Getting to Know Me (I apologize NOW, lmfao)


FIRST...I cannot believe I'm doing this!


SECOND...Younglings...turn back now...there is fowl foul language ahead!!!




1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better!

Uhm, nope...not into forcing peeps to expose, NO!

2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true

I am 5'7" or taller (I am 5'8 3/4" OR 68.75cm)
I wear glasses {or contacts}

I have at least one tattoo (I have 2—left inside forearm, back of my neck)
I have at least one piercing (11 ear piercings: 8 lobe & up each side, right double conch and 1 helix in left)
I have blonde hair (med blonde w/red lowlights)
I have brown eyes (nope, they’re blue)
I have short hair (nope, just got it cut to shoulder length)
My abs are at least somewhat defined ( no...I don't think so!)
I have or had had braces (Nope, never needed ‘em)

I love meeting new people (well that depends on the new guy/gal, now doesn’t it...cakes need not apply!)
People tell me that I’m funny (yeah, if you like raw, unfiltered filth, I’m your gurl!)

Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (depends on the problem, but if I can, I will...)
I enjoy physical challenges ( no...)
I enjoy mental challenges ( YES!)
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (Uhm, this wrong?)

I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (I say a ton of I shouldn’t say...ironic or not!)
There is something I would change about my personality (uhm took me years to get this ed up...I will not abandon ‘me’...I AM a work in progress ;)

I can sing well (pppfffttt...not so much...when I was 19 I had a viral infection of my vocal chords...they are weak as and I get hoarse and larengitis very easy.)
I can play an instrument (I played the clarinet for 6 years and the piano for 2...but yeah, all I play now is Pandora and these count?)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (nope...gave that up for Lent...)
I’m a fast runner (lol, depends on who’s chasin...cause if it’s Yoongi...then uhm, NO...cause I ain't running!)
I can draw well (you can recognize what I draw...but as for ‘well’...I’ll go with nope.)  
I have a good memory (I have a great memory for I don’t want to remember or trivial for anything helpful...that remains to be seen, lol)
I’m good at doing math in my head (I in HATE math and the horse it rode in on...)
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (I hate the water, fresh or salt, and anything that lives in it.)
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (Uhm, I do not, have not, nor do I in care to ever aspire to this question...)
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (I AM A GODDESS IN THE ING KITCHEN...and with food too!!!)
I know how to throw a proper punch (I would not be a good in MOM if I couldn’t punch some out, now would I?! Don't judge me...lmfao!)

I enjoy playing sports (not anymore, used to play volleyball and tennis)
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (nope, it interferes with my drinking...)
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (nope, it interferes with my drinking...even though I already state this, it’s still relevant...)
I have learned a new song in the past week (learned?  I’ve heard/found several new songs...I’m a music lover!)
I work out at least once a week (12oz curls...then yes...I avoid my gym membership during the waking hours and I’m an insomniac, btw!)
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months (lmfao...are you serious...cause NO...)
I have drawn something in the past month (I have drawn several conclusions about my personal existence and that of humankind...but as far as illustrating it, yeah nope.)
I enjoy writing (THIS IS AN EMPHATIC YES!!! AND IF YOU ENJOY READING THEN GIVE ME A CHANCE...This IS a shameless plug for my stories, I cannnot deny it!!! :)
Fandoms are my #1 passion (Uhm kinda...writing is my REAL passion, along with Yoonmin & Taekook...but, since I write about’s kind of give & take thing so, I’m going with a YES here...)
I do or have done martial arts (I have ‘watched’ but I have not personally dabbled...because 'mats' are ing disgusting...I know you realize this!)

I have had my first kiss (YES...unless we’re talking Min Yoongi, then no...I have not kissed him but yeah...I am onboard with that and pushin' 167.358% OR about 362/10...ngl!)
I have had alcohol (do I have to be sober to answer this question?)
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game (I have not...does this mean my life has no meaning?)
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (I’m not a TV show fan...but I have binge-watched mystery incorporated...cause Scooby Doo is the in !  You can fight me or off on this...choices are important!)
I have been at an overnight event (I have been to several overnight events that lasted months...js, I cannot comment further...I don't want to kill any of you...)
I have been in a taxi (YES!!!  My first taxi ride was in NYC and we were in an accident, not 3 minutes from Grand Central Station...welcome to my ing life!)
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (HA, NO!!! I have broken the curse...finally!!!)
I have beaten a video game in one day (are we talking time according to human time...cause if yes, then I’ll go with nope.)
I have visited another country ( I have visited several countries and circled the ing globe while doing it...don’t ask...I’d have to kill you...does this intrigue anyone other than myself???)
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (yes, thank the universe for outdoor amphitheaters!!!)

