Sorry for not updating, creeper, 24K sadness...

Okay, first of all; I'm really sorry for not being able to update any of my stories since a while back... I've been busy (I say as I'm watching TV) I haven't been able to write at all during break and I'm sorry for that, I wil try tomorrow or tonight... I've been writing more on something else that I haven't posted at all, a new story that is, and I just can't seem to write anything but that.... I may or may not be going to post the story on here... who knows... 

Second of all; I don't know if anyone wants to know about this but since there were apparently some who read my creeper stalker post then hahahaa... I have another one.... I don't know what it is with me and creepy creepsters but they sure have a thing for me... And I don't like it, unless they're like super hot and like a kpop star..., but like no I still don't like. So if you've read the creeper stalker post then you know that I have a thing (or what?) for talking to strangers online. I mean I just want to have friends... Is the to hard to ask for? But yeah... I go on these, it's not really dating sites but kind of dating sites. The description said "Meet friends, talk to people with the same interests as you, find love!" So it's not really a "dating" site it's more of a meet friends site that may turn those friends into something more. And in my case they turn into ing stalkers! Like how?! Anywhoo. My bio said "I like Korea, my favorite bands are: 24K, B.A.P, BTS, MyName (don't really remember since I've deleated the app) I want friends talk to me~ my Kakao _____. DON'T TALK TO ME OR ADD ME ON KAKAO IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO ASK FOR NUDES." I know I know... I shouldn't have posted my Kakao, but the silly little stupid girl, me, just ignored that red flag... So offcourse I got people who added me on kakao and started texting me without me knowing who it was.... Like this person whom I'm gonna talk about now.... 

Let me just say, I don't know who he is or anything like that, and I've blocked him and deleated my chat with that creeper so but I took screenshots of the one sided coversation he was trying to have with me... 


















CHOEUN YOU ING ! Sorry just had to get that out of my system... Okay so today I got the news that Daeil and Hui has left 24K... And Choeun is playing the ing victim card here... The only "good" news about that article is that it said that Sungoh is maybe, just maybe, coming back to 24k after his military service... I mean I knew that Deil wasn't going back to 24K when he took a "break", but I didn't know anything about Hui until now... That makes me sad since well surprise surprise! Hui is my bias (again) in 24K... So that made me super sad after reading the article about them leaving... And it makes me mad at Choeun because they're like "BETRAYEEERRRR!!!" towards Hui and I don't care if he just out of the blue (to Choeun at least) decided to quit. I don't care what everyone else says but like I'm fully suportive towards everyone and everything so if Daeil and Hui have decided to quit then don't hate on them. Hui will always be in my heart and so will Daeil. As well as everyone who have decided to quit a kpop goups because of either their health or how they're treated by the company. Like screw everyone who hurts people! As long as they're healthy and happy, I'm happy. 


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