Hsiniyah is Reaching for the Sky!


username — SienL1

nickname — Sien

activity rate — Usually a 9,5, currently 8 because of exams


name — Ngg Hsinyi 黃心怡 (this is the taiwanese way of writing her name, the Mandarin way would be Huang Xinyi)

— Mazu 妈祖 | the goddess of water and protector of the seafarers of chinese mythology. They use this nickname for Hsinyi because she is such a good swimmer.
— Powerhouse | Hsinyi is probably the strongest, fastest and most powerful member of the group, so the fans tend to nickname her the powerhouse.

birthdate — 27/10/1996

birthplace — Chenggong, Taiwan

hometown — Chenggong, Taiwan & Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Taiwanese (Paiwan aborigine)

language — 
Mandarin | native | her native language is mandarin, but she speaks the taiwanese variation.
paiwan | conversational | hsinyi's family descent from paiwan people, who are taiwanese aboriginals, and her grandma is one of the few native paiwan speakers left because her family was one of important paiwan nobles. She teached hsinyi since she was young and that's why she knows basic paiwan, which is pretty rare.
korean | semi-fluent | she's still struggling from time to time, but she's working hard to improve. Her pronounciation is quite odd and needs work while her knowledge of Korean is pretty much good.

What I look like

face claim — a'n'd lucia chen 陳盈燕

backup face claim — Dears' Dewi Chien


appearance — Hsinyi is quite the good-looking girl. She stands at 168 cm and weighs 54 kg. She is quite heavy compared to the others, but that's because she's muscled. Yes, she actually has abs, abs which many boys are jealous of, even the BTS boys. But her strongest muscles are in her thighs and arms, because of the many swimming she does, battling strong currents when she's swimming in the ocean. She has a long, beautiful face with really dark eyes and lips that are on the thinner side. She is definitely part of the visual line of the group. She currently has black, wavy hair with a dark blue ombre, and wants to keep it for a while. She isn't afraid to cut her hair short when she decides to change though. Her ancestors tattooed noblewomen on their arms and hands. Since Hsinyi's family descent from Paiwan noblewomen, Hsinyi has those hand tattoos (like this) as well, to honor her ancestors. Her mother decided to not take the tattoos because it would be in the way for her job, but Hsinyi wants to show that she's a descendant of the aboriginals and is proud of it. She got them right before leaving for Korea.


fashion style — Hsinyi has a very simple and plain style. She usually wears jeans with a shirt or sweater and platform sneakers, sometimes a cap or bandana to brighten the outfit up. Most of the time she wears black and basic, plain colors, either bright or pastel. Her favourite outfit is a black jeans with rips on the knees, white platform sneakers, a white, slightly oversized sweater and a bright red bandana in her hair. She does have paiwan traditional clothes, and wears them on special paiwan occasions.

Who I am

plotline — Lead vocalist

traits — 
(+): athletic, energetic, adventurous, clever
(0): superstitious, outdoorsy, proud
(-): apathetic, asocial, dull, forgetful

personality — 

Athletic and energetic: Hsinyi was always a ball of energy, bursting to be active. She loves to wear herself out and practice sports. She just can't sit still and needs her daily dose of movement, otherwise she won't even be able to sleep or concentrate. She's the sportiest, quickest and most powerful member of STL.

Adventurous and outdoorsy: Hsinyi's not only sporty, she also loves adventure, thrill and excitement. She basically grew up outside, on the beach and in the water. She'll sneak outside at any moments  and she often feels cramped and anxious in the big city of seoul. She misses the countryside, she misses the coast, she really misses being able to swim in the ocean. Sometimes she feels anxious and sneaks out to seek the nearest park to relax.

Clever: hsinyi was always a very clever girl, getting good grades and having wide knowledge about various topics. She is really good at solving riddles and often comes up with new solutions by thinking out of the box. Other members often come to her when they are stuck with something, and the minors would often ask Hsinyi for help with their homework. She is the best at maths. Because she's so clever, she's good at relativating and thinking realistically.

