:: Welcome to Club Seventeen :: Goong Yeong Kook

Goong Yeong Kook

Hyunglovesoppa — Amanda — activity rate


nickname(s) — with explanation

birthday + age — 11/16/1997 + 19

birthplace + hometown — Incheon South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
NATionality — Korean

language(s) — Korean

face claim (backup) — Choi Jaewoo (Song Kyung Il)

aju nice!

style — Fashion matters to Yeongkook because his body literaly is his money maker. He is always in a button down shirt and a nice pair of dress pants with a belt to match. He doesnt feel like himself if he is wearing frumpy clothing. 


personality — (+) Bold, playful, imaginitive, spontanious
(-) Jealous, disorderly, critical, stingy

Yeongkook is the opposite of shy. There is nothing he wont do, expecially for money. He will say what he wants, do what and who he wants and he wont let people tell him no. He isnt a hard though, he is always on people good side, expecially those he finds attractive. He isnt held down by what others think he should be, he likes being him and doing things his way and if that means he is thinking outside the box that means he is thinking outside the box. He likes the though of settling down with a family but he really couldnt. He is the firsnd who convices you to go out on that midnight adventure just beause.

Yeongkook is super easily jealous. What is his is his and he does not share. whether that be food, a guy or clothing. If it is his dont touch it. Even though he seems to have a lot of things together he does not. His apartment looks like a tornado blew through it but he is still able to get what he needs when he needs it. He is horrible at cleaning up after himself. He is also horrible at being nice. Most of the time he doesnt tihnk about what comes out of his mouth, he just says it and often hurts other people feelings. 


likes — Baths
Working out

dislikes — Dogs
Spicy food
Being sweaty
Early mornings 
Celf centered politicians who tihnk its ok to tell other people how they need to live there lives
Talking about his past

FEARS — Churches
Thunder storms
Habbits — He showers every night
He works out twice a day
He goes on a run once a day 
When people tell him he is wrong
hobbies — Excersising
secrets — i
He was molested as a child
trivia — He has a cat named Rabbit 
He is an amazing cook
He sings in the shower
He hates when people clean his apartment
He is publically gay
He wants to travel to Paris
He is left handed
He is an orphan
He is agnostic

don't wanna cry. 

background — Yeongkook was raised in an all boys Catholic orphanage that was run partially by interantional fathers from all over the world. There were many orphanages like theirs that had fathers from other countries. 
Yeongkook never knew his family, all he knew was the orphanage. He always had fifteen other boys in his room with him at night, he always shared his meals and he never knew what alone time was. 
Ever since a young age Yeongkook knew he was differant. While the other boys were oogling over girls he was spending time hsi time looking at the other boys. The first time he ever kissed a boy was when he was ten. It was a dare from another boy but he didnt mind it. 
The first time one of the fathers came after Yeongkook was when he was was thirteen. He didnt know w what was happening nor did he know who to tell about it so he did nothing. ovoer the next few years things got worse and he was molested when he was sixteen. He was overwhelmed and lost. 
When he was seventeen lost it all. One night after one of the faters came for him he left. He couldnt take it any more. He left everything he knew and idntnt want to come back ever. 
Yeongkook made his way to Seoul in hopes to find something new but he was a high school drop out with no job experiance. He needed a palce to stay and money coming in. He was desperate and when he saw a sign that said that there was a strip club looking for a new dancer. He lied about his age and experiance but he got the job. He was able to get a room at a hostel for a while and the owner made friends with him. He let Yeongkook stay for a lesser rate than others. 
It took a few weeks but he started making money. He didnt mind what he was doing because he wasnt near many people. The first time he was actually near a coutomer it was a female costomer and boy was it weird. She kept trying to touch him and he kept trying to odge her. She endeed up jumping on stage and running at him. He was so reeped out that he almost quit but he needed the money. 
Slowly Yeongkook stated gaining confidence in his dance and started making more money. When he was nineteen he was able to get a good sized apartment but it was still in a bad part of town. 
Things went south fast. The club Yeongkook was at was actually the victim of arson. Everyone was put out and looking for a job. Lucky for Yeongkook a new club opened up across town. He went there the same day he eard the club burned down and asked for a job. Right away he was told no. 
The next night he came back with the same responce. Night after night for the next two weeks Yeongkook went to talk to who he thought was the owner. Come to find out he had been talking to the owners boyfriend. He was so angry and demanded to talk to the actual owner. 
She agreed that if he did a show and was popular enough that he would be in. He was incredibly popular. He did a  dance with water and even had some of the other dancers watching him. 

