` Universal Rulers : Adam Wright — THE JACK。


adam wright

newhaven : viola or vi : 9/10




the basics.

name » Wright, Adam

nickname(s) » 

- Damsel :

", the water bottle won't open."

"Let the prince in shining armour have a go at saving you, damsel. See, easy - you need to work out more, dude."



"Go yourself."

aDAM. DAMsel. Get it? Getitgetitgetit? Yeah, Adam doesn't either. Evan seems to think it's the funniest ever, though. (Probably because it's one of the few of his's shenanigans that still pisses Adam off.) Evan is the only one, who can use it and even he comes dangerously close to being socked in the face sometimes. That and the fact that running jokes need breaks to be funny, mean that Evan only uses the nickname when Adam is being stupid.

- aDUMB : same thing, pretty much. The only difference is that Jack and Celine have picked up on this one and Adam begrudgingly lets them use it because he's his best friend and she's his best friend's girlfriend and his good friend and okay maybe he is being stupid sometimes.

birthday » 04/12/1995 : 22

hometown & BirthPlace » Reading, UK| Reading, UK

ethnicity » British enough to throw a fit if you call football soccer. He is also a sixteenth Irish, or something pointless like that, but he jokingly blames his heritage for his high alcohol tolerance. Half Korean or something. (Aka half korean, half british. Tiny bit of irish.)
NATIONALITY » British and korean.

language »

- english : fluent. speaks with thick british accent. he was born and grew up in britain.
- korean : fluent. isn't used to slang and sayings. his mother taught him and Jay from an early age.

- french: conversational. He learned in school for five years.

- japanese: conversational. He took classes at JYP during his trainee years.

- hungarian: Adam, Jack and Evan taught themselves how to say "My hovercraft is full of eels." in hungarian when they were thirteen after binging Monty Python.


singing twin » Fran Healy

rapping twin » Chanyeol (Exo)
dancing TWIN » Top (BigBang)

Talking TWIN » Nick Nocturne of Night Mind (I tried picking a non-creepy video that showcases his voice, in case you guys don't like horror. Also imagine him with a british accent, please. I played this video and the singing twin at the same time and I think they totally work, actually. Well, except for the accents.)



RAPPING SKILLS » Five. Kidding. Probably a 3,5. He's actively trying to improve.
DANCING SKILLS » Maybe a one-and-a-half? Hey, at least he's having fun with it.

" I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams. (HP Lovecraft) "


" Love is a word you should only ever write with blood red ink. (Andreas Steinhoefel) "



face claim » Park Hyung Seok

backup face claim » Lee Dong Hoon


appearance » [170 cm and 55 kg] Adam's pitch black hair and dark eyes makes his skin look paler. Evan, Jack and Adam got matching tattoos of the word "magic" written in runes, because one time when they were seventeen, they drunkenly watched My Little Pony. It was bloody hilarious and they had thought about matching tattoos anyway and friendship is magic or some like that, right? Adams tattoo is between his shoulder blades. The runes are curved around a small Twenty One Pilots symbol - reminding him to stay alive, commemorating both the place their music holds in his heart and his love for Lauren.

style » Adam is very much a jeans and tshirt kind of guy. Either that or flannels. Headphones, too, or beanies or both. He wears pretty much any color, but because his shirts are often merch they tend to be black or grey with a colorful design. He wears a couples ring he bought for himself and Lauren on a necklace around his neck. You will never see him without, not even in the shower. (Why would you be looking at him in the shower though? Back off, man...)

- Dorm/Casual : 1 2 3
- Practice 1 2 3

- Airport : 1 2 3
- Dressed up 1 2 3 (I'm not joking. He wears cosply as formal attire.)

- Everyday Attire : 1 2 3

- Christmas : 1





When I was a child, I had a fever, my hands felt just like two baloons. (1995-1999)


First off, to avoid any confusion. Adam has two Mums. You know what you should do when you meet Mina and Vivien? That's right, congratulate them on the fact that they got married as soon as it was legal in Great Britain. 'S all good? Great.

Adam is Mina's biological son and while he never really found out, who his father was, he doesn't really care all that much. After all, he was raised with the utmost love and just enough strictness to turn him into a fun-loving goody-two-shoes. Neither Mina nor Vivien believed in stay-at-home-mums, at least not for long. They managed to shove their jobs into different days of the week, alternating who would work three or two days. Adam was put into nursery school early on, where he usually proceeded to shove a book into one of the carers hands and be read to all day. People were starting to worry that he wouldn't really socialize much, but when Adam turned three, he suddenly got a best friend. Her name was Lisa and they went toddling around the rooms happily.

Adams first day of elementary school was interesting. Vivien had strolled over to Lisa's parents and the two children had struck up a nervous conversation about cats, nervous, because they hadn't been sure if they would still be friends now that elementary school had begun. After all, their lives were about to change, right? They were about to grow up, right? But everything was okay and they sat together in class. A boy named Lewis peed his pants and broke a crayon. A girl named Sally cried and had a pretty laugh. A boy named Evan made people laugh and brought silly sandwiches. Adam played with Lisa and didn't remember much of many people, but he knows that Evan scared him. The boy was so outgoing, he made four year old-Adam shy. Like a turtle hiding in its shell, Mina said.

A few days later she drove him to school listening to Slipknot. Maybe a little too loudly. At lunchtime Evan wandered up to Adam and asked him if he liked Slipknot. Adam had no clue what that was, hunched his shoulders in order to make himself seem smaller and said as much. The older boy just shrugged and said "That's okay. You'll learn to like them.", offered him half of his spaghetti-sandwich and walked off to pester Sally, once Adam sheepishly and silently refused. Adam asked Lisa to draw him a turtle hiding in its shell. He still has the picture.

The next few weeks Evan solemnly offered him half his sandwich every day, unperturbed by constant rejection. It was the only times anyone saw him completely serious. After a few weeks he stopped. So Adam, confused and oddly hurt got up and walked over nervously and offered the older boy half his peanut butter and honey sandwich. Evan beamed and took the gift, thanking him in what would have been an eloquent way, had he not had his mouth full. Thus, Adam had officially been dubbed a "frien" and Evan convinced Joshua to trade places with him in order to sit next to his new buddy. Lisa wasn't happy. She thought Evan was a "bad influence" (no doubt her parents' words and not her own) and Adam lost a friend while he made one.