Superstitious and proud: hsinyi is from aboriginal descent, which can be seen by her tattoos. She might not live like traditional paiwan people, she still shares most of their beliefs. She is very proud of herself, her family and her paiwan descent and has a really strong pride. If her pride is damaged, she'll be pretty pissed off, yes. And when Hsinyi's pissed off, instead of showing it directly, she'll become very passive aggressive. She also is very superstitious, believing in Friday the 13th and black cats bringing bad luck. She wants to pet the cats so badly, but avoids them as well as possible. Many people think it's funny how superstitious she is.

Apathetic and asocial: since she was young, Hsinyi always preferred to be on her own and had a hard time opening up to people. When she has to socialise, she will, but when she doesn't, she'll just stare blankly and shut . If you do befriend her, she's actually nice and might have her talkative moments, but you won't get her comfort. She doesn't know how to deal with other people's sadness. Especially when it is a problem she doesn't understand. She tries to.avoid comforting people, hoping to not worsen it with her cold response.

Dull: hello Hsinyi, bye fun. She's silent, careful on her words and pretty apathetic, so Hsinyi appears very dull. She just isn't the person to waste her words on jokes and unnecessary comments. She is the absolute black hole when it comes to variety. This is one reason why she didn't get chosen as leader.

Forgetful: she might be clever and on the point, but Hsinyi sometimes has those moments that she completely forgets what's going on. It is like someone regularly shoots holes in her memory. When it is something useless and small, she'll calmly go 'oh' when realising, but when it is important, she'll panic terribly and freak out. It can go from forgetting to water the plants to straight up forgetting a schedule. Here's another reason why she didn't get chosen for the leader position.


background — Little Hsinyi was born as the oldest of twins, in the small city of Chenggong, which was actually the second biggest of the province, in southern Taiwan. She lived on the outskirts of the city and the coast was basically in her garden. Since she was a child, little Hsinyi was always spending a lot of time out on the beach, often alone or with a few friends. There were two families in Chenggong with Paiwan blood running through their veins. The family of her mother's parents, and her grandmother's best friend and her family. They were the only aborigines and descendants in that area, so they were their own small community. They couldn't do big rituals anymore, but still shared the beliefs. Her grandmother was still a native paiwan speaker, and she teached Hsinyi the basics since she was a young girl. Hsinyi was always very interested in the Paiwan culture, and even though she wanted to be modern, she still wanted to show everyone that she was proud to have Paiwan blood. She does not believe in the classes and that they should marry in their own class only, because she believes that anyone can love anyone. Noblewomen got hand tattoos as a rite of passage into adulthood, which her grandmother and her best friend got as well, but her mother decided to pass on. Many Paiwan people are christian now, but Hsinyi still shares the same traditional religious beliefs as her grandmother, being a polytheist.


Little Hsinyi was always fascinated by the water, and loved to swim in the ocean, well, just swim in any healthy and clean water. Ponds, swimming pools, bubble baths when she was small, she would swim anywhere. While other kids her age would stay on the slides all day, she was always found at the olympic bath, swimming her heart out and diving gracefully. Hsinyi originally wanted to become a professional swimmer, and she was well on the way, but her parents didn't want her to become an athlete in fear of the injuries. And the rest of the small Paiwan community (aka the other family) thought the same. Her grandmother prayed to the ancestors, asking for advice. No one knows how for sure, but her grandmother caught a sign. It was music. Everyone was surprised when they heard that. Since when was Hsinyi into music? As all eyes were on her, Hsinyi muttered that she had been really enjoying pop music recently. Her parents didn't believe in it, until Hsinyi showcased her vocals that she had been practicing recently. Everything fell into place. According to her grandmother, Hsinyi would find success as idol in korea. So Hsinyi immediately wanted to go, being all fired up and excited. But she was only 16, her parents said. But everyone else believed that she would be able to do it. Hsinyi didn't want to go before making it visible that she was Paiwan, so she could be proud of her aborigine descent and put more attention to it. She did the ritual of tattooing noblewomen to pass into adulthood, and let her grandma's best friend tattoo her hands and a bit of her upper arms. As a descendant of a noble family in paiwan culture, she was allowed to get the tattoos to pass into adulthood, and then, after the painful process, she would be more than ready to go. She didn't even rest after the ritual and departed the next day, with her hands and arms taped in plastic to protect her tattoos. It was quite the funny sight.