current life — Yeongkook's day starts around two nthe noon. Hestarts the day with a full pot of coffee. He usually spends most of his afternoon playing video games until around seven. 
Thats when he starts getting ready for the day: shower, outfit, food. 
When he gets to the bar he starts with a few drinks just to loosen up then he goes to get ready for the night. 
By the time the bar shuts down he has had more than a few drinks and after he usually finds a guy to bring home with him. 


friends — 

▪ Friend | Song Minho | 7/10 | At first Minho hated Yeongkook. He couldnt quite put his finger on it but something was off about the new dancer. It took him a while to figure it out. Minho was uncomfortable with the fact that Yeongkook was openly flirting with him every night. He said something to Yeongkook who apoligised about it. Since then they have actually been on rather good terms. 

adore u.

love interest — Jeonghan

backup  — Woozi

personality — Put your interpretation of his personality. I have an idea of where I want to go with each boy, but your words and opinions will be taken into account while writing
background — Jeonghan grew up in a rather normal family. Mom and dad both worked, older brother was supportive and helpful. He never really found his calling in life though. He never really had close friends, never had a girlfriend. He didnt know what was wrong but something was. 
Once he got into college he needed a job to help pey the bills, his parents offered to foot the entire bill but he was not going to have that, he got a job as a barista at the coffee shop of campus. He didnt know what to do so he was just taking care of his general educations out of the way. 
The first year that was enough, but once Jeonghan got his first girlfriend it wasnt. She was clingy and needy, also expencive. He was able to snag a job a a small laid back bar as a back up bartender.
Turns out his two jobs were very similar and he was able to get better at bartending very quick. He started working there every night, the coffee shop in the morning and classes in the afternoon. He started having less and less time for his girlfriend. She ended up breaking up with him and he felt like it was heart break. 
Honestly though he felt releved. He didnt like being around her and they had never even kissed. She was just more of a show for him. 
As exams became harder and harder Jeonghan had to make the decision of getting rid of one job. The bartending was stressful and further away so naturally he kept that one. 
After one year of college he knew he was in the wrong place. He was happier at the bar than on campus so that was where he was going to stay. 
Rumor around the bar was that a new club was going in, a male strip club. Jeonghan had on occasion looked at but he never was by the women, it was usually just the men he would watch. When he heard about the club he looked into it. 
Luck was on his side as they needed a bartender and he happened to be a bartender. 

relationship  — The more Jeonghan flirts with the girls the more Yeongkook will dance on other guys. They push eachother all the time but damn the make up is great. Yeongkook loves to tease Jeonghan, while he is on stage he will make eye contact soley with him. 

The first time they met they were both drunk out of their minds and ended up making out all night. That was Jeonghan's first kiss and first, well, hot steamy make out session in a public strip club wile being surrounded by his coworkers, but hey whos counting. 

None of the toher workers made a big deal about it, except for Yeongkook. He made a deal about it in a strange way though. He became jealous of anyone who had Jeonghan's attention when he was around. 
One night in particular Jeonghan was working a girl hard to get a good tip and Yeongkook came over after having a few drinks. *insert the cute jelous type, not the mean jealous type* He demanded Jeonghans attention but Jeonghan was worried about loosing the tip. The girl just laughed and told Jeonghan to stop worrying about a tip and to take care of his boyfriend. 
No one knew where Yeongkook lived so at the end of the night someone either had to take him home or leave him in the bar. Everyone hauled out and Jeonghan was the last one left. He was forced to take Yeongkook back to his place but he slept in a separate locked room. 
That next morning Yeongkook asked Jeonghan out to breakfast and when Jeonghan asked if it was like a date Yeongkook said 'well what else would it be? We can make it more before work if you want'

current status  — Co workers
ending — Suprise me

last messages.

comments + questions — Drunk Yeongkook becomes cute boyfriend material. Sorry if I at wrigning and it didnt come off that way. 
A few people know that Yeongkook was molested, he doesnt really make a deal about it. Hes more like 'hi, I'm gay, I dance, I was molested as a kid.'
He likes that hes gay. He is differant with out trying to. There is nothing anyone could do to make him go back into the closet or to hide it. He is loud and proud.

scene request — Yeongkooks set involves water and tight white pants

password —

turn inback to story


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