It turned out to be worth it, if a little exhausting at times. Oh what an adventure it turned out to be.



Here's my brother and he's screwed up in his mind but that's all right. (2004 - Jay's school time. Around 2008/9)


Adam's brother Jay was born when Adam was six. Technically they were only half-brothers, but that mattered to absolutely no one. Jay grew up more or less happy, just as his brother had. The two got on decently from the get-go, probably due to the fact, that Adam was going to school and felt more responsible and mature when he saw his parents had dedicated some of their attention to Jay and were leaving Adam to work on his own. Jay proved to be scientifically interested quite soon, falling in love with children's experiment boxes and things like that. Mina and Vivien always thought it was funny: they were raising an artist and a scientist. Adam at this point was interested in writing. Stories, poems or even TV interested him to no end, so that was what he did. His poems were the most basic of rhymes at that age, but that's normal. His stories were everything from basic to way too elaborate. Brushing teeth turned out to be the most inspirational time of the day, and every day Adam would come away with a new idea for a fully fledged book. He'd get to chapter one at most and Vivien was the only one who ever got to see, and then the next idea would have grasped him. Jay was much more organized. Preparation, execution and aftermath. Sharing a room was... interesting to say the least: Adam came home rather often to see clothes or toys he may have dropped on the wrong side of the bedroom flung onto his bed.

Jay was bullied once he started school. He didn't fit in - too smart, too shy, two mums. And no Lisa or Evan to protect his mind from letting it get to him. Adam had also endured his share of nasty people, but he had Evan and so no one else mattered. Because between his own calmly articulate demeanor and his friend's loud, confident humor they had enough unconventionality and attractiveness to be able to stand through anything. Plus they weren't always disliked, because their jokes could often be quite funny. It was just that they had each other and thus had enough to go through times of popularity and who-are-these-losers together without breaking too much. Jay had no one. And that got to him. Adam tried to help, he really did, and so did Mina, Vivien, Evan, the school counselor. Sometimes it worked, other times it didn't. Children can be as unpredictable, as they can be mean and what might work one day, might not the next.



They say, that teenagers scare the living out of me!




High school was a conundrum of emotions and changes. People began to notice his voice, the way it danced when he talked. And after Evan started loudly telling anyone that would listen how great Adam was at singing, he was somehow convinced into taking lessons. There was a huge disconnect to the art for him, though. He felt like singers just freed their voices from being bound to the earth and let them soar freely and calmly. But that wasn't happening for him. It just wasn't. He couldn't escape the forced-ness of singing and could never relax enough to just let it wash over him. After weeks of whining that no one's ever so concerned or annoyed efforts could stop, Vivien sat Adam down.

"I'm going to play you a song," she said. "And you're going to listen. And then you're going to tell me if his voice was free. Shh, just listen."

So he listened. And it actually helped him sing. Because he finally understood, that you had to be neither free nor even happy to sound genuine when singing.

It was at this point, that Adam realized, that he didn't have any real connection to South Korea. Sure, he had family, but that just made him feel like part of a family and not... korean. One day, when he vented this to Vivien, she took him to the computer and typed in korean music. And because BigBang had recently debuted, they were what came up first. They listened to some of the songs, Vivien liked them. Adam didn't. Because it was Pop. And Pop is by definition inferior to rock. Except a few weeks later he woke up and realized he had had BigBangs song stuck in his head the last three days. A few weeks later, he begrudgingly admitted to himself, that he actually liked something classified as Pop. And after a few weeks he told Evan. Who looked at him and said "That's cool dude. You like what you like." That was how Adams journey into kpop started.

Over time Kpop turned into Adam's spritual connection to the country he had only ever seen on holidays. It wasn't technically his favorite type of music to listen to, but it stayed with him as a constant in his life. There were months, when he went without listening to even one kpop song. But that was okay, because he would always come back to it, or find himself singing it in the hallways. All in all, his feelings for kpop are not deeper, but very different than to other music styles.

When the boys were eleven, Evan got tickets for his and Adam's families to go to Sunday Reading Festival. To see Pearl Jam. ing Pearl Jam. My Chemical Romance were there, too. To say it was great would be such an understatement. Before the concert they met another family with a young boy. The boys name was Jack and he was a year younger than the two. His family was going to move to Reading that year and he would go to their school, albeit a year below them. It was Adam, who decided they would be friends. After all, they liked similar music, were going to go to the same school and it quickly showed that they all loved video games. The friendship was no longer up to debate where the boys were concerned. So they formed their own little gang of three when school started, hung out every break and usually spent their afternoons and evenings at one of their houses. Adams parents were never the most reliable or punctual when it came to picking him up, because they also had Jay to deal with. So he spent many evenings sprawled across his friends' floor, dividing his attention between batteling equations and being obliterated in Mario Kart.




Evan was the oldest out of the trio and when he turned fourteen something seemed to kick in. He got a crush on a girl. Her name was Nicci. She had long, russet hair and celadon eyes - two words, which Adam found on a list of "beatiful names for colors", that were a stupid way of saying that she had reddish brown hair and pale green eyes. He was trying to mimic the soft and fluttering words Evan used to describe her. Evan thought those words were perfect and began using them himself, completely missing that the way his voice would go calmer and melodic, when he spoke of Nicci, made Adams stomach twist in a way he couldn't quite explain. It was disgust, he decided, because love was gross and girls were gross and Evan was being extra gross. Extra, extra gross, in fact, when he started actually talking to Nicci. They flirted in the way only fourteen-year-olds can and Jack quitly sung "I can see what's happ'ning ("what?") and they don't have a clue" at Adam and soon they were men on a mission. Hiding behind any plant they could find (the dumber the hiding place the funnier) and quoting Lion King at each other. Whoever could go the longest without laughing had dibs on the xbox that night. Evan didn't deserve dibs, he was in love.