It was very hard at first for Hsinyi, she barely knew any Korean, only some basics, and she knew no English either, so she had to communicate by translation on the phone and the tourist book that had basic sentences in it. At least she could read the alphabet, because that was easy to learn on the plane. She rented a small studio on her own, funded by her parents, but once she was training for a while she moved into the trainee dorm. Hsinyi first wanted to try out at the big companies, and go smaller as she progresses. The big 3 didn't accept her, it was either for her tattoos, her descent or for just not fitting the company. After trying more fairly large companies, Hsinyi started to feel worried, what if everything was wrong? That her grandmother lied or misinterpreted the sign? She called her parents, in panic. They stayed calm and told her to keep trying no matter what. After a few days of rest and recovery, Hsinyi set foot into the next entertainment she would be auditioning for, it was september 2012, very good weather for a september day with a lot of sunshine. That must be a good sign, Hsinyi thought, as she confidently made her way towards the room where they would judge her audition. Big hit entertainment. Hsinyi didn't know much of them, but it looked fairly nice, and she would be fine with anything up to this point of being almost hopeless. But strangely, everyone loved her, and the staff was more than excited to accept her into the company. But Hsinyi's journey had just begun, and it would be a damn hard one.


At first, Hsinyi was pretty much on her own, because she didn't know much Korean, and there weren't any foreigners around. She had never had any proper training before as well, and had only self-teached in vocals with tutorials she found online. This world was all new for her, and while Hsinyi was very anxious and worried, she also knew that she would be able to get through it, if her ancestors said so, she would. Some other trainees noticed the foreign girl being quite uncomfortable. She had to deal with loneliness, homesickness, anxiety, the pressure of living in a big city, which she hates, the language barrier and her unpolished skills. But as time passed, other trainees started to talk to her, the first one that reached out to her was a boy named Kim Namjoon, a really smart one, who tried his very best to include Hsinyi in everything and teach her about Korea. The other was Jung Hoseok, a ray of sunshine, who reminded Hsinyi so much of her little twin brother, so she trusted him as well. As soon as these two boys started to take care of her, Hsinyi's trainee life started to get better, she improved quicker and also just felt much better.


In 2014, Big Hit wanted to give Hsinyi some experience of being a star, to prepare her for their possible upcoming group. Their plan was to give Hsinyi a role in a school drama, which she would be good at, and maybe she could get started as idol actress if she did well. To make Hsinyi feel at best while getting into the world of stardom, they sent her off to her homeland, Taiwan, to act in a drama called Angel 'n' Devil. It was a great way for exposure and to polish the rough diamond that was Hsinyi as well. She really enjoyed the drama, returned as a stronger person and had met some amazing friends there.


Because of her strong appearance and experience in her drama and her long training time, Big Hit originally considered Hsinyi as one of the possible leaders of their upcoming girl group, but after struggles dealing with other members' problems and with being foreign, the staff knew that being a leader wasn't for her. She can't deal with people that don't feel good, is a foreigner that still needs to polish her korean, and would just not appear well on variety shows, giving the group a worse image than they should have, so they put the plan away. She knew from the start that if she debuted, she would be overlooked. She thought she wouldn't mind because at least she could perform? But lately, thoughts have been running in her head. What could she do to prove herself worthy? What could she do to show that she's there as well? It's haunting Hsinyi, and the thoughts are getting more prominent every moment.


The ocean
Refreshing drinks like ice cold lemonade
Having her 'me-time' (which is very often)
Nature and the outdoors
Fresh and cold raw vegetables, which is sadly rare to eat in Korea
Korean BBQ, just how could they make the meat taste so great?
Coastal small towns
Travelling, but no city trips, give her long, exhausting hikes instead
traditional cultures of all around the world, she loves to learn about others
Fluffy things

Being surrounded by too many people
Anti-aborigines and racists
Big cities without any nature
Weather that isn't ideal to swim and go outside
Comedians, they are so fake and lame
Being forced into something
The taboo of tattoos, it is art, in her case it is tradition as well
Roller coasters
Going upside down
Speedy things
Crabs, the times she's been hurt because of one, it's endless
Loud and obnoxious people
Not being able to comfort close friends if she doesn't understand their problems

Swimming, in pools, ponds or the ocean, pretty much anywhere where it's safe, she can battle strong currents, but some are just too strong
Scuba diving
Dancing to boy group songs
Remixing songs, she's just a newbie but she's getting the hang of it
Watching survival shows or school dramas, outside.