I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” ( I have 6 actually...4 irl and 2 online!)
I live close to my school (wtf?  I live near several schools...doesn’t mean I comb the playgrounds like a ...)
My parents are still together (LMFAO!!! My parents in hated each other and I have no idea why they got married, let alone stayed married...)
I have at least one sibling (I have an older brother...he is a useless piece of in ...ty v much...I'm fine...)
I live in the United States (YES!  I live in the Midwest...because I despise water and all that dwells within it!!! ;)
There is snow right now where I live (Not yet...although I’ve petitioned the gods for early sweater weather!!!)
I have hung out with a friend in the past month (YES! We went on a train ride—it was a wine tasting event...OMG!)
I have a smartphone (I DO...but then even a payphone is probably smarter than me, lmfao...see I can be funny!)
I have at least 15 CDs (Uhm yeah...I have ‘at least’ 15...I will stop don't need to know my entire life story...)
I share my room with someone (Sure? If you count two dogs and a cat who has a foot then yes, I share a room...and a bed...with Murphy, the cat...cause, I supposed to just cut him, I don’t think so!)

I’m in a relationship (how liberal are we being with this term?  Cause like I’m not 'in' anyone...but it’s not off the grid, yk?  Right, I’ll go with a no here...)
I have a crush on a celebrity (Well DUH!  Min Yoongi does ing exist and Jimin does have thighs from in Hell, right?)
I have a crush on someone I know (I do not crush easily...I will go with, no...y'all need to work for that , seriously!)
I have been in at least 3 relationships (Lmfao, yeah...I’ve been in a few relationships...and not all of them good either...there are some serious pieces of out there...js!)
I have never been in a relationship (I in nightmares would be cut by 75%)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (Yeah, I’ve been that stupid, ing pabo who’s confessed...good luck people of the earth!)
I get crushes easily (nope...demi’s don’t ‘just crush’ without an emotional attachment...fact of in life...)
I had a crush on someone for over a year  (Yeah, it wasn’t a ‘crush’ it was a ‘I got to know him, he was my bff, and it snuck up on me...and then bad happened...and maybe the next life, right?)
I have been in a relationship for at least a year (in the past yes...I was married...right now, no...not gonna do can’t make me!)
I have had feelings for a friend (Yup!  I don’t work any other way...friends before I’m willing to put myself out there...and get ed over anyway...TY universe!!!)

I have breakdanced (I do not throw myself around on the floor like shiny penny, js...)
I know a person named Jamie (lol, yes but it’s spelled different, Jamey...he’s in hilarious and a great guy!)
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (I have, but who the really gives a ...idk)
I have dyed my hair (Hell this not a basic human right???)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (I listen to 1K songs on repeat every day, bc I have no ing life...don't doubt me!)
I have punched someone in the past week (I have NOT punched anyone in years...praise Korean Jesus for the meds I'm on!!!)
I know someone who has gone to jail (lmfao, I know a few and if I could send my own brother, I ing would...because he’s a menace to the ing planet and shouldn’t be allowed to inhale oxygen...)
I have broken a bone (I have actually crushed an ankle, broken a couple fingers and blew out 4 discs in my yeah, I know what broken bones and surgery are...yea me!)
I have eaten a waffle today (Uhm no...why you gotta hate on vegetarians like this, wtf???)
I know what I want to do with my life (lmfao, I have never had this knowledge...and if you do then... you...cause I’m jelly as hell!)
I speak at least 2 languages (Lol, liberal answer?  I took 6 years of Spanish...real answer...I don’t remember )
I have made a new friend in the past year (If online friends count then YES!!! If not... you!)


I hope you've enjoyed our time together..., I know I have!!!

Live long and prosper ers!!!
=^__^=    PJ



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