It was around this time, that Jack decided to join their school's boxing club. Why exactly he felt the need to do that is not clear to this day, but the gang harbour the theory that it might have been inspired by Mortal Kombat. After a few months he was ready to enter his first competition. He was so proud of it when he told the other two, at Evan's house, a week before the event.  And of course they were expected to come along and cheer. Evan and Adam only really knew the movie image of boxing: sleazy rings, bad lighting and sweaty drunk people betting on who would be last to have their head bashed. But because they were best friends they were required to go and in the meantime they could make fun of what was surely to be their early demise. So they made up a cheerleading mantra and were working on the routine, that mainly consisted of awkwardly falling over each other, because they were convinced they were supposed to move in THIS direction and the other was IN THEIR WAY. It probably didn't help, that Jack had decided they should choreograph the whole thing using starboard and port instead of left and right. In hindsight, Jack had really set them up for failure.

The day of the event Evan had spent the whole school day with Nicci. That hadn't happened before, so Adam had chosen to ignore him and focus on homework, as they piled into Jack's parents' car. They drove in silence. Jack was nervous. Adam was drowning himself in homework. Evan was probably thinking about russet and celadon. When they arrived they were herded into a tiny changing room. Evan spent most of his time glaring daggers at the notebook Adam was still focused on. After Jack had changed, his mother pulled him out to the bathroom to give him a tiny pep-talk. Evan was bored. Homework was for normies like his best friend.

"Hey Adam."

No answer.


Silence, as Adam chewed his pencil.

"You should stop doing that. Led can give you cancer." Evan decided to carefully bounce his own pencil off of Adam's head, which finally earned him a reaction. A grunted "what?". Evan was about to repeat his warning of death, when a thought caught him off-guard. Adam's pitch black hair would have been called sable. Before he had noticed, the narrow time-frame in which an answer would not have been awkward had passed, and he was stuck just looking in silence, as sarcastic retorts died in his throat. They were sitting squished together, shoulder to shoulder, thigh to thigh, though Adam had finally turned a little towards him. Sable. Adam looked more confused, now, than exhasperated, which was understandable. After all, he hadn't gotten an answer yet and as Evan couldn't seem to find a sensible thought in his head just then, he probably wouldn't get one. For no reason at all, Evan leaned in and lightly touched their lips together. A second later he pulled away. For a moment the world stopped turning and he wasted a thought on whether this meant anything. No thought had gone into it and it wasn't weird. It didn't mean anything and it wasn't weird.

Adam's confusion looked almost softer, now. "Why?"

Evan shrugged. "You were ignoring me. You should have used erythraean for her hair. Much prettier word."

"How the do you spell that?"

"With A-E-A, see."

Nothing meant anything and it wasn't weird.


Months passed, the boys changed and erythraean was now nothing more than the trump card of scrabble. Sometimes Evan and Adam kissed and it wasn't weird and usually they didn't and that was fine, too. They could go for moths without any sort of tension at all.

Jack had probably noticed. Maybe he hadn't. He never said anything, never made any suggestive jokes. He'd probably noticed. Sometimes they dated girls, which wasn't weird and it wasn't weird that Evan sprawled across Adam during gang movie night sometimes. Nothing meant anything, except maybe for school.



Now I find myself in question, guilty by association.




Then Adam moved. He was fifteen, Jay was nine. Basically Mina's father had gotten sick, so she wanted to move back home to help care for him. So the two women got job offers overseas, organized schools for the boys and off they went. "You can reinvent yourself", they had been told. What they hadn't been told was, that South Korea was an inherently more homophobic country than England and having two mothers might be regarded with a little more scorn than it had been even at home. So while it wasn't necessarily a new start for Jay, who had gotten used to and risen above bullying; it certainly was for Adam. Here, he had no friends to help him out and korean bullying is very different from british. More subtle and far more taboo to talk about. Luckily, both boys were already diligent students, which gave them an advantage when trying to get used to stricter school regimens. Because they had a hard time making friends, they kept their head down and their ears strained in class and learned a lot. Adams evenings were spent with homework, Five Finger Death Punch in one ear and Evan and Jack in the other, their voices ringing with Skype's slightly metallic undertones. Those evenings were the best thing in his life. He loved his friends and he loved learning (most subjects that is) and he enjoyed the campus-feel the school had. Sure, the workload was a lot, but he forced himself to handle it and remain happy. Jack mentioned at some point, that Adam was probably the most mentally strong out of all of them. The topic passed quickly in conversation, but the words stuck with Adam and made him feel very proud indeed.

South Korea's alcohol culture shocked Adam. He had only ever heard the cliche that asians can't hold their liquor, but oh was he in for a surprise. He may have gotten a little too carried away and fell into an alcohol addiction when he was eighteen, that he managed to break out of after nine months, after which he vowed to never drink again.

He went to a JYP audition shortly after he arrived, and although people were nice, he wasn't surprised when he didn't hear back. A little disappointed, yes, but that soon went away when Jack and Evan promised to treat him to dinner and ice cream respectively the next time he visited.

After a few months he tried out for YG and while they liked his voice, it wasn't the style they were looking for at the time, he didn't have enough swag - plus they had just debuted 2ne1 and had all their hands full.




When he was sixteen, he tried JYP again, because why not. He got in that time and had to promise to treat Jack and Evan to dinner and ice cream the next time he visited, which made him far happier than the prospect of spending a lot of money ever should.



Down in the forest we'll sing a chorus that everybody knows.




Adam started his Youtube Channel when he moved to South Korea. It was a place to put cherished memories made when gaming with his friends and to sing covers of songs he liked. When his voice and humor brought the channel some traffic, he began a vlog series, that was reminiscent of Youtube's beginnings: just him talking calmly for a few minutes at a time about some more or less emotional topic. Sharing thoughts. People seemed to enjoy his personality and his channel grew over the years. When he joined JYP, they surprisingly let him keep his channel so long as he never talked about JYP. They were hoping that - should he ever debut - his presence would bring his fanbase to the group. His channel has become heavily monitored though and he's had to play every vlog by an official first, to see that there was nothing controversial.



Walk out to winter, swear I'll be there.




