Dusk till dawn -- a sliver of hope



Those who have seen my feed or have talked to me these past days know I've been searching high and low for an active decent writing contests that is actually challenging. One of the very few ones I've found (which is disheartening and tragic) is this one.


Dusk till down.


There's plenty of time to finish your story and the prompts are loose enough that you are alowed to make use of your imagination and creativity while still being somewhat limited. Their rules aren't incredibly rigid, but just enough. The creator is really nice and helpful and hasn't gotten mad at me even after asking a load of questions. 

It's also perfect for authors inclined more towards dark fanfiction, but also towards those looking to get out of their comfort zone. 

I, myself, am participating with two stories which is a very braven decision, but we'll see and hope for the best.

Give it a try and if not, you can make a small donation by upvoting and supporting members who want to liven up the site a little and help motivate people to start writing more! A needed change, I say. 

Also, please be assured that from what I've seen, claims of plagiarism will be taken very seriously and immediate action will be taken, if you're worried about the recent climate of AFF.




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