route and not give people any chance at all. Because of this, she tends to not talk a lot and comes off really cold. She's not actually very cold, but it's true that she tends to be indifferent to things that don't directly affect her.

BACKGROUND + Choi Haneul was born of a very sunny April day in Gwangju, South Korea. Her parents were delighted that their first child was such a healthy girl, and they decided to name her after the bright blue sky that brought them such luck on that day. (Whew what a sentence).

Haneul was only three when her brother, Daeyang, was born. Her parents felt like the happiest parents on Earth, since they now had both the sky and the ocean as their children. Haneul understood from a young age that she needed to take care of her brother, so she did so without being asked. This led to praise and trust from her parents, who were proud of their daughter for being so understanding.

Now let's talk about, well, some other stuff lol. Haneul was in first grade when she was seven, and she lived so close to her school that her mom could walk her there. It was one afternoon, when they were walking back, that they saw a moving van parked in front of their apartment building (because everyone in Asia lives in apartments). It turns out that the nice old lady who lived across from Haneul's family was moving away. Haneul was sad because the lady had always given her and Daeyang candy. Well, anyway, she moved away, and two months later, on a Saturday, a new family moved in. This family had a little boy two years younger than Haneul, and he was really very shy. Haneul, even that little, was also quite quiet (ha see what I did lol), but she was curious about the boy, so she waved to him. He only hid his face in his mother's dress. Haneul's mother decided to help the new family move in, and she called Haneul and Daeyang to play with the new boy. Daeyang, the exact opposite of his sister, went right up to the boy and declared, "I'm Choi Daeyang, and this is my sister, Haneul. Let's be friends!" And that, my friendo, is the story of how Haneul met Im Changkyun.

So Haneul and Daeyang and Changkyun became pretty good friends, but as they grew up, Haneul started to feel pretty left out (because boys, right?). Well, thank goodness she found a new friend! Oh Seunghee was everything Haneul wasn't: brave, brash, bold (the three Bs lol), but they fit together fairly nicely. Seunghee was a year younger than Haneul, but she skipped a grade, and they ended up in the same class. Anyway, everything was going fine and Haneul had amazing grades (she was always the top of her class), but she just had very few friends. Seunghee was her best friend, and even though they were close as kids, she and Changkyun were awkward now. Her parents, who were normal office workers, depended on Haneul's grades and wanted their daughter to become a doctor or lawyer, something that would bring in a steady source of income. Haneul didn't know what she wanted to be yet, but she was sure as that she would NOT become a doctor or lawyer lol. Anyway, life went on (and Changkyun bloomed into a beautiful young boy), and when Haneul and Seunghee were in 9th grade, 4Minute debuted. Now, Haneul had never really listened to kpop before, but Seunghee forced her to listen to 4Minute, and suddenly, she was hooked.

Haneul went in the direction of the guy groups (like Super Junior, TVXQ), and Seunghee was in for the girl groups (like SNSD, KARA). They wanted to form a cover group, but due to differences in style, the idea never took root ;;; but anyway, Haneul discovered that she really REALLY wanted to be a kpop artist, and her parents were really surprised to see their daughter be so passionate about something in life. However, they wanted her to finish high school first, and Haneul agreed to that. In the meantime, however, she kept practicing dance, rap, and vocals with Seunghee, who shared the same dream. Naturally, Daeyang and Changkyun were intrigued, but Haneul and Seunghee wouldn't let them in on anything.

As soon as she graduated, Haneul packed up, moved to Seoul to live with her aunt and uncle, and happened to catch Starship Entertainment's open auditions. Haneul ing shone in the midst of all the other contestants; while she didn't sing much, her skillz with dance and rap impressed the judges, and she ended up making it into Starship. However, while at Starship, she was bullied by the other trainees who were jealous of her skills. Seunghee begged her not to drop out ("this is your dream, remember?"), and her parents even came to Seoul to cheer her on. Then, in 2013, Changkyun made it into Starship, and even though she wanted to support him, Haneul couldn't take the bullying anymore. After dropping out of Starship, Haneul knew it was essential to find herself a new company, and thankfully, she stumbled across Shine. She made it in and found, with great relief, that the trainees were much nicer, and yeah, I'll continue this in better detail in the training section lol.

FACECLAIM AND BACKUP + Joo Minhee (Stellar) Gallery / Dahye (Bestie) Gallery  

HEIGHT + 165 cms
WEIGHT + 67 kgs

APPEARANCE + Haneul looks very sweet and cute, although her resting face is very serious (one might even go as far as calling it a Resting Face). She's not very tall, but she's at a healthy weight and diets to maintain it. Anyway, her hips are slightly bigger than her shoulders, giving her a pear-shaped body. She prefers to keep her hair long with bangs (she doesn't really care about the color) because her face is shaped like an oval. She has her ears pierced and prefers simple jewel studs.