It was Evan, who met Lauren. She was wearing a Twenty One Pilots shirt and even though Evan didn't really like their music, he approached her, because he missed Adam and Adam owned that same shirt, okay? Yeah, in hindsight the logic didn't make sense to him either, but whatever. He invited her to have lunch with him and Jack. She was in Jack's year and even though she was a little intimidated by some of the boy's more abrasive humor, she seemed to get along with them okay. Then she asked Jack to team up for a science project. Working on that was how she ended up at Evan's house one evening. And because it was Adam skyping time, she was dragged on to meet "the shirt guy". She was a little shy, meeting new people and all. He was a little shy, meeting a girl, whom his friends were barely friends with yet. But soon they got talking, exchainged skypenames and hey, being a fan of the same band gives enough of a conversation topic to hold out, till you know the person enough to talk about something else. They soon grew to like each other a little more than anyone would have expected. She was cute and so genuinely nice to people without a hint of sarcasm in her politeness that Adam couldn't help crushing on her.

Now being a Trainee, Adam wasn't allowed to visit England in the holidays. So Jack and Evan had taken it upon themselves to visit Korea a fair amount. When Lauren found out about their newest travel plan, she hopped on board and announced she would go, too.

Quickly judging just HOW happy Adam was to see her, Jack made sure to drag Evan off to some sort of Videogame store, or the cinema, often enough to give their friend some alone time with Lauren. He asked her out within two days and they spent the rest of the first week blushing and smiling and holding hands and the second week pretty much in constant cuddle. They were absolutely disgusting, Evan thought, while Jack just laughed and told him to give them time. Also they weren't making out infront of them, which was something, wasn't it?

The two were perfect for each other and it was obvious for everyone to see. When she talked about being down, he put on love songs and when Adam despaired about his brother being bullied, Lauren was the one there for him to lean into, to hold onto. They meant the world to each other.

Whenever she had to go back to Britain, they kissed see you, rather than kissing goodbye. Evan hated it. Which was weird, because he didn't hate Lauren, she was sweet.

He hated himself for having selfish thoughts.

He hugged his friend goodbye rather than see you, and he hated himself for that, too.




Makes much more sense to live in the present tense.


(now: 2017)


So where does that leave us? Adam is about to mostly abandon his youtube channel in favor of debuting. Jay is in high school.

A few months ago Lauren turned herself into a clinic for depression after considering to commit suicide. That was quite a blow for Adam, who had a hard time not blaming himself for not having been there. She's been cut off from having contact to anyone for a while now and is allowed only a short amount of time on the phone.

Evan and Jack both graduated a while ago. Jack is studying to be a cameraman, while Evan is working hard to collect the credits needed to get into Optometry school.


(soon: 2017/18)


Unbeknownst to Adam, they've organized an international semester for Jack and a spot in Optometry school for Evan in South Korea. So they're going to show up at his doorstep with suitcases pretty soon. Vivien and Mina have said it's okay that they stay with them until they find their own place.


personality TRAITS » + calm + funny + honest + spontaneous - angry - emotional - insecure - mistrusting
PErsonality »


Adam isn't shy, even though he might seem so sometimes. He just cares a lot about what he has to say and this speaks in a very serious manner. He is calm, rather soft-spoken, although very eloquent. He's a good speaker, clever in a soft way, that doesn't harm anyone's ego. Around people he doesn't know his subdued nature shines. The first few days, he tends to test the waters. Find out about their humor, their interests and whether they're spontaneous enough to hit up at two am after training to go out for crepes.


Adam is also resident derp, especially when Evan and Jack are around. The gang's humor isn't always as loud and weird, but it's always present. Playful insults and embarrassing stories create an atmosphere of home and friendship. It also isn't unlikely to walk in on the two boys doing like flinging themselves to the ground, awkwardly flailing their legs in order to propel themselves around, only to jump up, facing the wall in a pose that can only be described as "the frightened lizard", while Jack holds the camera. You see, Evan has spontaneously decided that he is totally unironically the master of breakdance and that he and Adam need to film a youtube tutorial right now.

Minus one for style, minus two for dignity, but plus four for cherished memories - and that's what counts.


He doesn't get angry easily. Most insults are taken with humor or brushed aside, most criticism is mulled over and then either applied or discarded. But if you do hit too close to home, some kind of sore spot, he will get upset. And he isn't quite in control, when he's angry. Sentences he'll regret later are hurled and insults actually mean something for the first time.

Topics to be avoided are things like homophobia, or stigma against mental illness. Adam has dealt with his fair share of insecurities about his looks and most of all about his future. He's been addicted and has been left standing by friends. Thus he has a hard time trusting new people and has to physically force himself to give them a chance. Usually it's worth it.




- Singing. It's great to express yourself.

- Slipknot, Pearl Jam and Twenty One Pilots. The bands brought him together with both of his best friends and his girlfriend. How could they not hold a special place in his heart?

- Watching Boxing tournaments. That started when Jack joined their school's boxing club and Adam and Evan decided to be good little friends and go cheer for him. At first they thought it was silly, but over the course of a few months, they got really into it and had great fun hanging out and hoping Jack wouldn't get his nose broken.

- His family. They're amazing, have raised him well and stand by him. He would do anything for them, especially to protect Jay. His friends. They mean the world to him, if that wasn't obvious enough yet. His girlfriend of three years, Lauren. She's beautiful, sweet, thoughtful and funny.

- Writing. Stories, lyrics, poems. Anything that is self-expression.


- Dancing, when it actually matters. Don't get me wrong - danicing is ing hilarious, as long as you aren't being graded, evaluated or... you  know... watched by millions of fans you want to keep. He tries to put his own silly spin on danicing and just own the fact that he's absolute , but it doesn't always work. He might not be strait as a board, but he certainly is as stiff as one.

- Coffee. Yuck.

- Alcohol. He's had some not so great experiences and only few good ones and dealt with a short addiction, but all in all has sworn to stay sober now.

- Homophobia. Having gay parents and being at least bi-curious himself (whithout ever labeling himself or even taking the time to think about it) it's kind of obvious it might tick him off. He also doesn't understand how the kpop industry can be homophobic while simultaniously marketing  homoual ships to the point of ruining members' friendships.

- unprepared interviews. There are some interviewers, who just do not put in an ounce of research. And after hours of studying and learning, he finds it quite rude that others think there's no point to maybe find out something about the people you're about to meet on national television.


- Ever since having seen the video for Five Finger Death Punch's Wrong Side of Heaven he makes a point in giving a little money to any homeless person he sees. You never know what they might have done before they ended up on the streets.

- giggles or cackles in his sleep. That's lead to some very funny situations in hindsight. This accidental humor has led to Adam saying the first word that comes to his mind in a very matter-of-fact way whenever he enters a room  where a conversation is happening, just in case a funny situation could arise.

