Disrespectful, Rude and Hypocrites

For those who have read my past blogs about this 'stereotype' in our block, how each group of friends are named, crazy, pretty and random. I'm part of random friends, a name given to us out of our own will, while pretty and crazy were given by themselves. Anyway, I would like to associate those three words to the 'pretty friends'.



Last Monday, we had the opening for the Communication Week of our college. When we sat, me and my other blockmates sat near each other. Behind me, was one of my blockmates (one that we considered who changed the most negatively since the beginning of the school year and the one I like least among them), a member of the pretty friends. She had her friend with her. I didn't mind it anyway. But what was annoying was that she and her friend would talk loudly, disrespecting the speakers we have. It wasn't just ordinary talking. They had these accents, not just one or two, but more, that they add into their conversation. I know I'm talkative, but I know when and when not to. They just won't shut up. And I used to value this friend back when I used to hang out with them.



For the past few days, I have slaved over our group report in History because I had volunteered for it. The website I saw that contained detailed information about our report had almost 50 links of it. I have read all of that. Unluckily, it was all in English. By the time I had finish the report, last night, it was in English. I had no time to translate it to Tagalog. Before we reported, even though there was only 20 minutes left, I had told the class that the report was in English. Suddenly, they blurted out 'why?!' in a tone that was rude. When I told this to my 2 of my friends, to which one was my group mate, she said she didn't hear it, but I did. It was loud, clear and painful for someone like me. I even told this to my 13-year old sister and she also reacted.

P.S. Reports, reflections and homeworks can be passed in English in our history subject.



Well, this isn't experienced-based, but a realization of something earlier. Funny, how those who belong to pretty and crazy friends say that they dislike stereotyping, but are doing it by labeling us. I find it hypocrital, but I don't think they have that enough knowledge to actually know what they're doing.


Oh yeah, another thing,we had to group ourselves for our English midterms, which is a speech chorale. And as expected, pretty friends got some from our circle of friends, leaving the four of us(because we were seven in 'random') with the irregular students. Lucky them, they won't have to deal with conflicting schedule of practices.


I thought I had learn to love my block. At times, I do, but I can't help but find the flaws of my classmates. If it was something small, I wouldn't mind. But if it's repetitive or big, I wouldn't ignore it. 


I find it annoying how we're 26, I think? Pretty friends are 8, we are 7 and the rest are crazy, about 11. And pretty and crazy are always together or 'partners'. They're biased. Like if someone presents from us, no one will clap much, but if it's part of pretty and crazy, they will all clap, not minding whatever the person did, whether she didn't do something, or she did something stupid or right. The fact that it's part of their group is enough.


I just hate this. I hate them. They're biased. Well, most of them. I'll say it now and I don't know if I'll ever say this again. These es need to work up on their level of intelligence because they may be funny or have swag, but if you fail, I really don't care.


I may seem bad, but they may come worse.


P.S. Sorry for the swearing.


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just ignore them.. they're just a bunch of people that deserves no attentiona at all.