Rubbing the tip of her nose
Blinking rapidly when she sees a handsome person
Having a slight red flush on her cheeks when she's around people she really adores, not just crushes, but friends as well
Sleep talking, well, more like murmuring, she tends to mix all the languages she knows when she sleep murmurs
Speaking in Paiwan when talking to her grandma about private things
Muttering silently when she's embarassed
Escaping to the nearest park or beach when she feels pressured or afraid
Rubbing her tattoos when she feels homesick

Afraid of rats, friday the 13th, big dogs and heights
Going upside down makes her nauseous
She's allergic to apples
big fan of various underrated groups
A survival show fanatic, has watched produce 101, both seasons, boys24, The Unit, mix&match, win, who is next, idol school and mixnine. Her favourite is definitely The Unit. She always watches them while sitting outside.
Huge fan of 100%, Rainbow, Spexial, Hotshot, Bigflo and Myname
always shows her tattoos, it's part of her and her heritage, why would she cover them?
believes in ghosts and that there is life after death
Extremely superstitious, she loves cats, but stays away from the black ones while all she wants to do is pet them
Never eats fish, like how vegetarians do not eat meat.
She has some pet fishes that she keeps in an aquarium at the dorm. A betta named Ron (named after the bigflo member), two cherry barbs named Jaejae (named after Rainbow's Jaekyung) and Hojo (named after Hotshot's Hojeong), a guppy named Sammy (after spexial's sam) and a bunch of Neon tetras who will all be named after the group members. She might get more fishes as the neon tetras and cherry barbs might mate and get cute lil babies.
She decided for her stagename to be Hsiniyah, pronounced Xinniah


Ngg Yihsuan (Yixuan) (fc: 24k changsun) | Younger twin brother | 21 | cheerful, energetic, caring, childish, stubborn | Hsinyi's twin brother, who is two minutes younger than her. He doesn't believe in the traditional paiwan beliefs as much as his sister. He always had a talent for dancing and was always the more open and happy boy. He's a very cheerful, precious boy and almost the opposite of his sister, but they are really close. Because his sister went to become trainee, he got enough courage to become artist as well and is a well-known solo artist in taiwan, debuting in late 2015, he is now working on promoting himself on the mainland and in korea and japan, so he will come visit a lot.


Ngg Guanting | Father | 50 | excitable, friendly, conservative, messy | Hsinyi's dad is a pretty funny guy. He doesn't let his age get to him and even though he is quite conservative, he just loves life. he is a very messy person and the rest of the family always have to clean up in his place. He loves his daughter and even though he was very worried at first, he will support her forever.


Liie Shufen | Mother | 49 | hard-working, kind, stubborn, calculating | Hsinyi's mother is definitely the tough one of the couple, she is proud of her aborigine descent, but she doesn't want to show it because of her career as bussinesswoman. This sometimes causes disagreements between Hsinyi and her mother, but they absolutely love each other nontheless.


Laau Yan | Grandmother | 76 | kind, optimistic, fatalistic, flamboyant | Yan is not your regular grandma, definitely not. She's enjoying her late life and doesn't get her age get to her. No one is in her way and she does what she wants while also staying true to her beliefs most of the time. While she is one of the last Paiwan speakers, she is a great modern grandma. Hsinyi sees her as a great friend, the rock she can lean on, the shoulder she can cry on, she can simply tell her grandmother everything.



Liie Chialing (fc: a'n'd Eunice) | best friend | 21 | airhead, careless, innocent, friendly | They met for the first time when acting together for angel 'n' devil and throughout the shooting, they got the closest of all. Chialing was already an experienced actress, while it was Hsinyi's first time, so Chia teached her a lot. They are still the best of friends and often visit each other. Chialing spends a lot of her free time visiting Hsinyi in korea. The Bighit boys flock around her like crazy.