"What do you think Got7's next concept will be?"



"Hi, Adam."

- looking down when walking.


- Singing (described in the likes)

- Writing (also described in likes)

- playing video games. He loves single-player games for the stories and multiplayer games for the chance to earn a free lunch from his friends.

- dancing. Whenever it's not important at least. Unbeknownst to him after debut he is caught multiple times on camera bursting out into the stupidest dance ever with friends at some random shopping mall because the music was calling for their sick moves, okay?

- learning. Yeah, I know. Not necessarily always school subjects, but Adam is definetly one of those people, who think that you never stop learning. And he loves it.



- he finds it impossible to name his ideal type. As dating is frowned upon, he can't exactly say MY IDEAL TYPE IS MY GIRLFRIEND HURR DE DURR. So, he's decided to make a big joke out of it: When asked on a show, he gives a different answer each time. "My ideal type is a girl, who *list of so many features, that it couldn't possibly be a real person anymore*". "My ideal type is Jinx from League of Legends, because she knows how to have fun and doesn't wear a lot." "My ideal type can do a headstand for twenty minutes." "My ideal type is Macklemore." It's become such an inside joke between him, the fandom and reporters, that he gets the question at every single interview. Sometimes he'll name any random fellow Universal Ruler and try to make them uncomfortable for the rest of the show.

- His favorite food is lasagna. If you call him Garfield Evan will hit you for stealing his joke.

- He's really confused by korean table manners. What do you mean you  just stuff the whole thing in your mouth? How? (he said that on a show and only moments later realized how bad that sounded and asked for it not to be taken out of context.)

- Despite the gang not being entirely straight, they still label things like cuddeling as "gay". They're not trying to degrade the term, they're just finding the most inoffensive offensive term they could use - because none of them would ever actually care whether they were gay or not. Also, they apply or parody the no-homo rule. If used in the right circumstances, it can send the boys in to histerical laughter.

- His favorite youtuber is Sovietwomble, which is convenient because Womble UPLOADS LIKE ONLY ONCE A MONTH and Adam doesn't have much time to spend on Youtube.



FAMILY » Hope you read the cheatsheet.



-Jay (ft. Lewis MacDougall) : Halfbrother : 16

Personality : Jay is very mature, maybe a little too mature for a sixteen-year-old. He had to endure the same kind of bullying, snide comments and pitying glances as Adam, except he was only nine when they moved to South Korea. Not to mention he's been of a different race than almost anyone around him since he was nine, too. At first it got him recognition, which he reveled in, but when they found out about the two mothers thing, it got bad. It only took Jay two months or being angry at his parents and rebelling, to realize that it wasn't their fault. Love is love and no one should be put down for something they can't control. Adam tried to help out, but in the end it was Jay's own resolve to hold his head high and do the best he could on his own. Now, at sixteen he's quite independant, helps out at home, does his homework and is aiming for a ivy-league-style college in either South Korea or any english speaking country. He isn't sure what he wants to do, but is leaning towards programming, possibly robotics.

Adam is worried, that Jay is loosing sight of happiness, though. You shouldn't need to be that mature and serious at sixteen, especially not if no one is asking you to. You should be able to loosen up and joke around at that age and take the world a little lighter.

Relationship: Adam tries to be the best older brother to Jay, that he possibly can be. Offering advice, that isn't always wanted or even needed, being there whenever needed and also trying to get him to cheer up. He's incredibly proud of his brother's aspirations ("If one of us is going into art, someone needs to make the money, right?") and tries to support him where he can.

Of course, Adam also worries too much and attempts to force a good mood whenever his brother's around, in order to offer him a refuge from the serious world he seems to live in.


-Mina : Mother : 50

Personality : Mina is probably the stricter mother. She's the one that makes sure the kids do their homework until they're old enough to take care of that on their own. But genereally she is quite nice, too and conversations can be a lot of fun.

Relationship: They have a pretty good relationship.


-Vivien : non-biological Mother : 46

Personality : Vivien is a little more lax than Mina, if only a little. Neither of them are thaat strict and focus more on being supportive, but all in all she tries to make sure the boys have some fun, too.

Relationship: They have a good relationship, too.


Friends »



-Jack (ft. K.J Apa) : best friend. : 22

Personality : Jack is the perfect mid-way-point between Evan's mess and Adams calmness. Jack's mind is full of malicious joy and he thoroughly enjoys his friends making fools of themselves (as long as no one tries to make fun of them for it in a mean-spirited way.) He's usually one to sit on the sidelines and offer suggestions of what stupid they could get up to next, knowing full well that Evan will go through with almost anything that doesn't hurt anyone and that Adam will probably be pulled along. Jack's quite cunning actually.

Relationship: Best friends. The gang isn't going to get rid of each other any time soon, even though Adam tried to put an ocean between them. It was a sensible attempt to get rid of them, but Jack simply put the money for video games aside to save up for regular plane tickets. Skype is free, luckily, and so are Discord and TeamSpeak and already owned video games. So it was just a matter of getting used to slight lag when telling Adam that he at any random video game and a matter of waiting a  moment before hearing the obligatory "oh off", back.



-Celine (ft. Arden Cho) : friend and ally, Jack's future : 22

Personality : Celine is a sweetheart. In fact she'll be Jack's sweetheart and Adam and Evan's friend, which means she must have near inexhaustable patience. Her happiness will mesh well with the boys' energy and toghether they will be an absolute pleasure to be around, provided you can deal with their antics. She's trying hard not to be a female steriotype, though. Petite and cutesy, she's working on getting more quick-witted and Jack will be an excellent trainer. Having grown up without siblings and mostly with  non-confrontational friends, she isn't very fluent in playfull sass yet, but she's working on it. Some of her retorts are still somewhat cringey but her friends know she's trying and encourage her where they can.

Relationship: Celine and Adam met during their Trainee years. Turns out she had seen his youtube content and liked it enough to recognize him. So she kind of decided she'd be his friend. He was a bit suspicious at first, but as it turned out, she had already put two and two together and figured out he had two mothers and was okay with it. She stuck around him until he warmed up enough to let her be his friend. They've grown together more over time and are now both allies and friends.