FASHION STYLE + Fam you know how most of my characters are fashion terrorists? HAHAHA let's not do that this time lol. Nope, Haneul dresses like the ing princess she is (aka preppy clothes). She knows what looks on her and uses that to her advantage. She really likes a-line dresses, big loose shirts, skinny jeans, and short boots. In the summer, she'll wear off-the-shoulder tops and short shorts with strappy sandals. In the winter, she wears large, slappy-sleeve sweaters and sweatshirts, colorful scarves, and fuzzy boots. She prefers to wear colors in the pastel range and doesn't like to wear black. Normally, she likes to wear converse, but she doesn't mind switching to flats sometimes. Pinterest Board

STAGE NAME Sky - Haneul is too generic, but she doesn't just want to use her English name... so she chopped off the E :DD
PERSONA Ice Princess 
POSITION Lead dancer; lead rapper; sub vocal
+ Vocal: Red Velvet's Yeri (the one with the soft/not-too-strong voice)
+ Dance: Gfriend's Yerin
+ Rap: WJSN's Exy
+ Talking: KARD's Somin
+ Aegyo: Apink's Naeun
+ Variety: Lovelyz's Sujeong (the one guessing)

FANCLUB Clouds - Haneul represents the sky, and what goes better with the sky than clouds? :")) so cliche loll
FANCOLOR #BAEBF3 - sky blue

TRAINING YEARS + 1 year at Starship (June 2012 - June 2013); 1 year at Shine (June 2013 - May 2014)

TRAINING BACKGROUND + Prior to moving to Seoul, Haneul learned a lot of dances and raps just from being kpop trash, so when she auditioned for Starship, she was already a very good dancer/rapper. When she started training for Starship, all Haneul knew to do was train and learn, so she didn't have any friends in the company. Then, one day, when Sistar was passing by, Dasom noticed Haneul sitting all alone and realized "yo she's about my age why is she so sad", so they started talking and became fairly good friends. A lot of the trainees, already jealous of Haneul's skillz, envied her even more after seeing this friendship, so they started to bully her. It was all very subtle, starting from just leaving her out of group activities, but Haneul caught on quickly and kept to herself even more. No one else really noticed, but Haneul didn't want to bother anyone, so she kept it secret. During her time at Starship, Haneul quickly improved a lot (since she had nothing else to do), and established herself as a promising trainee. However, the bullying took a toll on her, and by 2013, she was ready to quit. Then ing Im Changkyun (little er) came and made it into Starship, giving her new hope! She thought 'yo someone I know maybe this won't be so bad after all?' but nah, it was still bad. Haneul and Changkyun hadn't hung out a lot since fifth grade, but she still really cared about him and didn't want to leave him all alone, but she realized that her own health came first. Haneul left Starship, telling Changkyun to call her if he needed to talk or anything, and by serendipity (while out shopping for her aunt and uncle), she saw a poster calling for auditions at Shine Entertainment. Haneul leaped on this chance and made it! She received a warm welcome from the trainees already there and realized that she would need some friends to get her through life, so she befriended a lot of the trainees there, although she was still a bit shy lol. But yeah, that's the gist :D

+ Limitless Sky
Title Track - Jelly (Soyeon)
1. Why Don't You Know (Chungha)
2. Spotlight (So Hee)
3. Calling in Love (Suran)
4. Love Talk (Kisum)

+ none lol

+ Only one person? That's hard. I think I have a connection with [Red Lipstick] and [Firm Guidance] because they take care of me a lot and don't pressure me to do anything I don't want to. My closest friend is probably [Cuter Than You] because she's very sociable and likes to talk to me.

+ I'd like to work with [Red Lipstick]. We're the rappers, so we can bring everyone down with pur charismatic stage *smile*

+ *embarrassed* Do we have to do this? Well... once we came back from practice, and we were all really tired. I went to brush my teeth and accidentally grabbed my acne cream instead of the toothpaste... I nearly brushed my teeth with it if [ Boys] hadn't happened to walk by at that very moment.

+ VCTRS is a group with very strong potential, and they're like our own brothers, so we'll be sure to guide them in the right path. I think it would be nice if we collaborated to make an album together, like SMTown, JYPNation, etc. Mhm... I hope we can succeed together.