Jung Hoseok & Kim Namjoon | caring big brothers | 23 | varies | When Hsinyi entered Bighit, she was a lonely and quite afraid girl of 16 years old, who didn't know korean that well yet. She was always training on her own, until two older boys suddenly decided to start taking care of her. Hoseok and Namjoon made sure that young Hsinyi was well-fed and even though they didn't know Mandarin, let alone her Taiwanese variation, they tried to explain everything she didn't understand as well as possible. Hsinyi feels at ease with the two, and can be herself around Hoseok and Namjoon. Both do have the hots for her, but she doesn't notice their so so obvious hints and only has eye for her boy sam.


Angel 'n' devil cast | the squad! | varies | taiwanese actresses and boy group Spexial | This drama was basically made to promote Taiwanese rookie actresses and the boy group Spexial. Hsinyi was the only one who wasn't supposed to promote in Taiwan. She took some time to adjust, but after months of filming, Hsinyi befriended all of them, and the cast of this drama is still the group of people she feels the most comfortable with. They come together for birthdays and other events and even though Hsinyi can't always join them cause she's the only one who isn't in Taiwan, they always facetime with her when that happens. When Hsinyi has a special event, all of them come over to korea together to cheer for her and make her feel better. Hsinyi was, and will forever be their little baby.

Let's play a love game

love interest — Lin Zi Hong/Spexial's Sam

backup love interest — Hoseok or Namjoon (can be a love triangle)


personality — Lin zi hong is a very sweet guy. He might not look like it, but he's a little dorky ball of cuteness. He tries to be as cool and swag as possible with flirty jokes towards Hsinyi and just the way he poses, acts and talks. Under that idol boy group member facade hides a clumsy, really adorable lost puppy. He trails after Hsinyi when they are spending time in Korea because he's so lost in the foreign country and afraid to lose her. He's a stubborn and moody boy, and is quite immature as well. This often causes innocent bickering between the two.


relationship — Spexial's visual, Lin Zi Hong, stagename Sam. He and Hsinyi met on the set of angel 'n' devil. While Hsinyi and other rookie girls were the main girls, two members of Spexial were the main boys, Teddy and Simon. Sam was only a supporting character, but he approached the nervous and lost girl Hsinyi on the first day of acting. She was obviously not used to being around Taiwanese people, and if he didn't notice her Paiwan tattoos, he would've mistook Hsinyi for a foreigner. He decided to approach the beautiful girl. Everyone of the important cast were celebrities already, except for her. Hsinyi was in awe when seeing all those known faces together. When Sam complimented her acting, Hsinyi became a blushing, stuttering mess. She's not used to getting compliments, let alone coming from someone she's a fan of. Sam's heart almost bumped out of his chest. Oh. My god. The trainee girl is too cute. They didn't say any word more, cause both got too shy. By the end of the filming, Hsinyi had befriended most of the others, including Sam and his groupmates. Sam absolutely adored Hsinyi, but she only pushed him away, because she knew the time of goodbye was coming. Wen the cast was at the airport to send Hsinyi off to korea, Sam wanted to confess his feelings. But you know how it goes. Lost the words, lost the girl. There she went, completely unknowing about his feelings for her, carrying her bright yelow suitcase, back to korea. Whenever he gets the chance, Sam will go visit her, bringing way too much presents. But still, Hsinyi misses him greatly, but doesn't know her heart yet.

Last Words

comments/suggestions — Hey! So yes I finally did it! I was planning on applying like for way too long but I have finally finished her! She's pretty unique and I spend hours on research for her, so I hope you like this special bean!

scene requests — Hsinyi's friends coming to visit to support her debut and surprising her (she would probably cry).
Just Hsinyi being a silent awkward bean not knowing how to deal with stuff
When Hsinyi finally sees an ocean, she would strip down to her underwear and tshirt to go swimming immediately, even if the currents are pretty strong, while the other members either yell at her to return or get worried.
Hoseok and Namjoon trying to catch Hsinyi's attention but then Sam pays her a visit and takes all of it.
Maybe a possible collab with her brother?


turn in — back to the story


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