-Lauren Jesse (ft. Lucy Hale): girlfriend : 21

Personality : Lauren is sweet. Her humor is bubbly and silly. She's a little shy and not very self confident. She's dealt with on and off depression for a good three years, now, and is frightened that she'll never amount to anything. But she does her best not to play into the cliche of pushing people away, and actually being nice to everyone. Sometimes that makes her a little naive and it's come back to haunt her once or twice but she tries not to let it cloud her judgement of new people she meets and to trust them.
Relationship: Trusting Adam was probably one of the best descisions she's made. They're basically the perfect couple. While they do fight sometimes, it's never anything major and they do their best to have forgiven each other before going to bed, because sleeping on a fight is not a good idea. She's there for him and he's there for her. They've been together for three years, now.


-Jason Ju : you seem cool : 23

Personality : Ask Jackson.

Relationship: Even though Jason has been a constant in Adam's trainee life, they're only slightly more than class mates. They have really silly relationships with their close friends and they (unbeknownst to each other) have both had problems with bullying. All in all they should be great friends. Too bad, they were always comfortable in their respective bubbles - at least enough so, to never really get to know the other. That's going to change, though, now that they're debuting. Give them time.


Rivals »

- Kim Jisoo: (pretend) rival : 22

Personality : Jisoo is quite the moodmaker. Joking around and being playful, she's definetly fun to be around.

Relationship: At some point Adam had told Sana and Momo that he thought Jisoo was cool. Not realizing she was good friends with Sana, he hadn't thought the information would be passed on. When the two first met, after Universal Rulers' debut, Jisoo just decided to pretend like she already knew him and he had pissed her off in some way. So with a glint in her eye, just un-subtle eough for Adam to catch, she pretended to be mad at him. When she turned and walked off, the others asked him what had just happened. There were four words in his mind at the time: go with the joke. So he began weaving a story of what had happened, making sure she was in earshot, so their stories wouldn't contradict each other. The next time they met it was her turn to explain, so she took what he had said and added on some nonsense. Basically they're slowly spinning this elaborate story, that's turning from likely to ridiculous and people will soon realize that it's complete bull. But they're having fun.


CELEBRITY CRUSH » chose one. everyone has one. chose someone perfered from JYP, an actor/actress, or solo singer. you can also have the option not to have one!

-Nayeon (Twice) : i've never spoken to you, but you danced in a pumpkin and i like your hair. : 22

Personality : She seems quite nice. A little shy and very polite, but nice enough. (tbh I know all about her, but I figured it'd be okay because Adam doesn't either lol)

Relationship: She's beautiful and that's really all Adam knows about her. He's talked to her maybe twice during training but before TT came out, he hadn't really noticed her. But he liked the Halloween astetic and remembers Evan (who was visiting for Halloween) pointing out Sana, Adam finding Nayeon's hair better. The two boys got into a heated mock-debate about which girl was better, that started with a two minute presentation of each side's arguments and ended with a wresteling match on the carpet.

Adam is now sufficiently awkward around Nayeon and no-one knows why. Except for Evan who does wiggly eyebrows and elbow nudges and giggles whenever she's around.


-Min Yoongi (BTS) : you're open about mental illness. thank you. also, you're cute : 24

Personality : He's cool and veeery laid back. A good rapper and a person to be respected.

Relationship: They've never met. Adam holds an insane amount of respect for Yoongi ever since August D dropped, as he dared to speak out about mental illness in such a stigma-riddled country. (Also Yoongi is really beautiful and a talented rapper.) Adam really has nothing but respect for the man and is planning to tell him as much, should they ever meet. (He also basically sees Bang Yongguk in the same light.)



PLOTLINE » the Jack chose the plotline you liked. position option is below.

Back-up plotline » the Spade or the Knight

trainee background » 6 years under JYP. He never got into any other company.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE » Adam was a youtuber for the longest time, doing song covers, silly vlogs and video editing.

how'd you get in? » He decided to drop by the auditions in London one day and was not surprised to never hear back from them. So he tried for YG once they moved to South Korea, but probably just didn't have enough spunk to get in. Eventually he tried again for JYP and was so surprised he got in he thought his korean had ed up and he was misreading.

TRAINEE LIFE » Adam learned quickly from his High School experience and made sure to never mention his parents to the other Trainees. (He told the officials about them right away, so that no one could kick him out later down the line when he was already in debt because "they didn't know".) He just didn't want to be bullied again, especially not for reasons so far out of his control. Adam didn't have many friends, mainly because he's just the kind of person, that has a small friend group. He wasn't picked on, either. Turns out no one really gives a about you if you're a nice person.

Adam Wright got into JYP for his singing, his background on Youtube (experience and fanbase) and possibly his looks. While that is enough to make it in Boygroup-world, if you actually want to stay relevant, you need to have at least one other relevant skill. And he didn't. Despite constant training and even Skype-dancing lessons from Evan and Jack, it didn't really work. (Jack can dance decently, as it turns out. Evan can't dance for , by the way. It was more a you're better at sports than me so let's try and learn this choreography together, so that we can keep our mood up by laughing at each other, insted of me despairing alone-situation.)

He was also quite self-concious about his rapping "skills". Starting at zero, he tried to forget about it outside of the lessons. Basically Jay had to scold him for running from his problems rather than trying to rise above them, for him to start working on it. Trust me, once you've been lectured by a sixteen year old on how to run your life, you might start changing things.

Even though Adam was in healthy shape when he joined JYP, once he finished his education, they decided to put him on a diet. They waited until he had finished school, because they didn't want him making less progress due to possible side effects. Everyone was upset about the ordered diet, but Adam decided to try anyway, much to the dismay of everyone that cared about him. He just figured that at that moment JYP had no reason to keep him. Yes he had a good voice and a decent face, but that wasn't enough to give him enough leverage to be able to over-rule the descision. His health deteriorated, fast. From throwing up in the morning, turning it into a joke by claiming pregnancy, to blacking out in the gym multiple times and getting a ty side job for a few months, in order to be able to pay his own hospital bills, it was not a good situation. The job just added stress and unhappiness until eventually Adam was worn down enough to simply nod when his family and friends implored him to stop this bull. So he dragged himself to their noutritionist, who finally agreed he could eat normally again.


persona » Jack Frost. (Because of his fanclub being the Jacks of all trades, Adam decided to be Jack Frost. Because that is a character, that has been portrayed both as a fun-loving earnest trixter, which is both fun and relatively accurate; and a colder villain, which could be a fun concept to mess around with in songs with darker concepts. Which is interesting, to say the least. Basically the name leaves a lot to interpreatation, as this character has been shown to be very versatile and Adam want's to show that there are many interesting aspects that make up his person.)