Choi Haneul

Other names: 
+ Skye - English name 
+ Hannie - pet name used by her parents
+ Princess - used by members affectionately (because she's quiet and cool like a princess lol) 

BIRTHDATE: April 5th, 1994 
AGE: 20
AGE At debut: 20
Nationality Korean
BIRTHPLACE Gwangju, South Korea
+ Korean - native (fluent)
+ English - required class in school (conversational)
+ Japanese - self-interest (coherent textbook sentences)

social circle

» Mom/Dad, Lee Jinsul/Choi Byungho | 42/43 | accountants | kind and cheerful/prideful but gentle | 8/10   
» Brother, Choi Daeyang | 17 | student | friendly and talkative | 9/10   
» Aunt/uncle, Kim Dawon/Choi Byungnam | 39/41 | broker/bus driver | nagging but caring/laid-back and casual | 7.5/10   


» Best friend, Oh Seunghee | 19 | trainee at Cube | brave, brash, bold | 9/10   
» Friend, Hwang Ardae | 23 | trainee at Shine | [from what I know, sassy, naggy, and strict but also caring] | 8/10   
» Sunbae-friend, Kim Dasom | 21 | Sistar | quiet, cheerful, encouraging | 8.5/10   


» No others


» cute clothes
» writing stories
» soft pastel colors
» clear skies
» having fun with friends
» stuffed animals


» the color black
» rain and rainy days
» squash the vegetable
» bullies
» writer's block :))


» taps her foot when bored
» tugs hair when thinking
» rapping in the shower
» drums her fingers on flat surfaces
» picking at the skin around her nails
» she keeps a diary and writes in it before bed


» writing music and stories
» memorizing poems
» making up dances
» playing piano (she's still learning)
» covering other artists' songs/dances/raps


» failure
» small spaces
» spiders


» her favorite fruit is raspberry
» the only coffee she drinks is cappucino
» has perfect pitch
» huge ELF (favorite member is Yesung)
» ran into Sunggyu at a cafe once (no scandals though haha)


PERSONALITY + I think we all know what this little 's like, but I'll describe him anyway lol. This little is quiet, introverted, but knows how to have fun. He's not the type of person to talk about his feelings and tends to hold back his words, but if he trusts you enough, he'll hint at it ('I have a friend who has this problem') and ask for advice in that sense. He knows what he wants from life and will stop at nothing to get it, but he does not intend to hurt people. Nonetheless, he tends to come off as cold and indifferent, unintentionally isolating himself. Once you get to know him, however, he's just as much a goofball as any other boy his age, and oftentimes, he's even more mischievous and pulls a lot of pranks. He tends to be prideful but always apologizes for his behavior.

FIRST MEETING + Haneul was seven, and he was five. His family was moving into the apartment across from Haneul's, and she tried to say hi, but he was too shy. Then Daeyang came and melted the ice (between the two ice blocks lol) and the three kid ended up playing on the playground, and Haneul took care of those two because she was afraid they'd do stupid . Little Changkyun was ing smooth and he gave Haneul a cornflower and was like 'this is my heart; it's blue like you, so you are my heart' fml someone use that line on me pls loooool but yeah, the first meeting wasn't too exciting

INTERACTIONS + They were really close friends (like, did everything together close) until Haneul went to middle school/6th grade. For one, they were in different schools now, but also, guy/girl , awkwardness, hello? Pshhh sorry that was unnecessary, but yes, Changkyun and Daeyang were best friends, but he and Haneul interacted little more than just 'hi' 'wanna come in for a bit' 'nice seeing you again', you know. Then, out of the blue, Haneul leaves for Seoul, and Changkyun never knew he could feel the loss of someone so greatly. He pondered over it for a bit, and then, in 2013, after only his third year of high school, Changkyun came to Seoul, deadset on becoming a Starship trainee. He made it, but Haneul left. Nonetheless, they caught up on some and she told him to call her if he was having troubles, and he did. He called her during No.Mercy, and even though she was busy promoting, she always took the time to call him back and reassure him that as long as he showed his talent, the other trainees would accept him. Long story short they were close until 6th grade and then became close again after he came to Starship lol.

No but I forgot to mention that he'd had a crush on her since like forever and that was part of the reason he was so awkward. Like when they first met the thoguht going through his little peabrain was 'o shiet she purty' and omg it was so obvious to Daeyang who laughed his off every single ing time but yeah little Changkyun was sad when Haneul stopped talking to him ;;; and then on Haneul's side, I'd already mentioned how Changkyun grew up well, but like, she ing noticed that, and she thought it was wrong to like a boy younger than her ;;; so she kept all her feelings to herself

+ at the time of debut: pretty much just friends
+ after five years: started dating in 2018 lol (and it probably caused a scandal because noona-dongsaeng ) 

+ They made a 'marriage pact' back in elementary school
+ He looks older and is taller but acts less mature
+ 'Noonaaa, feed me~~' 'You are a ing grownass man, feel some shame'
+ They rap together :"))))  

+ Finally_Home
+ Maggie
+ Observer

Im Changkyun







LAST COMMENT + Okay now that I've done this, I really want to apply to VCTRS too lol but anyway yeah, so is it obvious that I rushed this? Lmaoo I'm sorry if it was incomplete, and I'm actually lowkey terrified about the love relationship (grr age ranges lol). If there's anything I need to change, pls do tell me ;))


+ Cute cute everyone caring for Haneul
+ Someone finally exploding at Haneul for her to 'just say something' 


PASSWORD + Dance: Fly High + Smile! :) (see I copied that character by character) + Fly High (because I love this song too much)



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