Stage name » N/A

Position » face of the group, main vocal

Back-up Position » visual, maknae (b), triple threat

fanclub name » the jacks of all trades. Totally not stolen from Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book. Adam's the Jack, right? And his fanclub name would have been "Jacks" by default. The villains of The Graveyard  Book are all different Jacks like Jack Dandy or Jack Frost.

fanclub color » It's pure white. Like the snow Jack Frost can conjure up, but also because white includes all colors and they are the jacks of all trades and everyone should be included. #ffffff  (<- I swear I actually highlighted that.)


past events »

- Got7 Girls Girls Girls :  He was one of the guys hanging out and awkwardly bopping to the beat. He's also the guy face planting into a window on the right in the beginning... : Why? Because they needed someone and Adam was available. Plus, they tried to show his face as little as possible because he was a youtuber aftera ll.

- Twice Like Ooh Aah :  he got to be a zombie : Who wouldn't want to be a zombie.

- Memorycorner :  that's his youtube channel


future events »

- Guest-hosts a few episodes of After School Club :  Kevin and Jae : Jimin was away to promote 15&, so he got the spot.

- Contestant on We Are In Love (providing that show's still going, I couldn't find any info...) :  with Shin Jimin of AOA : The show apparently approached JYP, asking if they had any stars willing to participate.

- more tba if I can think of anything


solo album/cover »

Cover Song : One more Light or Whish you were here or Friend, please for Lauren (if we're going with the depression plot. I'm sorry I absolutely can not decide between the three songs, one being about suicide and the other about a friend lost to madness and three about a depressed friend. You guys decide, please.)

If we're not going with that plot (if it was too dark and the cheating plotline is chosen instead this wouldn't make much sense. In that case I'd go for Kitchen Sink as a message to himself and any fan that might be going through .


scandals »

- Is Universal Rulers' Adam an alcoholic? : Basically Adam will be spotted drinking with Jack and Evan after Lauren leaves him. Usually he'd make sure to not drink in public, in order to protect his image. To be fair, he'd usually make sure not to drink at all, concidering his past with alcohol isn't the best. So fotos start surfacing of him getting drunk in some bar. They've done their work: some old classmate takes to twitter to explain that Adam drunk a lot around graduation. Which is a problem, obviously. It takes a toll on his reputation, but even more so on his already precarious mental state. After all, he had vowed to never drink again and the fotos were merely a reminder of not being able to stick to his own principles. In an attempt to recover he asked JYP permission to revive his vlogging format on his youtube channel. So he uploads a video, just him talking into the camera. But it's not as calm as his videos used to be: you can tell he's emotionally shaken. He exposes his own old addiction, but lays the focus on the fact, that he recovered and got out of it. Now, he relapsed because he lost a person very close to his heart for a very sad and preventable reason. He says it was a one-time thing and thanks the author of the article for giving him a wake-up call, because alcohol is a rabbit hole he does not want to fall into. He explains his loss had blinded him, but he can see again now and ends the video with a thought: maybe it's more helpful to help people with addictions, rather than shaming them. Maybe it would help everyone, to reach out a helping hand.

This wins most fans back over, because a scandal was handled without name-calling or ignoring of problems, with focus on the good aspects and a plea for positive change. Still Adam's reputation remains a little tarnished in some peoples' eyes, because a kpop star should never have had any problems like that.

- Adam Wrights dating scandal : Adam is caught leaning into Evan backstage. Ohmygerd are they dating? No they aren't. JYP delivers an official statement, that they've been friends forever and skinship is a little more normal in England. Even though the scandal is already cleared, Adam takes to youtube, because really, the way their friendship began is a funny story, that JYP suggested for him to make a video on. So he tells the sandwich story, laughing at his own shyness and Evan's messed up sandwiches. He shows a few pictures from elementary school and the fondness that radiates from his demeanor can only mean old friendship right? The general consensus is, that the boys are really just good friends. (Very shippable good friends, if you ask the fangirls. Jack starts "accidentially" leaving fanfiction around the flat, because he finds huge amusement in Adam and Evans uncomfortable smirks once they realize what that random paper is.) The whole thing is resolved in a great way, according to the public.

- BLACKPINK's Jisoo and Universal Rulers' Adam don't actually hate each other : Jisoo and Adams pretended feud had been hinted at in public for a while - mainly by confused mutual friends. Then one of them broke and told the full story, that unfortunately wasn't quite ridiculous enough yet to be laughed of. So Jisoo was asked in an interview if what had happened between them was true. She said yes. She said she confronted him about it two months ago. He had gotten mad and had threatened her, but she had simply whistled and an army of laser-sharks had descended from the heavens and taken care of him. That's why he was replaced by a hologram. (this ties into the whole missing member thing I detailed in scene suggestions.) At this point it's pretty clear that it's all nonsense. They continue to take playful jabs at each other, now that everyone knows they actually like each other. When asked to rank Universal Rulers' members in terms of looks, Adam will do as asked and add onto the end "and the least good looking is Kim Jisoo." A wink and a grin towards the camera, daring her to strike back. "My ideal type is someone who's a hard worker. Also anyone who isn't Adam Wright." And so on and so forth.


social media »

- youtube : youtube.com/memorycorner

- twitch : youtube.com/memorycornerlive

twitter : twitter.com/memorycorner

instagram : instagram.com/memorycorner


the one and only.

love interest » Evan Hall (ft. Freddie Highmore)

- nickname : who and why?

- any swearword under the sun : Used by whom? Adam. Why? Because he isn't creative enough to come up with like damsel. But anything from the more traditional or er, down to more interesting choices like dolt and dimbwit are fun. Adam usually goes for the silly choices, because they're more fun to say and have less potential to hurt.


backup love interest » Lauren Jesse

- Lor : He's the only one that uses this.


CURRENT STATUS? » Adam is in a relationship. Evan is single.

Adam thinks Evan is as straight, as a guy that sometimes kisses his male friend can be.

Evan is suspicious Adam might be bi, because there have been so many hints, okay?


Lauren will be released from the clinic a few months after Adams debut. She'll contact him a last time to tell him, that he's been nothing short of lovely and she appreciates everything he's stood by her through. But she thinks it's cleverer for her to move on from absolutely everything to try and be happy. She's afraid he'd remind her of her bad times and pull her down again, because she feels like she didn't deserve him. He tries to convince her that they can do it, but she's already made up her mind, that they'll be happier without each other.

(Alternatively, should this whole plot with the clinic be too dark, you could just say she couldn't handle the distance and cheated on him or something.)


personality » Evan is... difficult to deal with sometimes. He's the kind of guy who has quite out-there humor, that can easily weird people out. If you don't know him well, he is full of contradictions. Rather good-looking, he knows how to dress in a sophisticated manner and speak like everyone is already listening. He also waddles up and down the carpet, spitting bits of apple as he belts the Spice Girls. He's studied organic chemestry, accumulating the credits he needed to get into Optometry. He's taken it upon himself to troll spam-emails, James Veitch style, in his free time. Once he cares about you, he turns loyal and will do literally anything to defend you. Unless you joke about his height, then he WILL hit you (jokingly). He acts rather impulsively and rarely considers consequences of his actions. This also means that he's totally willing to let other people's actions go and attribute no meanting to them.

If he cares about you and a serious situation arrises, he will be considerate and rational, though. He's known to occasionally spout incredibly poetic statements.


HOWD YOU MEET? » Slipknot and sandwiches, baby.


RELATIONSHIP » These two have grown up together. That leaves them with plenty of embarrassing stories and cherished memories. Their chat log consists mainly of memes and they constantly show each other new songs they found. If a video game has multiplayer one of them has already made a lobby. When they lived in the same country they spent all the time they could together and judging by the fact, that they haven't gotten bored of each other yet, they assume they never will. They have so much to talk about. And things that are never talked about and probably never will be. That's mostly stolen kisses in moments alone during the four years before Adam brought Lauren into their lives. Still, moments of tension are never discussed and - surprisingly - never even really thought about by either of them. They're friends and that gives far less headaches and confusion and it's just so much easier not to think.


IN THE END... » They should end up together eveeeeeentually. A reeeeally slow burn. After all, the possibility of them getting together will be put on hold by Adam only slowly getting over Lauren, by his TVshow relationship with Jimin and also by the resolution of their scandal: announcing to the public that YOU'RE JUST FRIENDS isn't the best way to admit feelings now, is it?







- I'll add this when more apps are out..



- I'll add this when more apps are out.



- (collab with EveryJae6) Honestly that'd have to be Grace Park. Our Club. I don't think she likes me much and I don't get it. We never really talked during Training, even though we trained for a similar amount of time. I remember once, farely shortly after she started, I saw her dance. She was practicing quite hard, but honestly just wasn't great. Though I'm not one to talk, right? And I know that, so I jokingly offered to teach her to dance. Because obviously I dance like absolute garbage and would be no help at all. Okay, not my best joke, but I don't think she got it. At all. She got pissed and threw me out of the room. I don't know if somebody told her something bad about me, or if she thought I was actually a good dancer making fun of her. Anyway, she's been avoiding me ever since. I guess she just doesn't like  me and that's okay. Though it's unfortunate, that we ended up in one group...



- I'll add this when more apps are out.



- My role at the dorm? Oh boy. I'm not sure that's so easily defined. People are complicated, you know... I'm a bit of a jokester, a bit of a slob, a writer, an older brother and a friend. Just like in real life.



- I think the fact that I'm a youtuber and am as such very used to expressing my thoughs infront of a camera makes things a little easier for me. I'm a little scared that I'll be too serious for variety shows sometimes, though. Since we're such an international group, I guess my nationality and accent set me appart easily, too. I'm not used to slang as much and things like table manners are just different.



- Too many. But if I told, they wouldn't be secrets anymore. And what fun would that be?


last words.

comments/suggestions » Hi hello I'm a ing idiot. I had thought the whole "character must be half asian"-thing was from a different applyfic and had fallen in love with Dylan O'Brian (his look from american assassin) for the Adam. But oh well...


scene requests » hooo boy these are going to be long. I hope you guys don't mind!

  • Universal's fans later make up the joke to hold up blank posters, because if you write in Adam's fanclub color, obviously it doesn't show up. So if you go to a Universal concert and see a blank space on a colorful poster listing seven of eight  members, you know these fans aren't simply forgetting a member, they were actually being particularely attentive.
    Thus, Evan dubs Adam the missing member and - upon finding another member not logged out of their twitter, Jack tweets out some cryptic like "in memory of Adam", "may the snow remind us of its mmissing creator #rememberadam". When some fans start showing legit concern the tweets are deleted. But Adam decides to roll with it and takes to instagram to post a video of himself looking serene while his friends are cracking up in the background, captioned "in memory of Adam Wright the company has created a hologram of our beloved member. However, do not mention it to Universal, please, as they have decided to accept their loss and try and move on."
    The next few variety shows he wanders around in the background awkwardly while the members and interviewers pretend to be heartbroken while trying their hardest not to laugh.
    JYP himself decides to take the joke to the next level by deciding that Adam now has to die in every music video. Which is fine in action-themed MVs, but you have to get a little more creative in cutesy love songs.
    Adam's favorite MV was the one he was allowed to tease by tweeting out #deathbycabbage. Because how do you even do that?
  • When Lauren leaves Adam, he relapses into drinking. Jack and Evan have the best idea ever, which isn't to stop him, but to get faced with him. The mood turns as contentedly relaxed as my girlfriend just left me and I can't deal with it can be, Jack falls asleep and Adam kisses Evan. (nooot in public anymore). Which has never happened before. It was always the other way around. They end up making out until Jack stirs and because they're so used to nothing changing... nothing changes. (Yet. Because they're ing idiots who haven't figured out that there's feelings involved.)
  • Adam and Grace clear up their misunderstanding and end up becoming great friends. Almost as great as their meme battles. Their social media is going to be fun...
  • possibly more to be added

password » universal rulers


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